Western Hemisphere > Guatemala

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Jean-Baptiste Gros
Christophe HĂ©mous
Noel Gallardo
Martha E Cubillo
Eduardo Aldunate
Jorge Baldrich
Rui Monteiro
, and
Margarita Rosas
In order to improve the efficiency of their capital investment and improve the access of the population to high-quality infrastructure, the Finance Ministry and the Planning general secretariate SEGEPLAN requested an IMF mission to apply: (i) the public investment management assessment (PIMA) methodology, developed by the Fiscal Affairs Department (FAD), to identify strengths and weaknesses in Guatemala’s public investment management and (ii) the Climate PIMA (C-PIMA) module to ensure climate change mitigation and adaptation are appropriately addressed in the public investment cycle. The mission proposed an action plan to improve public investment management.
International Monetary Fund. Western Hemisphere Dept.
The 2024 Article IV Consultation discusses that Guatemala has continued to maintain its solid track record of macroeconomic policies, with economic growth moderating to an estimated 3.5 percent in 2023 and consumer price index inflation and inflationary pressures decelerating from a 9.9 percent peak year-on-year in February 2023 to 3.6 percent in June 2024, within the monetary policy target. The Guatemalan economy continues to show stability and soundness thanks to a legacy of prudent monetary and fiscal policies. The country's outlook remains favorable, with risks skewed to the downside. With hefty investment needs, Guatemala will need to boost revenue while bolstering the quantity and quality of spending. Higher growth and absorption of capital flows into the country requires gradual strengthening of the monetary and exchange rate policy frameworks. An inclusive and sound financial sector guided by prudential principles should further support Guatemala’s economic development efforts.