Europe > Montenegro

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International Monetary Fund
Montenegro is undergoing rapid credit growth in the context of heavy foreign bank presence and euro use. However, the rate of credit expansion is testing the limits of banks’ capacity to underwrite loans prudently and maintain adequate buffers. Rapid credit growth is now also posing supervisory challenges, despite relatively strong financial sector regulation and supervision. The recommended policy response is a mix of prudential strengthening required to address risks emanating from rapid credit growth, and measures to address specific vulnerabilities.
International Monetary Fund
At the time of the 2005 review of the IMF's transparency policy, it was agreed that information on key trends in implementation of the transparency policy would be circulated to the Board regularly, along with lists indicating the publication status of reports discussed by the Board. The set of tables provided in this report updates the last Key Trends with information on documents published through December 2007. An update will continue to be issued annually to the Executive Board.
International Monetary Fund. External Relations Dept.
Solicitud de fortalecimiento del FMI, Perspectivas de crecimiento mundial, Strauss-Kahn asume como nuevo Director Gerente del FMI, Comunicado del CMFI, Globalización, Ciclo económico mundial, flujos de capital, Seminarios durante las Reuniones Anuales, Perspectivas de la economía asiática, Perspectivas de economía africana, Notas breves.