Adolescent fertility rates Asia, 46
Advanced economies, 57, 111
educational enrollment, 170
fiscal indicators of gender budgeting, 158
gender and income inequality indicators, 155
gender budgeting goals, 167–168
Gender Inequality Index, 170
governmental and non-governmental involvement, 168
governmental role, 172–173
implications of initiatives through analysis of indicators, 169–170
labor force participation, 170
legal framework for gender budgeting, 168
maternal mortality, 170
origins of gender budgeting initiative, 167
reporting on gender budgeting, 169
Africa. See also sub-Saharan Africa
labor force participation, 4
maternal mortality, 3, 4
secondary school enrollment trends, 3, 4
Agricultural feminization, 24–25
Akcija Zdruzenska, 80, 81
gender budgeting initiatives, 77–80, 104–105
fiscal indicators of gender budgeting, 158
gender and income inequality indicators, 155
Alternative Federal Budget, 6, 129
Amalgamated Territorial Communities, 84
labor force participation, 4
maternal mortality, 4
secondary school enrollment trends, 4
An Equal Share, 68
Andalucía, Spain
gender budgeting initiatives, 74–77, 85–86, 104–105
Antenatal visits
Rwanda, 21–22
skilled provider care, 21–22
Uganda, 21–22
gender budgeting initiatives, 138–140
Gender Development Index, 108
fiscal indicators of gender budgeting, 158
gender and income inequality indicators, 156
gender budgeting initiatives, 173
ASEAN. See Association of Southeast Asian Nations
Asia. See also specific countries by name
economic growth, 28
gender inequality, 33–38
Gender Inequality Index, 34
labor force participation, 3, 4, 35
maternal mortality, 3, 4
parliamentary seats held by women, 36
secondary school enrollment trends, 3, 4, 35
Association of Southeast Asian Nations economic growth, 28
fertility rates, 44–45
fiscal context of gender budgeting, 37, 51
gender budgeting initiatives, 38–39, 51–52, 86
Gender Inequality Index, 34
labor force participation, 35, 42–43
parliamentary seats held by women, 36
secondary school enrollment, 35
Women’s Budget Statements, 38
gender budgeting initiatives, 60–63, 104–105
tax allowances for children, 92
tax policy and gender budgeting, 90–92
fiscal indicators of gender budgeting, 158
gender and income inequality indicators, 156
Baby Bonus, 44–45
fiscal indicators of gender budgeting, 158
gender and income inequality indicators, 155
gender budgeting initiatives, 173
fiscal context of gender budgeting, 37
Gender Inequality Index, 34
labor force participation, 35
parliamentary seats held by women, 36
secondary school enrollment, 35
Beijing Platform for Action, 63, 64, 97
gender budgeting initiatives, 63–66, 86, 104–105
Berlin, Germany
gender budgeting initiatives, 71–73, 104–105
Beti Bachao Beti Padhao, 39–40
fiscal context of gender budgeting, 37
labor force participation, 35
parliamentary seats held by women, 36
secondary school enrollment, 35
gender budgeting initiatives, 120–124, 149–150
Gender Development Index, 108
BPfA. See Beijing Platform for Action
child and infant mortality, 47
gender budgeting initiatives, 126–127
Broad Economic Policy Guidelines, 56
Brunei Darussalam
fiscal context of gender budgeting, 37
labor force participation, 35
secondary school enrollment, 35
Budget and Financial Responsibility Law, 116
Budget Decree on Expenditure of the Federation, 116
Bureau of Gender Strategies and Budgeting (Ukraine), 83
gender inequality indicators, 10, 11
literacy rates, 25
primary school enrollment, 25
fiscal context of gender budgeting, 37
Gender Inequality Index, 34
labor force participation, 35
parliamentary seats held by women, 36
secondary school enrollment, 35
