
Corrections and revisions made after publication are incorporated into the electronic editions available on the IMF eLibrary. For a detailed log of the changes for a specific publication, see the available file downloads below.




Global Financial Stability Report, October 2024: Steadying the Course: Uncertainty, Artificial Intelligence, and Financial Stability

Editor's Note (November 21, 2024)

- In the Preface, a contributor's name was transposed

- The sources for Figure 3.8 were corrected.

- The storyboard for Figure 3.11, panel 3, was corrected.


World Economic Outlook, October 2024: Policy Pivot, Rising Threats

Editor's Note (November 4, 2024)

- On page 8, 1st column, last paragraph (Fiscal policy assumptions): “6.1 percent” was corrected to “6.0 percent” and “134 percent” was corrected to “131.7 percent.”

- On page 9, 1st column, first paragraph (Fiscal policy assumptions): “47.4 percent” was corrected to “45.8 percent” and “54.8 percent” was corrected to “53.2 percent.”


Fiscal Monitor, October 2024: Putting a Lid on Public Debt


Editor's Note (November 4, 2024)

- On page 5, footnote 10: “Crump and others 2022" was corrected to “Crump and others 2018."

- On page 22, the reference to "Crump and others" was corrected to: "Crump, Richard, Miro Everaert, Domenico Giannone, and Sean Hundtofte. 2018. "Changing Risk-Return Profiles," Staff Reports 850, Federal Reserve Bank of New York.


Economic Diversification in Developing Countries

Editor's Note (August 6, 2024)

The name of Ke Wang, one of the contributors to this Departmental Paper, was inadvertently omitted from the cover. This is now fixed.


World Economic Outlook, October 2023: Navigating Global Divergences


Editor's Note (March 4, 2024)

The Excel data file published on October 10, 2023 was updated on March 4, 2024 to correct the data in Figure 1.22 (Chapter 1).



South Asia's Path to Resilient Growth

Editor's Note (June 14, 2023)

A new version was posted on 6/14/23 to correct the title of Figure 9.22.

- Chapter 9, Figure 9.22, title on page 214 changed from “Global Value Chain Linkages, 2017” to “Average Tariff Rates”



Global Financial Stability Report, April 2022: Shockwaves from the War in Ukraine
Test the Financial System’s Resilience

Editor's Note (May 18, 2022)

This online version of the GFSR has been updated to reflect the following changes to the version
published online on April 13, 2022:

- Chapter 3, Figure 3.11, panel 1 subtitle on page 79: "(Billions of US dollars)" was corrected to
"(Millions of US dollars)"

- Chapter 2, Box 2.1, on page 62: country labels in Figure 2.1.1 were amended and the last three
countries mentioned in the second sentence of the first paragraph were corrected to "China,
Hungary, and Pakistan."


World Economic Outlook, April 2022: War Sets Back the Global Recovery

Corrections as of May 10, 2022

Annex Table 1.1.2. Asian and Pacific Economies: The Current Account Balance data for India was incorrect in the originally published report. The Current Account Balance projections listed in this table for 2022 and 2023 have now been corrected to –2.9 and –2.5, respectively.

Table A12. Emerging Market and Developing Economies: The Current Account Balance data for India was incorrect in the originally published report. The Current Account Balance projections listed in this table for 2022, 2023, and 2024 have now been corrected to –2.9, –2.5, and –2.3, respectively.


Fiscal Monitor, April 2022: Fiscal Policy from Pandemic to War

EDITOR’S NOTE (4/20/22)
Projections for Ukraine in 2022 and beyond, in Tables A9 through A15 and Table A24, are omitted due to an unusually high
degree of uncertainty.



Norway : Financial Sector Assessment Program-Technical Note-Cybersecurity Risk Supervision and Oversight

Corrections as of September 25, 2020:

(Table 1) : Changes were made to the PDF of this book after publication (Article 1, Table 1, p. 7) to correct the references in the table.


Foreign Exchange Intervention in Inflation Targeters in Latin America

Corrections as of August 27, 2019:

(Chapter 8) : Changes were made to the PDF of this book after publication (Chapter 8, pp. 122–123, 128, and 135) to correct omitted callouts to a reference.




Fiscal Monitor, April 2018 : Capitalizing on Good Times

Corrections as of May 25, 2018:

The Definition of FISCO has been updated in the footnote of Figure 1.5.

The in-text reference to Figure 1.5 has been updated.

The Definition of FISCO has been updated in the Glossary.





The Revenue Administration-Gap Analysis Program : Model and Methodology for Value-Added Tax Gap Estimation

Corrections as of November 2017:

Page 6 : Footnote 7 has been amended to reflect the correct footnote; previously it was printed as a repeat of footnote 6.

Page 11 : The first sentence of the first paragraph in page 11 originally read as follows: “Input VAT credits are, also, only allowed in the production of taxable output, and so the amount of credits is also limited by e^s, the proportion of output for a sector which is taxable.” The amended text reads as follows: “Input VAT credits are, also, only allowed in the production of taxable output, and so the amount of credits is also limited by e^s, the proportion of output for a sector which is exempt.”.

Page 10 : The fifth sentence of the first paragraph of Box 1 on page 10 has been amended by deleting the sub-clause, “G is consumption by government.”


World Economic Outlook, October 2017 : Seeking Sustainable Growth: Short-Term Recovery, Long-Term Challenges

Corrections as of October 11 2017:

Page 125 (Chapter 3) : Correction to figure 3.6, panel 6. The data data in panel 6 (Wildfire) are incorrect in the printed version of the report and the initial PDF posted online. The corrected figure panel appears in this version of the report posted online on Oct. 11, 2017.


