A Survey by the Staff of the International Monetary Fund
Washington, DC
© 1993 International Monetary Fund
World economic outlook (International Monetary Fund)
World economic outlook: a survey by the staff of the International Monetary Fund.—1980– —Washington, D.C.: The Fund, 1980–
v.; 28 cm.—(1981–84: Occasional paper/International Monetary Fund ISSN 0251-6365)
Has occasional updates, 1984—
ISSN 0258-7440 = World economic and financial surveys
ISSN 0256-6877 = World economic outlook (Washington)
1. Economic history—1971- —Periodicals. I. International Monetary Fund. II. Series: Occasional paper (International Monetary Fund)
HC10.W7979 84-640155
Library of Congress 8507
Published biannually.
ISBN 9781557753403
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Assumptions and Conventions
Chapter I. Overview
Industrial Countries
Developing Countries
Countries in Transition
Chapter II. World Economic Situation and Short-Term Prospects
Activity and Employment
Inflation and Commodity Prices
Foreign Exchange and Financial Markets
External Payments, Financing, and Debt
Chapter III. Recent Changes in the European Exchange Rate Mechanism
Factors Underlying the Exchange Market Tensions in Europe
Monetary Policy in the New Framework
Options for the Future
Chapter IV. The Critical Need for Fiscal Adjustment and Labor Market Reform in Industrial Countries
The Stance of Monetary Policies
Structural Budget Positions and Current Fiscal Policies
Requirements for Medium-Term Budgetary Sustainability
Unemployment, Trade, and Protectionism
Chapter V. Domestic and Foreign Saving in Developing Countries
Growth, Investment, and Productivity
Domestic Private and Public Saving
Capital Flows
Policy Response to Capital Inflows
Efficient Allocation of Capital Inflows
Chapter VI. Stabilization and Enterprise Reform in the Countries in Transition
Macroeconomic Stabilization and Renewed Growth in Central Europe
Macroeconomic Instability in the Former Soviet Union
Enterprise Privatization
Transformation of the Enterprise Sector
Chapter II.
1. India’s Economic Rebound
2. Japan’s Trade Surplus
3. Chronology of Events in the Recent Crisis in the European Monetary System
4. The Sustainability of Fiscal Policy
5. Is the Debt Crisis Over?
6. Economic Performance and Financing Needs in Africa
7. Stabilization and Economic Reform in the Baltic Countries
8. Hyperinflation and Chronic Inflation
9. The Treuhandanstalt
Annex II.
10. Military Spending Data
Structural Budget Indicators for the Major Industrial Countries
Fiscal Trends and the Concept of the Structural Budget Balance
Estimates of Structural Budget Balances
Economic Benefits of Reducing Military Expenditure
Trends and Prospects
Economic Impact of Cuts in Military Expenditure
Medium-Term Projections
Baseline Scenario for Industrial Countries
Baseline Scenario for Developing Countries
Alternative Scenario for Developing Countries
Chapter I.
1. Major Industrial Countries: Actual and Structural Budget Positions for General Government
2. Overview of the World Economic Outlook Projections
3. Industrial Countries: Real GDP and Consumer Prices
4. Selected Developing Countries and Countries in Transition: Real GDP and Consumer Prices
5. European Countries: Convergence Indicators for 1993 and 1994
6. Industrial Countries: General Government Financial Balances Including and Excluding Social Insurance
7. United States: Estimates of the Federal Budget Balance
8. Germany: Fiscal Indicators
9. Major Industrial Countries: General Government Debt and Budget Balances
10. Major Industrial Countries: Estimated Net Pension Liabilities—Present Value of Current and Future Rights and Future Contributions
11. Major Industrial Countries: Gross Saving and Investment
12. Developing Countries: Economic Performance
13. Developing Countries: Saving
14. Developing Countries: Saving and Macroeconomic Stability
15. Developing Countries: Capital Flows
16. Developing Countries: Foreign Saving and Economic Performance
17. Selected Developing Countries: Debt, Investment, and Growth
18. Developing Countries: Illustrative Indicators of the Real Cost of Borrowing
19. Countries in Transition: Real GDP
20. Countries in Transition: General Government Budget Balances
21. Russian Federation: State Subsidies in 1992
Tables Annex I.
22. Major Industrial Countries: Potential Output Growth
23. Major Industrial Countries: Revenue Elasticities and Lags in Corporate Tax Collection
24. Major Industrial Countries: Cyclical Responsiveness of General Government Budget
25. Major Industrial Countries: General Government Structural Budget Balances, Actual Budget Balances, and Output Gaps
26. World Military Spending
27. Impact of a 20 Percent Cut in Worldwide Military Spending
28. Present Value of Costs and Benefits of Reducing Military Spending in 1992
29. Industrial Countries: Indicators of Economic Performance
30. Developing Countries: Indicators of Economic Performance
31. Net Debtor Developing Countries: Indicators of Economic Performance
32. Developing Countries: Alternative Projections Assuming Policy Slippages
Tables Box
1. India: Key Economic Indicators
2. Major Industrial Countries: Imports and Exports of Goods and Nonfactor Services
3. Major Industrial Countries: Budget Targets to Achieve Three Debt Rules
4. Selected Countries: Inflation
Chapter I.
