© 2001 International Monetary Fund
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Cover & Design: Luisa Menjivar-Macdonald
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ISBN 9781589060562
ISSN 0258-7440
Price: US$42.00
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recycled paper
Acronyms and Abbreviations
Chapter I. Introduction
Chapter II. Developments and Trends in Mature Capital Markets
Global Capital Flows and Developments in Foreign Exchange Markets
Equity Markets
National and International Credit Markets
Derivatives Markets
Developments in Major Banking Systems
International Regulatory and Supervisory Developments
Chapter III. Emerging Market Financing
Developments in Aggregate Net Private Capital Flows to Emerging Markets
Developments in the Bond, Equity, and Syndicated Loan Markets
Chapter IV. The Changing Structure of the Major Government Securities Markets: Implications for Private Financial Markets and Key Policy Issues
Key Characteristics and Roles of Government Securities and Their Markets
The Shrinking Supply of U.S. Treasuries: Financial Market Effects and Policy Issues
Euro-Area Government Securities Markets: Challenges in Eliminating Fragmented Markets
Japan: Market Infrastructure and Expanding Government Debt Supply
Chapter V. Financial Sector Consolidation in Emerging Markets
Patterns and Causes of Financial Sector Consolidation
Economies of Scale and Scope, and Electronic Banking
Consolidation and Market Power
Policy Issues and Systemic Risks
Chapter VI. Staff Appraisal
Mature Markets
Emerging Markets
Financial Market Implications of the Changing Structure of Major Government Securities Markets
Financial Consolidation in Emerging Markets
Annex I. Ongoing Weaknesses in Japan’s Corporate and Financial Sectors
Japan’s Financial Sector: Limited Progress in Addressing Structural Weaknesses
Corporate Restructuring: Big Problems, Little Progress
Annex II. Development of Local Bond Markets in Asia and Latin America
Annex III. Issuance and Closures in Emerging Market Bonds. Equities, and Loans
Annex IV. The Major Fixed-Income Securities Markets
Overview of the Major Debt Securities Markets
Overview of the Major Government Securities Markets
Recent Issuance Trends in Fixed-Income Markets
Outlook for Major Government Bond Supplies
Annex V. Concluding Remarks by the Chairman
Developments and Risks
Financial Market Implications of the Changing Structure of Major Government Securities Markets
Financial Sector Consolidation in Emerging Markets
2.1. Price-Earnings Ratios and Implied Real Earnings Growth in Major Stock Markets
2.2. The Group of Ten Report on Financial Consolidation
2.3. Key Elements of the Proposed New Basel Accord for Bank Capital Adequacy
3.1. Emerging Market Sovereigns Return to the Euroyen Market
3.2. The European Investor Base for Emerging Market Debt
3.3. What Determines Emerging Market Bond Spreads?
3.4. Emerging Market vs. U.S. High-Yield Bonds
3.5. Investor Base for Emerging Market U.S. Dollar Bonds
3.6. Chinese Jumbo Initial Public Offerings
3.7. Benchmark Indices and the Asset Allocation of Emerging Market Funds
4.1. Managing Interest-Rate Risk Using Government Securities: An Example
4.2. U.S. Treasury Derivatives Contracts and Markets
4.3. The U.S. Treasury Repo Market
4.4. U.S. Treasury Securities as Collateral
4.5. Squeezes in German Government Securities Markets
5.1. Bank Mega-Mergers and Capital Flows to Emerging Markets
5.2. On-line Securities Trading in Emerging Markets
5.3. The Market Response to Cross-Border Bank Mergers and Acquisitions
5.4. E-Banking in Emerging Markets
5.5. Antitrust Policy in Banking in Selected Mature Markets
A1.1. Japan: Methods to Estimate Future Bank Loan Losses
A1.2. Stock Market Reaction to Restructuring Announcements Before and After the Implementation of the Civil Rehabilitation Law
2.1. Net Foreign Purchases of U.S. Long-Term Securities
2.2. Equity Price Changes
2.3. Outstanding Amounts and Net Issues of International Debt Securities by Currency of Issue
2.4. Announced International Syndicated Credit Facilities by Nationality of Borrowers
2.5. Exchange-Traded Derivatives: Notional Principal Amounts Outstanding and Annual Turnover
2.6. Global Over-the-Counter Derivatives Markets: Notional Amounts and Gross Market Values of Outstanding Contracts
2.7. Global Over-the-Counter Derivatives Markets: Notional Amounts and Gross Market Values of Outstanding Contracts by Counterparty, Remaining Maturity, and Currency Composition
