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International Monetary Fund. Western Hemisphere Dept.
This paper focuses on Haiti’s Staff-Monitored Program (SMP) on Extension and Modification of Performance Criteria. Management of the IMF approved a nine-month extension of the SMP with Haiti covering the period through September 2024 to help the country establish a solid record of accomplishment of policy implementation. This SMP focuses on strengthening governance, fighting corruption, enhancing transparency and accountability in the use of public spending, including through data transparency to help ensure public funds are used appropriately. The new additional benchmarks entail the publication of the IMF governance diagnostics report and an associated action plan agreed by the authorities. In addition, it covers the provision of more granular monetary data, including detailed information on government deposits at the central bank and the publication of core macroeconomic and financial indicators according to timeliness, and periodicity of the Enhanced General Data Dissemination System. It also contains the publication of the upcoming annual audit of the central bank for FY2023, undertook, as usual practice, by an independent international audit firm.