1. World Indicators
2. Major Industrial Countries: Policy-Related Interest Rates and Ten-Year Government Bond Rates
3. Major Industrial Countries: Real GDP
4. Major Industrial Countries: Output Gaps
5. Developing Countries: Real GDP
6. Consumer Prices and Commodity Prices
7. Major Industrial Countries: Nominal and Real Effective Exchange Rates
8. Major Industrial Countries: Short-Term Interest Rates
9. Major Industrial Countries: Long-Term Interest Rates
10. Developing Countries: Shares of Intraregional Trade in Total Trade
11. Major Industrial Countries: Current Account Positions
12. Developing Countries and Countries in Transition: Net External Financing Flows
13. Developing Countries and Countries in Transition: External Debt and Debt Service
14. Selected European Countries: Real Bilateral Exchange Rates vis-à-vis the Deutsche Mark and Real Effective Exchange Rates
15. Selected European Countries: Bilateral Exchange Rates vis-à-vis the Deutsche Mark
16. European Countries: Divergences in Unemployment Trends
17. Selected European Countries: Short-Term Interest Rates
18. European Monetary System: Interest Rate Differentials vis-à-vis Germany
19. Projected Deutsche Mark and French Franc Interest Rates Based on Futures Market Quotes
20. United States: Monetary Indicators
21. Japan: Monetary Indicators
22. Germany: Monetary Indicators
23. Major Industrial Countries: Actual and Structural General Government Budget Balances
24. Industrial Countries: Unemployment
25. Industrial Countries: Unemployment, Trade, and Productivity
26. Developing Countries: Real GDP Growth
27. Developing Countries: Domestic Saving and Investment
28. Developing Countries: Domestic and Foreign Saving
29. Developing Countries: Private and Public Saving
30. Developing Countries: Capital Flows
31. Selected Central European Countries in Transition: Consumer Prices
32. Selected Central European Countries in Transition: Nominal and Real Effective Exchange Rates
33. Selected Countries of the Former Soviet Union: Consumer Prices
34. Selected Countries of the Former Soviet Union: Nominal and Real Exchange Rates
Charts Annex I.
35. Major Industrial Countries: General Government Fiscal Developments
36. Trends in Military Spending
37. Regional Trends in Military Spending
Charts Box 2.
Japan: Real Effective Exchange Rate and Current Account Balance
Developing Countries: Export Volume and Terms of Trade
Developing Countries: External Debt and Debt Service
Selected Countries: Inflation and Output Growth Before and After Stabilization
Statistical Appendix
Classification of Countries
List of Tables
Output (Tables A1-A7)
Inflation (Tables A8-A13)
Financial Policies (Tables A14-A20)
Foreign Trade (Tables A21-A25)
Current Account Transactions (Tables A26-A31)
External Financing (Tables A32-A36)
External Debt and Debt Service (Tables A37-A42)
Flow of Funds (Table A43)
List of Tables
A1. Summary of World Output
A2. Industrial Countries: Real GDP and Total Domestic Demand
A3. Industrial Countries: Components of Real GDP
A4. Industrial Countries: Employment, Unemployment, and Real Per Capita GDP
A5. Developing Countries: Real GDP
A6. Developing Countries—By Country: Real GDP
A7. Countries in Transition: Real GDP
A8. Summary of Inflation
A9. Industrial Countries: GDP Deflators and Consumer Prices
A10. Industrial Countries: Hourly Earnings, Productivity, and Unit Labor Costs in Manufacturing
A11. Developing Countries: Consumer Prices
A12. Developing Countries—By Country: Consumer Prices
A13. Countries in Transition: Consumer Prices
Financial Policies
A14. Summary Financial Indicators
A15. Major Industrial Countries: Central Government Fiscal Balance and Impulse
A16. Major Industrial Countries: General Government Fiscal Balance and Impulse
A17. Industrial Countries: Monetary Aggregates
A18. Industrial Countries: Interest Rates
A19. Developing Countries: Central Government Fiscal Balance
A20. Developing Countries: Broad Money Aggregates
Foreign Trade
A21. Summary of World Trade Volume and Prices
A22. Industrial Countries: Export Volume, Import Volume, and Terms of Trade
A23. Developing Countries—By Region: Merchandise Trade
A24. Developing Countries—By Predominant Export: Merchandise Trade
A25. Developing Countries: Nonfuel Commodity Prices
Current Account Transactions
A26. Summary of Payments Balances on Current Account
A27. Industrial Countries: Balance of Payments on Current Account
A28. Industrial Countries: Current Account Transactions
A29. Developing Countries: Payments Balances on Current Account
A30. Developing Countries—By Region: Current Account Transactions
A31. Developing Countries—By Analytical Criteria: Current Account Transactions
External Financing
A32. Summary of External Financing
A33. Developing Countries—By Region: External Financing
A34. Developing Countries—By Analytical Criteria: External Financing
A35. Developing Countries: Reserves
A36. Net Credit from IMF
External Debt and Debt Service
A37. Summary of External Debt and Debt Service
A38. Developing Countries—By Region: External Debt, by Maturity and Type of Creditor
A39. Developing Countries—By Analytical Criteria: External Debt, by Maturity and Type of Creditor
A40. Developing Countries: Ratio of External Debt to GDP
A41. Developing Countries: Debt-Service Ratios
A42. IMF Charges and Repurchases to the IMF
Flow of Funds
A43. Summary of Sources and Uses of World Saving
Assumptions and Conventions
A number of assumptions have been adopted for the projections presented in this report. It has been assumed that average real effective exchange rates will remain constant at their August 16-20, 1993 levels except for the bilateral rates among the exchange rate mechanism (ERM) currencies, which are assumed to remain constant in nominal terms; that “present” policies of national authorities will be maintained; that the average price of oil will be $16.68 a barrel in 1993, $17.23 a barrel in 1994, and remain unchanged in real terms over the medium term; and that the six-month U.S. dollar London interbank offered rate (LIBOR) will average 3.5 percent in 1993 and 4.1 percent in 1994. These are, of course, working hypotheses rather than forecasts, and the uncertainties surrounding them add to the margin of error that would in any event be involved in the projections. The estimates and projections are based on statistical information available on September 10, 1993, except for Japan, where the projections incorporate the national account estimates released on September 14 and the fiscal package announced on September 16.