2.8. Mature-Market Bank Exposures to Emerging Markets, End-December 2000
2.9. Key International Supervisory and Regulatory Initiatives
3.1. Net Private Capital Flows to Emerging Markets
3.2. Changes in Net Assets of BIS-Reporting Banks in selected Countries and Regions
3.3. Gross Private Market Financing to Emerging Markets, by Region, Financing Type, and Borrower Type
3.4. Decline of Brady Debt
3.5. Returns on Different Asset Classes
3.6. Correlation between TMT and non-TMT Returns across Regions
3.7. Contribution of TMT to Regional Stock Market Declines in the Fourth Quarter of 2000
4.1. Euro Area: Ownership of Government Debt
4.2. Sovereign Credit Ratings for Selected Countries
4.3. Public Debt Issuance Procedures in Selected Euro-Area Countries
5.1. Bank Stocks in Selected Emerging Markets
5.2. Number of Banks and Market Concentration in Selected Emerging Market Banking Systems
5.3. Performance Indicators According to Bank Size
5.4. Permissible Activities for Banking Organizations in Various Emerging Markets
5.5. H Statistics for Selected Emerging Market Banking Systems
A1.1. Japan: Problem Loans
A1.2. Japan: Classification of Bank Loans
A1.3. Japan: Sensitivity Analysis for Uncovered Loan Losses of Major and Regional Banks
A1.4. Japan: Major Banks’ Regulatory Capital
A1.5. Japan: Bank Support Framework
A1.6. Japan: Official Initiatives Targeted to Corporate Restructuring
A1.7. Corporate Governance Score Card
A3.1. Issuance Volume Regressions for Bonds, Equity, and Loans
A3.2. Closures Based on 539 Weekly Observations from 1990–April 19, 2001
A3.3. Granger Causality: Bond, Equity, and Loan Markets
A3.4. Granger Causality: Different Issuers of Emerging Market Bonds
A4.1. Global Bond Markets, December 2000
A4.2. Selected Countries: Key Features of Government Bond Markets
A4.3. Selected Major Economies: Private Debt Securities Issues
A4.4. Selected Major Economies: Public Sector Debt Outstanding
2.1. United States: Current Account Deficit as Share of Global Surpluses
2.2. Global Capital Flows
2.3. Gross Global Capital Flows Relative to Net Global Capital Flows
2.4. Selected Major Industrial Countries: Exchange Rates
2.5. Equity Indices: Technology Sector vs. Nontechnology Sector
2.6. S&P 500 Earnings Outlook
2.7. Short- and Long-Term Interest Rates
2.8. Monetary Policy Rates and Short-Term Rate Expectations
2.9. United States: Corporate Bond Market
2.10. Selected Spreads
2.11. Nonfinancial Corporate Credit Spreads
2.12. United States: Banks’ Total Gross and On-Balance-Sheet Leverage Ratios
3.1. Net Private Capital Flows and Gross Private Issuance to Emerging Markets
3.2. Emerging Market Domestic Debt and External Debt
3.3. Average Credit Ratings in Emerging Markets
3.4. Real GDP Growth Consensus Forecast
3.5. Currency Composition of Emerging Market Bond Issues
3.6. Yield Spreads for Selected Emerging Market Eurobonds
3.7. Emerging Market Bond Issuance, Nasdaq, and EMBI Global Spread
3.8. Emerging Market Spreads: Argentina, Brazil, and EMBI global
3.9. Merrill Lynch U.S. Corporate Bond Yield Spreads
3.10. Bond Market Developments
3.11. Bond Issues and Loans by Asian and Latin America Corporates
3.12. Emerging Markets: Syndicated Loans’ Weighted Interest Margins and Maturities
3.13. Emerging Market Equity Issuance and Nasdaq Returns
3.14. Equity Indices for Selected Emerging Market Regions, United States, and Japan
3.15. Price-Earnings Ratios for Information Technology (IT) vs. Non-IT Sector
4.1. Bond Yield Spreads Against Germany for Selected Euro-Area Countries
4.2. Volatility of Government Bond Yields for Selected Countries
4.3. Euro-Area Members’ Domestic Public Debt
4.4. Japan and United States: Euromarket Spreads over Government Bonds
4.5. Japan and Germany: Yield Spread on Government Bonds with Similar Maturities
5.1. Monthly Dollar Trading Volume for Selected Asian Countries
5.2. Monthly Dollar Trading Volume for Selected Latin American Countries
5.3. Monthly Dollar Trading Volume for Selected European Countries
5.4. Cumulative Market Share of the Largest Private Pension Funds
5.5. Evolution of Nominal Banking Spreads
5.6. Consolidation Intensity and Bank Interdependency in selected Emerging Market Banking Systems
A1.1. Japan: Major Banks’ Profits, FY1990–2000
A1.2. Japan: Banking Indicators
A2.1. Size of Local Currency Bond Markets for Selected Asian Countries
A3.1. New Millenium, New Seasonality?
