Western Hemisphere > Dominica

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International Monetary Fund. Statistics Dept.
A technical assistance (TA) mission on external sector statistics (ESS) was conducted to the Central Statistics Office (CSO) of Dominica as part of the Caribbean Regional Technical Assistance Centre (CARTAC) work program on ESS. The mission focused on addressing data gaps and improving statistical techniques for travel exports and direct investment to enhance the accuracy of the balance of payments (BOP) and the international investment position (IIP) and reduce net errors and omissions. In addition, the revised 2023 BOP that will be disseminated in December 2023 was reviewed.
International Monetary Fund. Western Hemisphere Dept.
The 2024 Article IV Consultation discusses that the Dominican economy has recovered strongly following the pandemic shock. Real gross domestic product grew by 5.6 percent in 2022 and an estimated 4.7 percent in 2023 returning to pre-pandemic output levels. Policy responses have eroded essential fiscal buffers, despite large Citizenship by Investment (CBI) revenues, which have supported reconstruction, infrastructure development, and climate adaptation. The country remains exposed to shocks, while tight fiscal space constrains development initiatives. The ongoing economic expansion provides an opportunity to rebuild essential buffers and reorient policies toward increasing prospects for more sustained and resilient growth. Dominica’s output has recovered to its pre-pandemic level, reflecting a rebound in tourism and public investment, supported by buoyant CBI revenues. Inflation has subsided from its 2022 peak, but external imbalances have deteriorated modestly. Banks remain well capitalized and liquid although credit unions suffer from persistent weak capital and asset quality. The outlook is subject to downside risks, especially from climate change, volatile tourism receipts, commodity prices, and CBI revenues. Meanwhile, longstanding impediments to private investment and employment weigh on growth and productivity. Policy priorities are to address fiscal and external imbalances while enhancing the basis for sustained and resilient growth.