The following conventions have been used throughout the report:
… to indicate that data are not available or not applicable;
— to indicate that the figure is zero or less than half the final digit shown;
- between years or months (for example, 1991-92 or January-June) to indicate the years or months covered, including the beginning and ending years or months;
/ between years or months (for example, 1991/92) to indicate fiscal or financial years.
“Billion” means a thousand million; “trillion” means a thousand billion.
“Basis points” refer to hundredths of 1 percentage point (for example, 25 basis points are equivalent to ¼ of 1 percentage point).
Minor discrepancies between constituent figures and totals are due to rounding.
As used in this report, the term “country” does not in all cases refer to a territorial entity that is a state as understood by international law and practice. As used here, the term also covers some territorial entities that are not states but for which statistical data are maintained on a separate and independent basis.
The projections and analysis contained in the World Economic Outlook are an integral element of the IMF’s ongoing surveillance of economic developments and policies in its member countries and of the global economic system. The IMF has published the World Economic Outlook annually from 1980 through 1983 and biannually since 1984. An Interim Assessment of the World Economic Outlook was published in January 1993.
The survey of prospects and policies is the product of a comprehensive interdepartmental review of world economic developments, which draws primarily on the information the IMF staff gathers through its consultations with member countries. These consultations are carried out in particular by the IMF’s area departments together with the Policy Development and Review and Fiscal Affairs Departments.
The country projections are prepared by the IMF’s area departments on the basis of internationally consistent assumptions about world activity, exchange rates, and conditions in international financial and commodity markets. For approximately 50 of the largest economies—accounting for 90 percent of world output—the projections are updated for each World Economic Outlook exercise. For smaller countries, the estimates are based on the projections prepared at the time of the IMF’s regular Article IV consultations with member countries or in connection with the use of IMF resources; for these countries, the estimates used in the World Economic Outlook are updated incrementally to reflect changes in global economic conditions.
The analysis in the World Economic Outlook draws extensively on the ongoing work of the IMF’s area and specialized departments, and is coordinated in the Research Department under the general direction of Michael Mussa, Economic Counsellor and Director of Research. The World Economic Outlook project is directed by Flemming Larsen, Assistant Director in the Research Department, together with David T. Coe, Chief of the World Economic Studies Division.
Other contributors to the current issue include Staffan Gorne, Garry J. Schinasi, Robert P. Ford, Manmohan S. Kumar, Johan Baras, Monica Hargraves, Robert A. Feldman, Alexander Hoffmaister, Hossein Samiei, Vivek Arora, Tamim Bayoumi, Ranjit S. Teja, Paulo C. Leme, Tapio O. Saavalainen, Carlos A. Vegh, and Karl F. Habermeier. The authors of the annexes are indicated in each case. The Fiscal Analysis Division of the Fiscal Affairs Department computed the structural budget indicators and fiscal impulse measures. Anthony G. Turner, Sheila Bassett, Sungcha Hong Cha, and Toh Kuan provided research assistance. Cathy Wright, Allen Cobler, Nicholas Dopuch, Gretchen Gallick, Shamim Kassam, Yasoma Liyanarachchi, Steven Parker, and Prem Pillai processed the data and managed the computer systems. Susan Duff, Margarita Lorenz-Santin, and Nora Mori-Whitehouse were responsible for word processing. James McEuen of the External Relations Department edited the manuscript and coordinated production of the publication.
The analysis has benefited from comments and suggestions by staff from other IMF departments, as well as by Executive Directors following their discussion of the World Economic Outlook on September 1 and 3, 1993. However, both projections and policy considerations are those of the IMF staff and should not be attributed to Executive Directors or to their national authorities.