Alternative Federal Budget, 6
domestic violence legislation, 110
earning gaps, 110
gender budgeting initiatives, 127–129
Gender Development Index, 108, 110
income inequality, 110
labor force participation, 110
maternal mortality, 110
property ownership rights, 110
secondary enrollment, 110
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, 129
Canadian Feminist Alliance for International Action, 128
Capacity building, 7, 185–186
Caribbean region
development indicators, 187–188
economic growth, 28
fiscal indicators, 189
gender budgeting initiatives, 204–209
impact of gender budgeting, 185–187
labor force participation, 4
labor force participation rates, 190
maternal mortality, 4, 192
national gender policies, 207–208
secondary school enrollment trends, 4
social protection programs, 206–207
tax policies, 208
Catalog for Orientation of Expenditure on Gender Equality Policies, 119–120
CEDAW. See Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women
Central Asia. See also specific countries by name
economic growth, 166
gender and income inequality indicators, 152–157
gender budgeting, 157–176, 183
Gender Development Index, 153–156
gender inequality, 166
gender inequality in oil-exporting countries, 177
labor force participation, 4, 155–156
maternal mortality, 3, 4, 155–156
property ownership rights, 155–156
secondary school enrollment trends, 3, 4
Centre for Budget and Governance Accountability, 40
Certificate on Gender and Equity Compliance, 30
Child and infant mortality
Brazil, 47
China, 47
India, 46–47
Russian Federation, 47
South Africa, 46–47
gender budgeting initiatives, 140–142
Gender Development Index, 108
child and infant mortality, 47
fiscal context of gender budgeting, 37
Gender Inequality Index, 34
labor force participation, 35
parliamentary seats held by women, 36
secondary school enrollment, 35
Civil society
gender budgeting and, 52, 94–95, 105, 150, 183, 202, 215
La Plataforma Impacto de Género YA!, 97–98
Swedish Women’s Lobby, 96–97
United Kingdom’s Women’s Budget Group, 95–96
COGPIG. See Catalog for Orientation of Expenditure on Gender Equality Policies
Colectivo Cabildeo, 121–122
gender budgeting initiatives, 129–130
Gender Development Index, 108
Commission for Equality between Women and Men of the Chamber of Deputies, 115, 116
Commonwealth Secretariat, 5
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, 97
Coordinating Committee for Women, 127
Costa Rica
gender budgeting initiatives, 130
Gender Development Index, 108
Decision 465, 78, 79–80
Demographic and Health Survey, 19–20
Department for International Development (United Kingdom)
gender budgeting research project, 2–3
DFID. See Department for International Development
DHS. See Demographic and Health Survey
fiscal indicators of gender budgeting, 158
gender and income inequality indicators, 155
Domestic violence legislation, 110, 155–156
Dominican Republic
gender budgeting initiatives, 130–131
Gender Development Index, 108
Earning gaps
Canada, 110
Europe, 58
Latin America, 110
Rwanda, 24
United States, 110
East African Community
economic growth differential, 27
gender inequality indicators, 11
literacy rates, 25
primary school enrollment, 25
Economic, Social and Research Institute, 93
Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategies, 13
Economic growth
Canada, 111
Central Asia, 166
East African Community, 27
Europe, 57
LAC, 28
Latin America, 111
Middle East, 166
Rwanda, 28
sub-Saharan Africa, 27
gender budgeting initiatives, 118–120, 149–150
Gender Development Index, 108
Education completion
Canada, 110
gender gap trends, 3, 4
Latin America, 110
