Legal Materials
Last updated on October 10, 2024
- Lawful Progress: Unveiling the Laws That Reshape Women’s Work Decisions
- Predicting the Law: Artificial Intelligence Findings from the IMF’s Central Bank Legislation Database
- How to Design and Implement Property Tax Reforms
- Bank Profits and Bank Taxes in the EU
- Deciphering the GloBE in a Low-Tax Jurisdiction
- Efficient Economic Rent Taxation under a Global Minimum Corporate Tax
- How to Tax Wealth
- The Macroeconomic Consequences of Import Tariffs and Trade Policy Uncertainty
- Designing a Presumptive Income Tax Based on Turnover in Countries with Large Informal Sectors
- Exploring the Adoption of Selected Digital Technologies in Tax Administration: A Cross-Country Perspective
- How To Design Excise Taxes on Alcoholic Beverages
- Quantifying the Revenue Yields from Tax Administration Reforms
- Value Added Tax in the Extractive Industries
Fintech Law
- Mobile Internet, Collateral, and Banking
- The Economic Impacts and the Regulation of AI: A Review of the Academic Literature and Policy Actions
- Cryptocarbon: How Much Is the Corrective Tax?
- Taxing Cryptocurrencies
- Digital Tokens: A Legal Perspective
Governance and Anti-Corruption
- Banking Law and Climate Change: Key Legal Issues
- Central Banks and Climate Change: Key Legal Issues
- Cross-Border Payments Integration in Latin America and the Caribbean
- Resolving Opaque Bank Ownership and Related-Party Exposures
- 2023 Review of The Fund’s Anti-Money Laundering and Combating The Financing of Terrorism Strategy
- Corruption Kills: Global Evidence from Natural Disasters
- The Corruption Cost Tracker: An Online Tool to Assess Corruption Risks in Public Procurement
- Countering the Finance of Terrorism: Good Practices to Enhance Effectiveness
IMF Staff Country Reports regularly contain assessments of anti-moneylaundering and anti-corruption programs. Click here to see the latest updates.