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International Monetary Fund. Monetary and Capital Markets Department
This paper provides assessment of the crisis preparedness and management framework of Montenegro. The banking sector dominates the financial system and accounts for about 90 percent of financial system assets, equivalent to about 93 percent of GDP as of June 2015. In 2010 the Financial Stability Council (FSC) was established to maintain financial system stability and avoid financial distress. FSC members are the Central Bank of Montenegro (CBM) governor (chair), the minister of finance, the president of the Insurance Supervision Agency Council, and the Securities and Exchange Commission president. The CBM functions as the de facto resolution authority for banks.
International Monetary Fund. Monetary and Capital Markets Department
This paper examines the current state of nonperforming loans (NPLs) in Montenegro, assesses the regulatory and supervisory framework as well as the insolvency and creditor rights regime, and makes recommendations for strengthening the framework. The paper evaluates the legal, regulatory, and supervisory regimes in four key areas: (1) creditor rights and enforcement systems (for secured and unsecured credit); (2) debt recovery and informal enterprise workout practices; (3) formal insolvency system (liquidation and reorganization proceedings); and (4) effectiveness of the relevant institutional, regulatory, and supervisory frameworks in implementing laws, regulations, and supervisory requirements in this area. The local and regional boom-bust cycle has left a legacy of high NPLs in Montenegro.
International Monetary Fund. Monetary and Capital Markets Department
This paper focuses on the important issues of Montenegro economy which are as follows: microfinancial setting, financial system resilience, financial oversight, resolution of nonperforming loans, and financial safety nets. Montenegro is still dealing with the aftermath of the collapse of the lending boom in 2008. Economic momentum has accelerated in 2015, but there are numerous downside risks. System-wide solvency and liquidity indicators appear broadly sound, but significant pockets of vulnerabilities exist among domestically owned banks. Decisive action to deal with weak banks is critical for preserving financial stability. While the legal, regulatory, and supervisory frameworks for banking and insurance sector have markedly improved since 2006 Financial Sector Assessment Program, further progress is required.
International Monetary Fund
The new government of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia has formulated and started to implement an ambitious program of stabilization and reform with impressive speed and commitment. The program provides for macroeconomic policies designed to reduce inflation and support reconstruction coupled with bold reforms. The policy achievements so far have been impressive. Prudent policies alone cannot ensure progress toward sustainable growth and external viability. The program sets the basis for the country in achieving sustainable output growth and a viable external position.