© 1995 International Monetary Fund
Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Balance of payments compilation guide.—Washington, DC, USA: International Monetary Fund, c1995. x, 380 p.
ISBN 9781557754707
1. Balance of payments—Statistics—Handbooks, manuals, etc. I. International Monetary Fund. HG3882.B25 1995
Price: US$32.50
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The Balance of Payments Compilation Guide (the Guide) is a companion document to the Balance of Payments Manual (the Manual), the fifth edition of which was published by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in 1993. The primary purpose of the Guide is to provide practical direction for using sources and methods to compile statistics on the balance of payments and the international investment position.
The Manual reflects important changes in international transactions (e.g., liberalization in financial markets, unprecedented growth in the volume of international trade in services, innovations in creation and packaging of financial instruments, and new approaches to restructuring external debt). The Guide reflects the emergence of new data sources and adaptations in the application of statistical methodologies to changing circumstances.
Statistical methodologies evolve over time and in the context of institutional arrangements existing in different countries. Therefore, the Guide does not present a prescriptive or definitive approach to compiling statistics on the balance of payments and the international investment position. Instead, the Guide presents the relative strengths and weaknesses of a variety of approaches and notes source data adjustments required to derive, in conformance with recommendations of the Manual, data on flows and stocks. The Guide also discusses relationships between the compilation of balance of payments statistics and relevant aspects of the national accounts.
The Guide was prepared, through close consultation with national compilers of balance of payments statistics and experts from interested international and regional organizations, by staff of the IMF Statistics Department. The project was supervised by Assistant Director Mahinder S. Gill, Balance of Payments and External Debt Division I (BOPEDD I). In October 1991, Mr. Geoffrey Robertson, who was then a senior economist in the division and on secondment from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, prepared a preliminary draft of the Guide. This preliminary document was circulated to national balance of payments compilers and balance of payments experts working in international and regional organizations. Mr. Peter Harper (economist, BOPEDD I) subsequently undertook the task of redrafting the preliminary document and revising the text to incorporate the effects of reviewer comments and the updated statistical framework embodied in the fifth edition of the Manual and the revised System of National Accounts published in 1993. Mr. Peter Hofman of the Netherlands Bank provided a draft of the discussion on electronic data interchange (EDI), which appears in chapter 3 of the Guide. Ms. Nancy Basham, assistant editor in the Statistics Department, edited the final document and coordinated print production. Ms. Suzanna Persaud (staff assistant, BOPEDD I) typed revised and final versions of the Guide.
The IMF staff wishes to acknowledge, with thanks, its indebtedness to national and international balance of payments experts for the valuable comments and suggestions offered on the content of the Guide.
John B. McLenaghan
Statistics Department
Acronyms Used in This Guide
I. Introduction
Purpose of This Guide
Scope of This Guide
Organization of This Guide
The Balance of Payments (BOP) Conceptual Framework
Data Sources Used to Compile BOP Statistics
Compiling and Disseminating BOP Statistics
II. International Trade Statistics (ITS)
International Guidelines on ITS
Compilation of ITS
Uses of ITS in International Accounts
III. International Transactions Reporting Systems (ITRS)
Model of a Simple ITRS
Modifying the Model of the Simple ITRS
Measurement of Noncash Transactions
Preparation of a BOP Statement
A Model ITRS
Electronic Reporting
IV. Enterprise Surveys (ES)
Goods and Merchanting Services
Freight and Insurance on Imports
Use of ES to Measure International Travel
Insurance Transactions
Use of ES to Measure Other Services
Transactions Associated with Foreign Workers
Special Bank Data
Private Development Aid Transfers
Use of ES to Measure External Assets and Liabilities
Surveys of Banks and Other Financial Institutions
V. International Transportation Surveys
Model Collection Forms
Passenger Fares—Travel Revenue or Ticket Sales
International Shipping Surveys
International Airline Surveys
Rail Transport
Other Modes: Road, Waterways, and Space
Transactions Involving Oil Rigs and Fishing Vessels
