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International Monetary Fund. Western Hemisphere Dept.
Through end-June 2024, Grenada’s economy was experiencing sustained strong growth supported by buoyant tourism, moderating inflation, and a narrowing current account deficit. A surge in Citizenship-by-Investment (CBI) revenue supported a strong improvement in budget balances, a build-up of government deposits, and a reduction in public debt. On July 1, Hurricane Beryl caused damage in excess of 16 percent of GDP on the Grenadian islands of Carriacou and Petite Martinique, as well as in the northern parishes of the main island, affecting around 15 percent of the population. In response, the authorities triggered the suspension of fiscal rules to permit temporary deficit spending in support of the recovery and reconstruction.
Petr Jakubik
The technical assistance aimed to build capacity to monitor and assess systemic risk for non-bank financial institutions in the Grenada Authority for the Regulation of Financial Institutions (GARFIN). The mission underlined the need to clarify the macroprudential mandate and cooperation with the ECCB to conduct the macroprudential work accordingly. A potential extension of the existing Annual Report and Accounts covering key financial stability indicators and their assessment could be considered. It further highlighted the need to revise the existing reporting templates to reflect systemic risk better. Finally, the important role of the data management system was underlined.