Rwanda, 20–21
Uganda, 20–21
United States, 110
Education expenditure
Western Hemisphere, 113
Educational enrollment
Afghanistan, 170
Asia, 35
Central Asia, 155–156
Europe, 58
India, 35, 47–48
Middle East, 155–156
Morocco, 164
Pacific region, 35
Philippines, 35, 47–48
Rwanda, 17, 19, 20–21
Uganda, 18, 19, 20
fiscal indicators of gender budgeting, 158
gender and income inequality indicators, 155
gender budgeting goals, 171–172
legal framework for gender budgeting, 172
origins of gender budgeting initiative, 171
reporting on gender budgeting, 172
El Salvador
Five-Year Development Plan, 124
gender budgeting initiatives, 124–126, 149–150
Gender Development Index, 108
Emerging markets
European countries, 57
gender budgeting initiatives in European countries, 77–85
Latin America, 111
Employment. See also Labor force participation
Europe, 58
Rwanda, 17, 23–24
trends, 3, 4
Uganda, 18
Equal Opportunities Commission, 16
Equal Opportunities Law, 67
Equal Opportunities Strategic Plan, 92
Equal Status Act, 70
Equality between Women and Men, 116
EU. See European Union
EU directives, 55
EU Treaty, 55
Europe. See also specific countries by name civil society and gender budgeting, 94–98
economic development of countries, 57
fiscal indicators, 59
gender budgeting data template, 104–105
gender budgeting initiatives in emerging markets, 77–85
gender budgeting initiatives in Western Europe, 60–77
gender equality indicators, 58
government-commissioned gender and revenue studies, 92–94
income equality indicators, 58
labor force participation, 3, 4
revenue policy and gender budgeting, 87–90
secondary school enrollment trends, 4
tax policy and gender budgeting, 90–94
European Employment Strategy, 55, 56
European Union
gender equality policy, 54–59
European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions, 89
Export diversification
Rwanda, 10
Federal Budget Act, 61
Federal Public Service Budget and Management Control, 64–65
Feminist Center for Research and Advice, 127
Fertility rates
adolescent, 46
Australia, 44–45
India, 46
Korea, 44
OECD, 44
Philippines, 46
Rwanda, 26
development indicators, 187–188
fiscal indicators, 189
gender budgeting initiatives, 218–221
labor force participation, 190
maternal mortality, 192
Finance Act, 123–124
gender budgeting initiatives, 69, 86, 104–105
government-commissioned gender and revenue studies, 92–93
Fiscal aggregates
Asia, 36–37, 51
Central Asia, 157, 158, 183
Europe, 59, 104
Latin America, 111–112, 149
Middle East, 157, 158, 183
Pacific region, 36–37, 51
Timor-Leste, 215
Fiscal Measures Law, 76
Five-Year Development Plan, 124
Forum for Rwandan Women Parliamentarians, 12
Forum for Women in Democracy, 15
4R gender audits, 76
Friedrich Ebert Foundation, 83, 84, 85
Function K, 119
G+ Program, 75–76
GDI. See Gender Development Index
Gender and Child Budgeting, 40
Gender and Development Budget Policy, 41–42
Gender and Equity Budgeting, 16
Gender and Equity Compacts, 16
Gender and Equity Compliance Certificate, 16
Gender and Family Promotion Officer, 12
Gender audits, 60, 76
Gender Budget Statements, 15, 29, 39
Gender budgeting
Albania, 77–80
Asia, 36–37
Australia, 38–39, 51–52
Austria, 60–63
Belgium, 63–66
capacity building, 7
Central Asia, 157–176, 183
civil society role, 52, 94–98, 105, 150, 183, 202, 215
definition, 33
description of, 2
Europe data template, 104–105
Fiji, 218–221
Finland, 69
fiscal context, 36–37, 51, 59, 104, 111–112, 149, 157, 158, 183, 215
gender-sensitive planning of state annual action plans, 197
Germany, 71–74
goals of, 5, 6
government institutions role, 12–13, 52, 105, 150, 168–169, 172–173, 183, 215
