Reconstructing AFGHANISTAN
Adam Bennett, Editor
Bruno de Schaetzen
Louis Dicks-Mireaux
Felix Fischer
Thierry Kalfon
Ron van Rooden
International Monetary Fund
© 2005 International Monetary Fund
Production: IMF Multimedia Services Division
Cover design: Massoud Etemadi
Figures: Theodore F. Peters, Jr.
Typesetting: Alicia Etchebarne-Bourdin
Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Reconstructing Afghanistan/Adam Bennett, editor—[Washington, D.C.]: International Monetary Fund,2004.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN 9781589063242
1. Afghanistan—Economic policy. 2. Afghanistan—Economic conditions. 3. Fiscal policy—Afghanistan. 4. Monetary policy—Afghanistan. I. Bennett, Adam.
HC417.R43 2004
Price: US$25.00
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List of Acronyms
1. Overview
Ron van Rooden
The Political Landscape
Coordination of Assistance
Role of the IMF
Economic Developments and Achievements
Looking Ahead
2. Recent Macroeconomic Developments
Ron van Rooden and Louis Dicks-Mireaux
Comparison of Donor Assistance
Output and Prices
External Sector
Appendix 2.1. Poppy Dimension in the Afghan Economy
3. Fiscal Framework and the Budget
Thierry Kalfon
A Slow Descent into Chaos
Dismal Situation but Resilient Structures
Reconstruction Strategy
Fiscal Policy Framework: Postconflict Budgeting
Appendix 3.1. Programs of the National Development Framework
Appendix 3.2. Comparing Afghanistan’s 2002/03 Operating Budget with Low-Income Countries’ Budgets
4. Structural Reforms: Revitalizing Fiscal Institutions
Thierry Kalfon
Improving Public Expenditure Management
Reforming Revenue Policy and Administration
Revitalizing the Civil Service
Developing the Private Sector: Building a Market-Led Economy
Appendix 4.1. Pay Structure for Government Staff and Tax Summary
5. Monetary and Exchange Rate Policy in a Postconflict Environment
Ron van Rooden and Louis Dicks-Mireaux
Choice of Currency
Preconditions for a Successful Monetary Policy
Fixed or Flexible: Choosing the Exchange Rate Regime
Formulating a Monetary Program
Monetary and Exchange Rate Developments in 2002—04
6. Financial Sector Development in Afghanistan: Seeking a Renaissance
Felix Fischer
After the Taliban: Financial System at the End of 2001
Modernizing the Financial Sector in Afghanistan
Text Boxes
1.1 Asian Development Bank in Afghanistan
1.2 World Bank in Afghanistan
2.1 Social Indicators
2.2 Trade, Transit, and Transport Agreements
2.3 Exchange and Trade Arrangements
3.1 Public Sector and The Relationship Between the Center and Provinces
3.2 UN Immediate and Transitional Assistance Programs, 2001—02
3.3 Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund
5.1 Introducing the New Currency
5.2 What Is the Right Exchange Rate Level?
5.3 Foreign Exchange Auctions
5.4 Considerations on the Level of Foreign Exchange Reserves
6.1 The Law on Money and Banking of the Islamic State of Afghanistan
6.2 Physical Infrastructure and Security of Da Afghanistan Bank
6.3 Six Licensed Banks in Afghanistan
6.4 Money Dealers in Afghanistan
Text Tables
2.1 Gross Domestic Product
2.2 Selected Indicators of Economic Activity
2.3 Balance of Payments
2.4 Direction of Trade 1
2.5 Direction of Trade 2
2.6 Commodity Composition of Trade
3.1 General Government Current Budget, 2002/03
3.2 Budget Execution, Center and Provinces, 2002/03
3.3 Operating Budget, 2003/04
3.4 Development Budget, 2003/04
5.1 Monetary Developments (Da Afghanistan Bank)
2.1 Foreign Assistance to Postconflict Countries
2.2 Price and Exchange Rate Developments
3.1 National Development Framework: Relationship Between Pillars, National Development Programs, and National Priority Subprograms
3.2 Budget Execution: Economic Classification, 2002/03
3.3 Budget Execution: Functional Classification, 2002/03
5.1 Exchange Rates
Appendix Box
A4.1 Civil Servant Salaries
Appendix Tables
A2.1 Indicators of Opium Cultivation
A2.2 Estimate of Farmers’ Net Income from Opium
A2.3 Revenues from Opiates
A3.1 Afghanistan’s 2002/03 Budget Compared with Budgets of Selected Low-Income Countries
A3.2 Sample of Low-Income Countries Used for Comparison
A4.1 Tax Summary
The following symbols have been used throughout this paper:
- indicate that data are not available;
—to indicate that the figure is zero or less than half the final digit shown, or that the item does not exist;
—between years or months (for example, 2002—03 or January—June) to indicate the years or months covered, including the beginning and ending years or months;
/ between years (for example, 2002/03) to indicate a crop or fiscal (financial) year.
