Sustainable Development Goals
Updated as of December 20, 2024
- Remittances in Times of Uncertainty: Understanding the Dynamics and Implications
- Violent Crime and Insecurity in Latin America and the Caribbean: A Macroeconomic Perspective
- Shifting Perceptions: Unpacking Public Support for Immigrant Workers Integration in the Labor Market
- How do Economic Growth and Food Inflation Affect Food Insecurity?
- The Joint Effect of Emigration and Remittances on Economic Growth and Labor Force Participation in Latin America and the Caribbean
- Balancing Environmental, Fiscal, and Welfare Impacts of Transportation Decarbonization in France
- Understanding Barriers to Financial Access: Insights from Bank Pricing Data
- A Conceptual Policy Framework for Leveraging Digitalization to Support Diversification in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Sovereign Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Investing: Chasing Elusive Sustainability
- Strengthening Social Protection to Pave the Way for Technological Innovation: Evidence from the U.S.
- Operational Guidance Note for IMF Engagement on Social Spending Issues
- Strengthening Income Stabilization through Social Protection in Emerging and Developing Economies: The Brazilian Experience
- Accounting for Climate Risks in Costing the Sustainable Development Goals
- Automation and Welfare: The Role of Bequests and Education
- Searching for Wage Growth: Policy Responses to the “New Machine Age”
- IMF Engagement on Health Spending Issues in Surveillance and Program Work
- The Macroeconomic Effects of Large Immigration Waves
- How to Assess Spending Needs of the Sustainable Development Goals: The Third Edition of the IMF SDG Costing Tool
- Expanding and Improving Social Safety Nets Through Digitalization: Conceptual Framework and Review of Country Experiences
- Housing Affordability: A New Dataset
- Digital Interventions in the Health Sector: Country Cases and Policy Discussions
- Social Unrests and Fuel Prices: The Role of Macroeconomic, Social and Institutional Factors
- Reported Social Unrest Index: August 2023 Update
More Resources
Click here to see the IMF’s Policy Page on Sustainable Development Goals
Learn about The IMF and SDG Financing
IMF Blog: Geoeconomic Fragmentation Threatens Food Security and Clean Energy Transition
IMF Blog: Countries Can Tap Tax Potential to Finance Development Goals
Financial Access Survey provides data on global access to banking and financial services