A4.1. United States: Corporate Sector Financing
A4.2. Euro-Area Government Debt Outstanding
A4.3. Government Debt Outstanding in Selected Euro-Area Countries
A4.4. Government Debt Outstanding in Selected Countries
A4.5. Projected U.S. Treasury Debt
A4.6. Ownership of U.S. Treasury Securities
The following symbols have been used throughout this volume:
… to indicate that data are not available;
— to indicate that the figure is zero or less than half the final digit shown, or that the item does not exist;
– between years or months (for example, 1997–99 or January–June) to indicate the years or months covered, including the beginning and ending years or months;
/ between years (for example, 1998/99) to indicate a fiscal or financial year.
“Billion” means a thousand million; “trillion” means a thousand billion.
“Basis points” refer to hundredths of 1 percentage point (for example, 25 basis points are equivalent to ¼ of 1 percentage point).
“n.a.” means not applicable.
Minor discrepancies between constituent figures and totals are due to rounding.
As used in this volume the term “country” does not in all cases refer to a territorial entity that is a state as understood by international law and practice. As used here, the term also covers some territorial entities that are not states but for which statistical data are maintained on a separate and independent basis.
The International Capital Markets report is an integral part of the IMF’s surveillance of developments in international financial markets. The IMF has published the International Capital Markets report annually since 1980. The report draws, in part, on a series of informal discussions with commercial and investment banks, securities firms, insurance companies, pension funds, stock and futures exchanges, regulatory and monetary authorities, finance ministries, credit rating agencies, and the staff of the Bank for International Settlements. The discussions leading up to the present report took place in Argentina, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hong Kong SAR, Italy, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, Singapore, the United Kingdom, and the United States during the period November 2000–April 2001. The report reflects information available up to the end of May 2001.
The International Capital Markets report was prepared in the Research Department, under the general direction of the Economic Counsellor, Michael Mussa. The International Capital Markets project is co-directed by Donald J. Mathieson, Chief of the Emerging Markets Studies Division, and Garry J. Schinasi, Chief of the Capital Markets and Financial Studies Division. Contributors to the report from the Research Department are Torbjorn Becker, Peter Breuer, Jorge Chan-Lau, R. Sean Craig, Piti Disyatat, Burkhard Drees, Gaston Gelos, Iryna Ivaschenko, Ronald Johannes, Charles Kramer, Ramana Ramaswamy, Jorge Roldos, R. Todd Smith, Amadou Sy, and Caroline Van Rijckeghem. Silvia Iorgova, Anne Jansen, Oksana Khadarina, Yoon Sook Kim, and Peter Tran provided research assistance. Kenneth Kletzer of the IMF’s Research Department also contributed. Contributors from other departments are Kenneth Kang and Martin Muhleisen, Asia and Pacific Department; Roger Nord, European I Department; and Vivek Arora, Western Hemisphere Department. Caroline Bagworth, Ramanjeet Singh, Adriana Vohden, and Joan Wise provided expert word processing assistance. Jacqueline Irving of the External Relations Department edited the manuscript and coordinated production of the publication.
The study has benefited from comments and suggestions from staff in other IMF departments, as well as from Executive Directors following their discussions of the International Capital Markets report on June 28, 2001. However, the analysis and policy considerations are those of the contributing staff and should not be attributed to Executive Directors, their national authorities, or the IMF.
American depository receipt |
Basel Committee on Banking Supervision |
Bank for International Settlements |
Collateralized bond obligation |
CP |
Commercial paper |
Cheapest to deliver |
Delivery versus payment |
European Central Bank |
European Currency Unit |
Emerging Markets Bond Index |
Emerging Markets Traders Association |
European Economic and Monetary Union |
EU |
European Union |
Euro Interbank Offered Rate |
Foreign direct investment |
Forward-rate agreement |
Global depository receipt |
Global Equity Market |
G-7 |
Group of Seven |
G-10 |
Group of Ten |
Highly leveraged institution |
International Finance Corporation |
International Organization of Securities Commissions |
Initial public offering |
Internal ratings based |
International Swaps and Derivatives Association |
Japanese government bond |
Large, complex banking organization |
London Interbank Offered Rate |
Long-Term Capital Management |
Mortgage-backed securities |
Morgan Stanley Capital International (index) |
Morgan Stanley Capital International Emerging Markets Free (index) |
National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations |
Nonperforming loan |
Name registration form |
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development |
Over-the-counter |
Qualified foreign intermediary |
Return on assets |
Return on equity |
Real-time gross settlement |
Special Administrative Region |
Trans-European Automated Real-Time Gross Settlement Express Transfer |
Technology, media, and telecommunications |
World Economic and Financial Surveys
This series (ISSN 0258-7440) contains biannual, annual, and periodic studies covering monetary and financial issues of importance to the global economy. The core elements of the series are the World Economic Outlook report, usually published in May and October, and the annual report on International Capital Markets. Other studies assess international trade policy, private market and official financing for developing countries, exchange and payments systems, export credit policies, and issues discussed in the World Economic Outlook. Please consult the IMF Publications Catalog for a complete listing of currently available World Economic and Financial Surveys.
