© 2004 International Monetary Fund
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Chapter I. Local Securities and Derivatives Markets in Emerging Markets: Selected Policy Issues
Donald J. Mathieson and Jorge E. Roldos
Local Markets as Self-Insurance Against Volatile Capital Flows
Extent of Securities Market Development as an Alternative Source of Funding
Common Practices in Emerging Local Securities Markets
Selected Policy Issues
Chapter II. Emerging Local Bond Markets
Jorge E. Roldos
Size and Structure of Global Bond Markets
Local Bond Markets as an Alternative Source of Funding
Secondary Markets and the Role of Foreign Investors
Chapter III. Emerging Equity Markets
Ramana Ramaswamy
Emerging Market Equities as an Asset Class for Foreign Investors
Domestic Equity as an Alternative Source of Funding
Chapter IV. The Role of Financial Derivatives in Emerging Markets
Anna Ilyina
Overview of Derivatives Markets in Emerging Economies
Local Derivatives Markets and Capital Flows to Emerging Economies
The Role of Derivatives in Emerging Market Crises
Concluding Remarks
1. An International Solution for the Original Sin
2. Indexed Bonds
3. External Refinancing Risk in Latin America
4. Local Corporate Bond Market in Russia
5. The Equity Market in Russia
6. The Equity Market in China
7. The Bolsa de Mercadorias & Futuros of Sao Paulo
8. Credit Default Swap Spreads in Emerging Markets
1. Reserves: Level and Ratio to GDP
2. Private Sector
3. Public Sector
4. Total of All Sectors
5. Size and Structure of the Global bond Market in 2002
6. Selected Emerging Local Bond Markets: Amounts Outstanding
7. Emerging Market Debt Trading Volume Survey
8. Equity and Bond Returns
9. Notional Amounts Outstanding of the Over-The-Counter and Exchange-Traded Derivatives
10. Average Daily Turnover in the Over-The-Counter Derivatives Markets
11. Exchange-Traded Options and Futures Contract Trading Volume, 2002
1. Chile: Amount Outstanding of Private Nonfinancial Sector Bonds
2. Corporate bond Issuance in Selected Emerging Markets
3. Selected Countries Domestic Yield Curves
4. Equity and Bond Performances
5. Risk-Return Trade-Off for Combinations of Emerging Market Stocks and U.S. Stocks
6. Valuation Indicators in Emerging Equity Markets
7. Correlations Between Returns in Emerging and U.S. Equity Markets
8. Stock Market Capitalization and Bank Credit
9. Domestic and International Equity Issuance
10. International Equity Issuance by IPO and Privatization: Numbers
11. International Equity Issuance by IPO and Privatization: Billions of Dollars
12. Monthly Dollar Trading Volume for Selected Asian Countries
13. Monthly Dollar Trading Volume for Selected Latin American Countries
14. Monthly Dollar Trading Volume for Selected European Countries
15. Average Daily Turnover in the South African Foreign-Exchange Market by Type of Transaction
16. Average Daily Turnover in the South African Foreign-Exchange Swap Market
17. Mexican Bond Issuance and Interest Rate futures
18. Korean Government Bond Futures
19. Average Daily Trading Volumes in Equity Index Derivatives in Asia
20. KOSPI 200 Index Futures: Cumulative Net Purchases
21. International Bond and Loan Issuance and Derivatives Trading Volume in Brazil
Much of the recent interest in developing local securities and derivatives markets stems from the experience of many emerging markets with volatile international capital flows and financial crises during the 1990s. Indeed, “sudden stops” (or even reversals) of capital flows were often key features of many of the most severe balance of payments and systemic banking crises of the period (particularly in the Mexican crisis of 1995 and the Asian crisis of 1997), The banking system problems in turn reflected the debt-servicing difficulties of the domestic corporates, especially those with large foreign currency debts. More generally, the volatility of capital flows since the mid-1990s has raised two issues: how emerging markets can achieve more stable access to international capital markets and bow these economies can cope with whatever volatility does occur. While establishing sound and sustainable macroeconomic policies has been one obvious element in strengthening domestic economic fundamentals and perceived creditworthiness, many emerging markets have taken additional measures designed to “self-insure” against volatile capital flows. These measures have included:
changes in external asset and liability management practices;
adapting exchange rate arrangements to the degree of capital account openness;
strengthening domestic financial institutions and enhancing prudential supervision and regulation to increase resilience to volatility; and
developing local securities and derivatives markets to provide an alternative source of funding for the public and corporate sectors and to facilitate the management of the financial risks associated with periods of high asset price volatility.
This report examines two key aspects of this self-insurance policy, namely the extent to which emerging markets have developed local securities and derivatives and what key policy issues have arisen as a result. The information used in this report was gathered through a series of missions to international financial centers and to selected emerging markets between February and May 2002. The discussions took place in Brazil, Chile, China, Hong Kong SAR, Hungary, Poland, Russia, Singapore, Thailand, the United Kingdom, and the United Slates. The report was directed by Donald J. Mathieson, Chief of the IMF’s Emerging Markets Surveillance Division, and Jorge Roldos, Deputy Chief of the same division. Contributors to the study from the IMF’s International Capital Markets Department included Torbjorn Becker, Jorge Chan-Lau, Anna llyina, Ramana Ramaswamy, Manmohan Singh, R. Todd Smith, and Amadou Sy. In addition, Ivan Guerra, Silvia lorgova, Anne Jansen, and Peter Tran provided research assistance. Elsa Portaro, Ramanjeet Singh, and Joan Wise provided expert word processing assistance. Jeff Hayden of the External Relations Department edited the manuscript and coordinated production of the report.