Iceland, 70–71
India, 39–40, 51–52
joint research project, 2–3
Korea, 40–41, 51–52
Latin America, 108, 112–126, 126–142
legal basis, 5, 51, 104, 149, 160–161, 168, 172, 183, 195–196, 215
lessons from key initiatives, 126–138
local initiatives, 5–6
Macedonia, FYR, 80–82
Marshall Islands, 216–218
Middle East, 157–176, 183
ministry of finance leadership importance, 5–6
monitoring efforts, 7
national initiatives, 5–6
origination of, 3
Pacific islands, 216–224
Philippines, 41–42, 51–52
regional context, 111–112
revenue policy and, 87–90
Rwanda, 14–15, 16–30, 32
Samoa, 221–224
Spain, 74–77
state initiatives, 5–6
sub-Saharan Africa, 32
Sweden, 66–69
tax policy and, 6, 88–89, 90–94, 99, 142–143, 208
Timor-Leste, 191–204, 215
transparency in reporting, 7
Uganda, 15–29, 32
Ukraine, 83–85
Western Hemisphere data template, 149–150
Gender desks, 12
Gender Development Index
Canada, 108, 110
Central Asia, 153–156
definition, 11
Latin America, 107–108, 110
Middle East, 153–156
United States, 108, 110
Gender Equality Action Plan, 69
Gender Equality and Family Committee, 40
Gender Equity, Citizenship, Work, and Family institution, 115
Gender Gap Index, 1, 11
Gender Impact Assessment, 69
Gender Impact Assessment Law, 97
Gender Impact Commission, 74, 75
Gender Impact Report, 74–76
Gender inequality
Asia, 33–38
Central Asia, 152–157
East African countries, 11
European indicators, 58
fiscal policy effects, 3, 5
global indicators, 9, 10, 16–18
labor force participation rates, 3, 4
maternal mortality rates, 3, 4
Middle East, 152–157
Pacific region, 33–38
Rwanda, 9, 10, 16–17
secondary school enrollment, 3, 4
trends, 3, 4
Uganda, 10, 18
Gender Inequality Index
Afghanistan, 170
Asia, 34
East African Community, 11
Morocco, 164
Pacific region, 34
Gender mainstreaming, 53, 54, 55, 64, 68, 86, 197
Gender Mainstreaming Group, 90–92
Gender Mainstreaming Plan, 68
Gender Marker, 63
Gender Monitoring Office, 12, 15, 29
Gender notes, 64
Gender-Related Classification System, 131–132
Gender Report, 159, 163
Gender-responsive budgeting, 2
Gender-sensitive budgeting, 2
Gender tests, 64
fiscal indicators of gender budgeting, 158
gender and income inequality indicators, 156
gender budgeting initiatives, 71–74, 86
GII. See Gender Inequality Index
Girls’ Education Policy, 25
Global Gender Gap Index, 1, 11
Government institutions role
Afghanistan, 168–169
Asia, 52
Central Asia, 183
Egypt, 172–173
Europe, 105
Latin America, 150
Middle East, 183
Pacific region, 52
sub-Saharan Africa, 12–13
Timor-Leste, 215
Gross domestic product
Rwanda growth rate, 28
Western Hemisphere fiscal indicators, 112, 113
gender budgeting initiatives, 131–133
Gender Development Index, 108
Health expenditure
Western Hemisphere, 113
High-income countries
gender inequality indicators, 9, 10
gender budgeting initiatives, 133–134
Gender Development Index, 108
gender budgeting initiatives, 70–71, 86, 104–105
Illiteracy rates
Morocco, 165
IMF. See International Monetary Fund
INAMU, 130
Income inequality
Canada, 110
Central Asia, 152–157
Europe, 58
Latin America, 110–111
Middle East, 152–157
Rwanda, 10
United States, 110
Income splitting, 88
child and infant mortality, 46–47
fertility rates, 46
fiscal context of gender budgeting, 37
Gender Budget Statement, 39
gender budgeting initiatives, 39–40, 51–52
Gender Inequality Index, 34
labor force participation, 35, 45
maternal mortality, 46
Ministry of Women and Child Development, 39–40
parliamentary seats held by women, 36
secondary school enrollment, 35, 47–48
Tenth National Development Plan, 46
fiscal context of gender budgeting, 37
Gender Inequality Index, 34
labor force participation, 35