“Billion” means a thousand million.
Minor discrepancies between constituent figures and totals are due to rounding.
The term “country,” as used in this paper, does not in all cases refer to a territorial entity that is a state as understood by international law and practice; the term also covers some territorial entities that are not states, but for which statistical data are maintained and provided internationally on a separate and independent basis.
This study was prepared by an IMF staff team headed by Adam Bennett. Team members included Louis Dicks-Mireaux, Felix Fischer, Thierry Kalfon, Ron van Rooden, and Bruno de Schaetzen. Reconstructing Afghanistan reflects the staff’s work in Afghanistan beginning in early 2002, with the establishment of the interim administration headed by President Hamid Karzai, through the first quarter of 2004. During this period, the staff focused on helping (often under difficult circumstances) the Afghan authorities quickly establish a basic framework for economic management and policies, including rebuilding key institutions, notably the Ministry of Finance and the central bank, Da Afghanistan Bank. A preliminary version of this study was first published during the Annual Meetings of the IMF and the World Bank in Dubai in the fall of 2003, in the context of the IMF’s 2003 Article IV Consultation with Afghanistan.
The authors are grateful for the excellent cooperation received from the Afghan authorities. In particular, our thanks go to Ashraf Ghani, Minister of Finance of Afghanistan (2002—04); Anwar Ul-Haq Ahady, Governor of Da Afghanistan Bank (2002—04); and Michael Carnahan, Larry Seale, and Martin Dinning, three key advisors in the Ministry of Finance and the central bank. The authors are also grateful to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, which provided valuable information on and useful insights into the illicit drug sector in Afghanistan. The study covers the key areas in which the IMF staff has made important contributions toward the reconstruction of Afghanistan. In this regard, the authors would like to acknowledge the work of Paul Chabrier, Jean Le Dem, and Milan Zavadjil, who respectively led the staff team before Adam Bennett took over in the spring of 2003. The authors also acknowledge the work of the staff members of the IMF’s functional departments who have provided technical assistance to the Afghan authorities in their various areas of expertise, especially Steven Symansky and Emil Sunley of the IMF’s Fiscal Affairs Department, Ake LÖnnberg of the Monetary and Financial Systems Department, Tobias Asser of the Legal Department, and Adriaan Bloem and Vilay Soulatha of the Statistics Department. The authors are also grateful for helpful comments and suggestions received from our colleagues in the IMF’s Middle East and Central Asia Department, especially George Abed and Mohammad Shadman-Valavi. The authors are indebted to Sheila Tomilloso for providing invaluable secretarial assistance, both at the IMF headquarters in Washington and in Kabul, and to Archana Kumar of the IMF’s External Relations Department for editing this book and coordinating its publication.
The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the IMF, its Executive Directors, or the Afghan authorities.
List of Acronyms
Afghan Aid Coordination Agency |
Afghanistan’s Financial Management Information System |
Afghan Interim Administration |
Afghan Interim Administration Fund |
Administrative Reform and Civil Service Commission |
Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund |
AsDB |
Asian Development Bank |
Afghan Transitional Administration |
CG |
Consultative Group |
Commercial Interest Reference Rates |
Corporate income tax |
Central Statistics Office |
Da Afghanistan Bank |
Economic Cooperation Organization |
Food and Agriculture Organization |
Grant Management Unit |
International Accounting Standards |
Illicit Crop Monitoring Program |
International Development Association |
IG |
Implementation Group |
International Security Assistance Force |
IsDB |
Islamic Development Bank |
Immediate and Transitional Assistance Programs |
Law and Order Trust Fund for Afghanistan |
Large taxpayer unit |
MoF |
Ministry of Finance |
National Cash Registry |
National Development Budget |
National Development Framework |
Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility |
Personal income tax |
Real time gross settlement |
SG |
Steering Group |
SOEs |
State-owned enterprises |
Transitional Assistance Programs for Afghanistan |
Taxpayer identification number |
United States Agency for International Development |
United Nations International Drug Control Program |
United Nations Development Program |
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime |
World Food Program |