VI. Surveys of International Activity Associated with Securities
Data Requirements
Identifying Security Issuers and Owners
Identifying Transactors
Derivative Instruments
Data Sources
Model Collection Forms
Overcoming Possible Problems
VII. Collections from Persons and Households
Migration Statistics
Alternative Statistics on Across-the-border Movements
Surveys of Travelers
Other Collections
VIII. Official Data Sources Not Included Elsewhere
Data on the Official Sector
Administrative By-product Data
IX. Data from Partner Countries and International Institutions
Partner Country Data
Data from International Institutions
X. Compiling the BOP Statement: an Overview
The BOP Worksheet
Estimation and Projection
BOP Coding System
Relationship Between the Balance of Payments Manual and the System of National Accounts
Unit of Account and Multiple Exchange Rate Conversions
Treatment of the Operation of Mobile Equipment
Treatment of Construction Activity
Selected Household Transactions
Treatment of Individuals with Multiple Residences
XI. Compiling the BOP Current Account: Goods
International Trade Statistics as a Primary Source for Compilation of Goods
An International Transactions Reporting System as a Primary Source for Compilation of Goods
Enterprise Surveys as Primary Sources for Compilation of Goods
Subclassification of Commodities
Estimation in the Absence of Data
Treatment of Goods for Processing
Treatment of Transfer Pricing
XII. Compiling the BOP Current Account: Services
Other Services
XIII. Compiling the BOP Current Account: Income
Compensation of Employees
Investment Income
XIV. Compiling the BOP Current Account: Current Transfers
Data Sources and Methods
Treatment of Technical Assistance in the BOP
Treatment of Food Aid in the BOP
Reconciliation with Rest of the World Accounts
XV. Compiling the BOP Capital Account
Capital Transfers
Acquisition and Disposal of Non-produced, Nonfinancial Assets
XVI. Compiling the BOP Financial Account and the International Investment Position (IIP)
Direct Investment
Portfolio Investment
Other Investment
Reserve Assets
Extrapolation and Projection
Liabilities Constituting Foreign Authorities’ Reserves and Exceptional Financing
Compilation of External Debt Statistics
XVII. Compiling BOP and IIP Statements by Partner Country
Multilateral Settlements
Countries and Regional Groupings
Use of International Trade Statistics to Compile Partner Country Statistics
Use of Other Sources to Compile Partner Country Statistics
Treatments of Certain Direct Investment Transactions
XVIII. Survey (Collection) Design
Well-defined Objectives
Legislative Authority
Selection of an Appropriate Data Source
Statistical Units
The BOP Register
Collection Strategies
Collection Processes
Developing Relationships with Data Providers
Dealing with Non-response
Verifying Reported Data
XIX. Questionnaire (Form) Design
Page One of the Form
Questions and Instructions
Types of Questions
Some Miscellaneous Issues
Steps in Questionnaire Design
Model BOP Forms
Model Exploratory Form I
Model BOP Enterprise Register Form 2
Model International Transactions Reporting System Forms
Model Enterprise Survey Forms
Other Model Forms
XX. The BOP Statistical Process
BOP Databases
Designing the Data Extraction Process
The Estimation Process
Designing the Worksheet
Analysis and Verification of Results
Preparing Data for Publication
Developing Computer Processing Systems
Assessing the Accuracy of Estimates
Issues Associated with Revisions
XXI. Publication of BOP Statistics
Consultation with Users
Frequency and Timeliness of Publication
Dissemination Media
Supporting Material in Publications
Presentation of Key Aggregates
Presentation of Detailed and Supplementary Statistics
Seasonally Adjusted, Trend, and Constant Price Series
Historical Data
Housekeeping Matters
I. Balance of Payments Compiler Survey on Data Sources and Methods
II. Model Balance of Payments Forms
III. Model Balance of Payments Publication Tables
Acronyms Used in This Guide
Broad Economic Category |
Bank for International Settlements |
balance of payments |
Balance of Payments Manual |
c.i.f. |
cost, insurance, and freight |
Creditor Reporting System (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development) |
Development Assistance Committee of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development |
Debtor Reporting System (World Bank) |
electronic data interchange |
ES |
enterprise surveys |
financial intermediation services indirectly measured |
f.o.b. |
free on board |
Guide |
Balance of Payments Compilation Guide |
International Financial Statistics |
international investment position |
international transactions reporting system |
international trade statistics |
liabilities constituting foreign authorities’ reserves |
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development |
Standard International Trade Classification |
System of National Accounts 1993 |