parliamentary seats held by women, 36
secondary school enrollment, 35
Infant mortality. See Child and infant mortality
Informal institutions
role in gender equality, 14
Inheritance rights
Rwanda, 26
INMUJERES, 115–118
Institute for the Equality of Women and Men, 64, 65, 66
Instituto National de las Mujeres, 115
Integrated Planning System, 78
Inter-Institutional Working Committee, 115
International Monetary Fund
gender budgeting research project, 2–3
gender equality efforts, 7–8
Iran, Islamic Republic
fiscal indicators of gender budgeting, 158
gender and income inequality indicators, 155
fiscal indicators of gender budgeting, 158
gender and income inequality indicators, 155
government-commissioned gender and revenue studies, 93–94
ISDEMU, 124–126
JamKas, 68, 69
JämStöd Committee, 68
fiscal context of gender budgeting, 37
Gender Inequality Index, 34
labor force participation, 35
parliamentary seats held by women, 36
secondary school enrollment, 35
Joint taxation, 88
fiscal indicators of gender budgeting, 158
gender and income inequality indicators, 155
gender budgeting initiatives, 173–174
fiscal indicators of gender budgeting, 158
gender and income inequality indicators, 156
gender budgeting initiatives, 174
gender inequality indicators, 10, 11
literacy rates, 25
primary school enrollment, 25
Kigali Declaration, 26
fertility rates, 44
fiscal context of gender budgeting, 37
gender budgeting initiatives, 40–41, 51–52
Gender Inequality Index, 34
labor force participation, 35, 43–44
parliamentary seats held by women, 36
secondary school enrollment, 35
Korean National Assembly, 40
Korean Women’s Development Institute, 41
fiscal indicators of gender budgeting, 158
gender and income inequality indicators, 155
Kyrgyz Republic
fiscal indicators of gender budgeting, 158
gender and income inequality indicators, 156
La Plataforma Impacto de Género YA!, 97–98
Labor force participation
Afghanistan, 170
Asia, 35–36
Australia, 42–43
Canada, 110
Caribbean region, 190
Central Asia, 155–156
Europe, 58
India, 45
Korea, 43–44
Latin America, 110
Middle East, 155–156
Morocco, 164
OECD, 43
Pacific islands, 190
Pacific region, 35–36
Philippines, 35, 45–46
Rwanda, 17, 23–24
trends, 3, 4
Uganda, 18
United States, 110
Lachmayer, Dr. Edeltraud, 90–91
Land ownership
Canada, 110
Central Asia, 155–156
Latin America, 110
Middle East, 155–156
Rwanda, 26–27
United States, 110
fiscal context of gender budgeting, 37
Gender Inequality Index, 34
labor force participation, 35
parliamentary seats held by women, 36
secondary school enrollment, 35
Latin America. See also specific countries by name
domestic violence legislation, 110
earning gaps, 110
economic growth, 28
gender and income inequality indicators, 110
gender budgeting initiatives, 108, 112–126
Gender Development Index, 107–108
income inequality, 110–111
labor force participation, 110
maternal mortality, 110
property ownership rights, 110
secondary enrollment, 110
Law on Ensuring Equal Rights and Opportunities for Women and Men, 85
Law on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men, 81
Law on Management of the Budgetary Systems, 79
Law on Planning, 117
fiscal indicators of gender budgeting, 158
gender and income inequality indicators, 155
Legal mandates
Afghanistan, 168
Asia, 51
Central Asia, 183
Egypt, 172
Europe, 104
gender budgeting and, 5
Latin America, 149
Middle East, 183
Morocco, 160–161
Pacific region, 51
Timor-Leste, 195–196, 215
Let’s Travel Safely Program, 118
fiscal indicators of gender budgeting, 158
gender and income inequality indicators, 155
Literacy rates
East African Community, 25
Morocco, 165
