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International Monetary Fund. Fiscal Affairs Dept.
This technical assistance mission assessed Kiribati’s agricultural output price scheme that subsidizes the production of copra (dried coconut). The mission estimates that subsidies in 2023 amounted to 7.8 percent of GDP. The scheme’s technical and allocative inefficiencies, incidence in rural areas, and high fiscal cost, could be mitigated in the short- and medium term, by scaling back the subsidies, replacing them in part with cash transfers and public goods provision in the outer islands, securing fiscal savings in the process, and introducing competitive elements in the copra value chain.
International Monetary Fund. Asia and Pacific Dept
The 2024 Article IV Consultation with Kiribati discusses that the economy strengthened after the removal of all coronavirus disease 2019 restrictions in the second half of 2022. Kiribati is among the most vulnerable countries to the effects of climate change. Infrastructure gaps compound already challenging constraints imposed by distance and dispersion, limiting the development of the private sector in the state-dominated economy, and cementing its reliance on imports, especially for essential commodities such as food and fuel. IMF team recommended initiating an ambitious fiscal consolidation effort through scaling back recurrent spending and strengthening the fiscal policy framework. It is also imperative to implement structural reforms to raise private sector employment and investment, enhance export competitiveness, close infrastructure and human capital gaps, expand financial access, better utilize natural resources, and strengthen institutions and governance. Additionally, it is required to continue capacity development to produce high-quality statistics in a timely manner to support data-driven policy formulation.
International Monetary Fund. Asia and Pacific Dept
This Selected Issues paper focuses on a case study on copra subsidy in Kiribati. The copra subsidy, disbursed as a minimum support price, is a major part of the social safety net in Kiribati. The subsidy has multiple purposes—including as a means to transfer resources to the outer islands and to stem migration to the capital. The horizontal diversification model shows that a higher subsidy on copra diverts production and labor towards copra but lowers overall income. The vertical diversification model demonstrates how a subsidy on a primary product increases its supply but reduces production of the final good. Considering the benefits, the government could boost the subsidy’s efficiency, replace the scheme with a poverty-targeted social assistance program, or impose a cap on payments. Development partners, including the IMF and the World Bank, stand ready to provide support in both areas as needed.
International Monetary Fund. Asia and Pacific Dept
The 2023 Article IV Consultation with Kiribati discusses that the recovery is expected to gain momentum in 2023. Real gross domestic product growth is projected at 2.5 percent in 2023, as economic activities return to a more normal state with the resumption of large infrastructure projects and improved weather conditions. The authorities’ strategy to boost export competitiveness and promote private sector development is encouraging and needs to be further augmented with robust structural reforms. Continued efforts to build statistical capacity will facilitate data-based policymaking. The authorities need to strengthen institutional capacity to produce high-quality national accounts, government finance statistics, and financial sector data in a timely manner to support sound economic management. It is encouraging that the authorities plan to implement the IMF’s Enhanced General Data Dissemination System by publishing economic data on a National Summary Data Page, which will help improve the availability of timely statistics.
International Monetary Fund. Asia and Pacific Dept
The Selected Issues paper focuses on climate change in Kiribati. This note summarizes the main ways in which climate change may negatively affect the economy of Kiribati. It then shows how Kiribati may cope with these negative effects by implementing adaptation projects, as well as by contributing to global mitigation efforts. Finally, the note describes some issues related to climate finance and how authorities of Kiribati may direct their efforts in the most productive way to ensure that climate-related projects obtain the proper financial backing and are carried out to fruition in a timely fashion. Leveraging climate finance effectively is critical to ensure Kiribati implements climate projects. Introducing renewable energy is one of the most effective ways to achieve emissions reductions for Kiribati. Besides renewable energy, other non-price-based instruments can be deployed for climate mitigation. Above all, international cooperation is crucial to help Kiribati overcome climate threats. The impact of climate change is far beyond the ability of any countries to cope with it alone, not to mention small atoll islands like Kiribati.
International Monetary Fund
This paper presents a Management Implementation Plan (MIP) with actions to take forward the Board-endorsed recommendations from the Independent Evaluation Office (IEO)’s report on IMF Engagement with Small Developing States (SDS). The actions in the MIP are broad in scope, touching on all modalities of the Fund’s engagement with SDS, and seek to be comprehensive, self-reinforcing, cost-effective, and designed to be adopted as a package. The MIP aims to support a targeted and effective recalibration of engagement with SDS; enhance IMF’s surveillance and capacity development in SDS members; strengthen the Fund’s lending engagement with SDS, in line with the applicable policy frameworks; and secure an effective, well-tailored and more continuous staff presence in SDS.
International Monetary Fund. Asia and Pacific Dept
Growth has been strong in recent years and some moderation is expected, with risks skewed to the downside. High fishing revenues improved the fiscal position, but generated pressure to increase spending. There has been progress on fiscal and structural reforms. Yet, public spending needs are large, driven by an infrastructure gap and climate adaptation costs, and the country remains at high risk of debt distress.