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Gee Hee Hong
Shikun (Barry) Ke
, and
Anh D. M. Nguyen
Fiscal policy uncertainty (FPU)—ambiguity in government spending and tax plans, as well as in public debt valuation—is widely regarded as a source of economic and financial disruptions. However, assessing its impact has so far been limited to a few large economies. In this paper, we construct a novel database of news-based fiscal policy uncertainty for 189 countries. Importantly, we track fiscal uncertainty events that generate global attention that we refer to as the “global fiscal policy uncertainty." This uncertainty has contractionary effects, reducing industrial production in both advanced and emerging market economies, with impacts greater than country-specific fiscal policy uncertainty. Additionally, global fiscal policy uncertainty raises sovereign borrowing costs and generates synchronous movements in the global financial variables, even after accounting for US monetary policy shocks.
Simon Evenett
Adam Jakubik
Fernando MartĂ­n
, and
Michele Ruta
This paper introduces the New Industrial Policy Observatory (NIPO) dataset and documents emergent patterns of policy intervention during 2023 associated with the return of industrial policy. The data show that the recent wave of new industrial policy activity is primarily driven by advanced economies, and that subsidies are the most employed instrument. Trade restrictions on imports and exports are more frequently used by emerging market and developing economies. Strategic competitiveness is the dominant motive governments give for these measures, but other objectives such as climate change, resilience and national security are on the rise. In exploratory regressions, we find that implemented measures are correlated with the past use of measures by other governments in the same sector, pointing to the tit-for-tat nature of industrial policy. Furthermore, domestic political economy factors and macroeconomic conditions correlate with the use of industrial policy measures. We intend for the NIPO to be a publicly available resource to help monitor the evolution and effects of industrial policies.
International Monetary Fund. Statistics Dept.
This technical assistance (TA) report on Republic of Uzbekistan discusses summary of mission outcomes and priority recommendations of National Accounts mission. The Caucasus, Central Asia, and Mongolia Regional Capacity Development Center (CCAMTAC) conducted a TA mission on source data for national accounts. The main purpose of the mission was to assist the Statistics Agency (SA) of Uzbekistan in improving source data for compiling annual and quarterly gross domestic product (GDP). The national accounts team has made very good progress in compiling and disseminating quarterly national accounts aggregates on a discrete basis, which are required for subscription to the IMF’s Special Data Dissemination Standard (SDDS). The mission reviewed and discussed source data collection issues for all GDP activities. The mission reviewed the compilation of some GDP aggregates. The methods for quarterly GDP discrete estimates follow international best practices. During the meeting with senior management, it has been agreed that all improvements suggested to source data would be taken into account and implemented. Moreover, cooperation with tax authorities should be sought to increase data coverage for small and micro units, as well as individual producers.
Ninghui Li
Thomas Pihl Gade
High emigration rates are a challenge in the Western Balkans. High emigration rates might lead to inadequate skilled labor and affect firm creation, capital formation, and economic convergence. The 2021 North Macedonia census reveals that more than 12.4% of North Macedonians live abroad. To assess the consequences, we estimate the impact of emigration on the number of firms and capital formation. Business dynamics can affect emigration reversely. To alleviate the endogeneity bias, we use a shift-share instrument with the historical diaspora networks and destination countries’ GDP growth rate as a source of exogenous variations. Our results show that (1) In the short run, a 1 percentage point increase in the emigration rate leads to a 2.91% decrease in the number of firms in the area of origin; (2) The long-run effects of emigration on the number of firms are less negative than the short-run impacts; (3) Emigration mainly reduces the number of micro and small firms; (4) Emigration affects the number of firms and capital formation more in the industrial sector than the other sectors, through the skilled labor shortage channel. This paper contributes to the literature on emigration and provides implications and policy considerations for developing countries, where high emigration rates are prevalent.