Appendix I. Relationship of the Rest of the World Account to the Balance of Payments Accounts and the International Investment Position
Conversion Procedures
Classification and Linkages
511. Coverage of account V.III.2, the SNA financial account, is identical with that of the financial account of the capital and financial account in the balance of payments, although the level of detail is different. (See Table 4 at the end of this appendix.) In the SNA, financial assets are classified primarily by type of instrument. In the balance of payments, financial items are classified primarily by function: direct investment, portfolio investment, breakdown
Appendix II. A Note on Sectors
512. As presented in the Manual, the sectorization of the balance of payments portfolio investment,
Appendix V. Selected Issues in Balance of Payments Analysis
General Framework
556. In addition to current transactions (i.e., those involving the exchange of goods, the provision of services, and the receipt and payment of income and transfers), the flow of financial transactions (i.e., those involving changes in financial claims on, and liabilities to, the rest of the world) must be analyzed. As noted in chapters 8 and 16, these transactions have two main components: (i) narrowly defined financial transactions in direct investment, portfolio investment,