World Economic Outlook, October 2016 : Subdued Demand: Symptoms and Remedies

Corrections as of January 2017:

Page 89 (Chapter 2) : minor text revision inside footnote 6.

Page 90 (Chapter 2) : minor text revision below Table 2.1.1.

Page 109 (Chapter 2) : minor text revision below Annex Table 2.5.1.

Page 111 (Chapter 2) : minor text revision below Annex Table 2.5.2.




World Economic Outlook, April 2016 : Too Slow for Too Long

Corrections as of July 11, 2016:

Page 9 (Chapter 1) was replaced to add the final line of note 1 in Figure 1.9.

Page 15 (Chapter 1) was replaced to add a source for the figure.

Page 74 (Chapter 2) was replaced to modify the Sources and Note in Figure 2.14.

Page 89 (Chapter 2) was replaced to remove a repeated paragraph.



Regional Economic Outlook, April 2016, Asia and Pacific : Building on Asia's Strengths during Turbulent Times 

On page 53, the last paragraph erroneously states “0.1 percentage point decline in consumption growth”; the sentence should state “0.1 percentage point increase in consumption growth”. Therefore the correct sentence is as below:

"In contrast, what happened in China is a 0.1 percentage point increase in consumption growth and a 5.5 percentage point decline in investment growth."


On page 54, the first paragraph erroneously states “consumption growth increased by 3.1 percentage points [–0.1 – (–3) = 3.1]”; this should have been included as “3.1 percentage points [0.1 – (–3) = 3.1]”. Therefore the correct sentence is as below:

"We can then assume the following rebalancing effect in China between the 2001–07 and 2011–15 periods: consumption growth increased by 3.1 percentage points [0.1 – (–3) = 3.1], and investment growth declined by 2.5 percentage points [–5.5 – (–3) = –2.5]."


On page 57, figure 2.10 panel 1’s FX series for the pre-GFC period is erroneously reflected as 0.12; it should be reflected as 0.08.




World Economic Outlook, October 2015 : Adjusting to Lower Commodity Prices 

Note 44 on page 122 has been amended to correct the start date of the period covered from January 2012 to January 2013. (October 1, 2015)

Page 4 (Chapter 1) was replaced to amend the final sentence of the second full bullet; the final clause was changed from reflecting slower U.S. growth but also lackluster domestic demand to read reflecting slower U.S. growth and a drop in oil production. (October 13, 2015)

Page 21 (Chapter 1) was replaced to correct the last three sentences of the first full paragraph. (October 13, 2015)

Page 15 (Chapter 1) was replaced to amend the fifth sentence of the final bullet in the first column; the final clause was changed from with significant negative spillovers onto growth in large parts of the region given the size and interconnectedness of the Brazilian economy to read instead with negative spillovers on other parts of the region, especially Brazil’s trading partners in Mercosur. (October 13, 2015)

Page 122 (Chapter 3) was replaced to correct note 44; the start date of the period covered was changed from January 2012 to January 2013. (October 13, 2015)


World Economic Outlook, April 2015 : Uneven Growth—Short- and Long-Term Factors (April 30, 2015)

 Page xiii (Foreword) was replaced to correct a typographical error. In the fourth line of the second full paragraph in column 2, the word increase was replaced with decrease.

Page 25 (Chapter 1) was replaced to correct an incorrect figure reference. In the last line of the second paragraph under the heading "Emerging Market and Developing Economies," Figure 1.5 was replaced with Figure 1.6.

Page 83 (Chapter 3) was replaced to correct two typographical errors. In lines 6 and 13 of note 28, the phrase investment-to-capital output ratio was replaced with investment-to-capital ratio.


Global Financial Stability Report, October 2015 : Vulnerabilities, Legacies, and Policy Challenges - Risks Rotating to Emerging Markets (October 1, 2015)

In Figure 1.11, the scale of the horizontal axis in the panel labeled Advanced Economies (bottom left) has been corrected.


In Figure 2.2.1 (Box 2), the description within the figure has been reworded for clarity.



Global Financial Stability Report, April 2015 : Navigating Monetary Policy Challenges and Managing Risks (updated April 24, 2015)

Figure 2.9, panel 1 in Chapter 2 (page 68) has been corrected and replaced. The bars in panel 1 for “Selected euro area economies” and “Other euro area economies” were transposed in the original release of the report.

Figure 3.5 in Chapter 3 (page 104) has been corrected and replaced. The circle for “EM bond MF” appeared slightly too small in the original release of the report. The “AE HY corporate bond” circle has been renamed as “AE HY bond.”

Figure 3.6 in Chapter 3 (page 105) has been corrected and replaced. The data in this figure as they originally appeared in the report were incorrect.

Annex Figure 3.1.1, panel 3 in Chapter 3 (page 124) has been corrected and replaced. The data in panel 3 as printed in the original report were partially incorrect.




World Economic Outlook, October 2014: Legacies, Clouds, Uncertainties (updated November 21, 2014)

Global Financial Stability Report, October 2014: Moving from Liquidity- to Growth-Driven Markets (updated October 30, 2014)

World Economic Outlook, April 2014: Recovery Strengthens, Remains Uneven (updated May 28, 2014)



World Economic Outlook, April 2013: Hopes, Realities, Risks (updated April 16, 2013)



World Economic Outlook, April 2012: Growth Resuming, Dangers Remain (updated August 28, 2012)