Western Hemisphere > Haiti

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International Monetary Fund. Western Hemisphere Dept.
Recent developments. Haiti is facing exceptionally challenging circumstances. The deteriorating security environment, which reached crisis proportions in the first few months of 2024, has continued to worsen, disrupting supply chains (particularly energy and basic services) and feeding inflationary pressures. In November 2024, Haiti's transitional Presidential Council designated Prime Minister Alix Didier Fils-Aimé to form a new government with a time-bound mandate through next elections. The government has a narrow but important window of opportunity to implement reforms that could help restore the country’s potential over the medium term.
Rabah Arezki
Youssouf Camara
Patrick A. Imam
, and
Kangni R Kpodar
We explore the effect of (big) shocks on the allocation of (bilateral) aid using natural disasters as natural experiments. We find that aid commitment statistically significantly increases following natural disasters, and that humanitarian aid precedes structural aid. While we find that the average effect is quantitatively significant, poorest countries or countries faced with most damaging natural disasters do not receive the most aid. We find no evidence that foreign aid commitment disburses faster following natural disasters. Further explorations into the mechanisms driving aid in disaster countries point to the importance of political alignment with (major) donors in recipient countries with low state capacity.