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International Monetary Fund. Western Hemisphere Dept.
2024 Selected Issues
International Monetary Fund. Western Hemisphere Dept.
Activity has recovered to its pre-pandemic level and inflation is now modestly negative. Public finances are improving and borrowing costs have declined. Nonetheless, public debt remains high and its short duration represents an important vulnerability.
International Monetary Fund. Monetary and Capital Markets Department
The paper briefs the Executive Board on the further considerations on CBDC. These cover the positioning of CBDC in the payments landscape, cyber resilience of the CBDC ecosystem, CBDC adoption, CBDC data use and privacy protection, implications for monetary policy operations, and cross-border payments with retail CBDC.
Romain Bouis
Gaston Gelos
Fumitaka Nakamura
Paavo A Miettinen
Erlend Nier
, and
Gabriel Soderberg
This paper offers a comprehensive analysis of the implications for financial stability of a central bank issuing a digital currency to the public at large. We start with a systematic analysis of balance sheet changes that arise from the new liability for the central bank and the banking system, and examine how they depend on preconditions, central bank choices, and banking system responses. Based on this, we discuss the range of implications for financial stability that may arise in steady state, in the context of adoption, and in crisis times. Threats to financial intermediation in steady state arise mainly in situations where the central bank balance sheet expands, and triggers adjustment mechanisms that lead to more costly or less stable funding of the banking system, while in crisis times run risk may increase. Our analysis of policy choices to control these effects considers macroprudential policy, and an expansion of central bank lending to commercial banks, but finds that a main contribution needs to come from a design of the CBDC that encourages its use as a means of payment rather than a store of value.