World Economic Outlook: A Survey by the Staff of the International Monetary Fund
The World Economic Outlook, published twice a year in English, French, Spanish, and Arabic, presents IMF staff economists’ analyses of global economic developments during the near and medium term. Chapters give an overview of the world economy; consider issues affecting industrial countries, developing countries, and economies in transition to the market; and address topics of pressing current interest.
ISSN 02563877.
$42.00 (academic rate: $35.00); paper.
2001. (May). ISBN 1-58906-032-6. Stock #WEO EA 0012001.
2000. (Oct.). ISBN 1-55775-975-8. Stock #WEO EA 0022000.
2000. (May). ISBN 1-55775-936-7. Stock #WEO EA 012000.
1999. (Oct.). ISBN 1-55775-839-5. Stock #WEO EA 299.
1999. (May). ISBN 1-55775-809-3. Stock #WEO-199.
Official Financing for Developing Countries
by a staff team in the IMF’s Policy Development and Review Department led by Anthony R. Boote and Doris C. Ross
This study provides information on official financing for developing countries, with the focus on low-income countries. It updates the 1995 edition and reviews developments in direct financing by official and multilateral sources.
$25.00 (academic rate: $20.00); paper.
2001. ISBN 1-58906-038-5. Stock #WEO EA 0132001.
1998. ISBN 1-55775-702-X. Stock #WEO-1397.
1995. ISBN 1-55775-527-2. Stock #WEO-1395.
Exchange Rate Arrangements and Currency Convertibility: Developments and Issues
by a staff team led by R. Barry Johnston
A principle force driving the growth in international trade and investment has been the liberalization offinancialtransactions, including the liberalization of trade and exchange controls. This study reviews the developments and issues in the exchange arrangements and currency convertibility of IMF members.
$20.00 (academic rate: $12.00); paper.
1999. ISBN 1-55775-795-X. Stock #WEO EA 0191999.
World Economic Outlook Supporting Studies
by the IMF’s Research Department
These studies, supporting analyses and scenarios of the World Economic Outlook, provide a detailed examination of theory and evidence on major issues currently affecting the global economy.
$25.00 (academic rate: $20.00); paper.
2000. ISBN 1-55775-893-X. Stock #WEO EA 0032000.
International Capital Markets: Developments, Prospects, and Key Policy Issues
by a staff team led by Donald J. Mathieson and Garry J. Schinasi
This year’s International Capital Markets report assesses recent developments in mature and emerging financial markets and analyzes key systemic issues affecting global financial markets. The report discusses the main risks in the period ahead; identifies sources of, and possible measures to avoid, instability in OTC derivatives markets; reviews initiatives to “involve” the private sector in preventing and resolving crises, and discusses the role of foreign-owned banks in emerging markets.
$42.00 (academic rate: $35.00); paper
2001. ISBN 1-58906-056-3. Stock #WEO EA 0062001.
2000. (Sep.). ISBN 1-55775-949-9. Stock #WEO EA 0062000
1999. (Sep.). ISBN 1-55775-852-2. Stock #WEO EA 699.
1998. (Sep.). ISBN 1-55775-770-4. Stock #WEO-698
Toward a Framework for Financial Stability
by a staff team led by David Foikerts-Landau and Carl-Johan Lindgren
This study outlines the broad principles and characteristics of stable and sound financial systems, to facilitate IMF surveillance over banking sector issues of macroeconomic significance and to contribute to the general international effort to reduce the likelihood and diminish the intensity of future financial sector crises.
$25.00 (academic rate: $20.00); paper.
1998. ISBN 1-55775-706-2. Stock #WEO-016.
Trade Liberalization in IMF-Supported Programs
by a staff team led by Robert Sharer
This study assesses trade liberalization in programs supported by the IMF by reviewing multiyear arrangements in the 1990s and six detailed case studies. It also discusses the main economic factors affecting trade policy targets.
$25.00 (academic rate: $20.00); paper.
1998. ISBN 1-55775-707-0. Stock #WEO-1897.
Private Market Financing for Developing Countries
by a staff team from the IMF’s Policy Development and Review Department led by Steven Dunaway
This study surveys recent trends in flows to developing countries through banking and securities markets. It also analyzes the institutional and regulatory framework for developing country finance; institutional investor behavior and pricing of developing country stocks; and progress in commercial bank debt restructuring in low-income countries.
$20.00 (academic rate: $12.00); paper.
1995. ISBN 1-55775-5264. Stock #WEO-1595.
Available by series subscription or single title (including back issues); academic rate available only to full-time university faculty and students. For earlier editions please inquire about prices.
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