Rwanda, 20, 25
sub-Saharan Africa, 25
Uganda, 20, 25
Looking for a Life Free from Violence for Women, 124
Low-income countries
European, 57
gender inequality indicators, 9, 10, 17–18
labor force participation rates, 45
Latin America, 111
Macedonia, FYR
gender budgeting initiatives, 80–82, 104–105
fiscal context of gender budgeting, 37
Gender Inequality Index, 34
labor force participation, 35
parliamentary seats held by women, 36
secondary school enrollment, 35
fiscal context of gender budgeting, 37
Gender Inequality Index, 34
labor force participation, 35
parliamentary seats held by women, 36
secondary school enrollment, 35
MANAR-Stat, 161
Marshall Islands
development indicators, 187–188
fiscal indicators, 189
gender budgeting initiatives, 216–218
Maternal mortality
Afghanistan, 170
Canada, 110
Caribbean region, 192
Central Asia, 155–156
India, 46
Latin America, 110
Middle East, 155–156
Morocco, 164
Pacific islands, 192
Philippines, 46
Rwanda, 17, 19, 26
trends, 3, 4
Uganda, 18, 19
United States, 110
fiscal indicators of gender budgeting, 158
gender and income inequality indicators, 155
Medium-Term Budget Program, 79
Medium Term Expenditure Framework, 61
gender budgeting initiatives, 149–150
gender budgeting lessons, 118
Gender Development Index, 108
institutional basis of gender budgeting, 116–117
legislative framework, 116–117
Mexico City gender budgeting initiative, 117–118
national level gender budgeting, 114–116
Middle East. See also specific countries by name
economic growth, 166
gender and income inequality indicators, 152–157
gender budgeting, 157–176, 183
Gender Development Index, 153–156
gender inequality, 166
gender inequality in oil-exporting countries, 177
labor force participation, 4, 155–156
maternal mortality, 3, 4, 155–156
property ownership rights, 155–156
secondary school enrollment trends, 3, 4
Middle-income countries
gender inequality indicators, 9, 10
labor force participation rates, 45
Millennium Development Goals, 6, 151, 182
Ministerial Policy Statements, 16
Ministry for Gender and Family Promotion (Rwanda), 12, 14
Ministry of Finance (Rwanda), 15
Ministry of Finance, Planning, and Economic Development (Uganda), 15–16
Ministry of Women and Child Development (India), 39–40
fiscal context of gender budgeting, 37
Gender Inequality Index, 34
labor force participation, 35
parliamentary seats held by women, 36
secondary school enrollment, 35
educational enrollment, 164, 165
fiscal indicators of gender budgeting, 158
gender and income inequality indicators, 155
gender budgeting goals, 160
Gender Inequality Index, 164
illiteracy rates, 165
implications of initiatives through analysis of indicators, 162–167
labor force participation, 164
legal framework for gender budgeting, 160–161
maternal mortality, 164
monitoring initiatives, 162
origins of gender budgeting initiative, 159–160
revenue, 162
sex-disaggregated data, 161–162
Mortality rates. See Child and infant mortality; Maternal mortality
fiscal context of gender budgeting, 37
Gender Inequality Index, 34
labor force participation, 35
parliamentary seats held by women, 36
secondary school enrollment, 35
National Action Plan for Gender Equality, 80
National Action Plan for the Women of Afghanistan, 168
National Center for the Prevention and Control of HIV/AIDS, 115–116
National Development Plan, 16, 117
National Finance Act, 41
National Foundation for Australian Women, 38
National Gender Cluster, 12
National Gender Policy, 13, 15
National Institute for Women, 130
National Parliament (Timor-Leste), 201
National Policy on Equality, 116
National Program for Citizen’s Security, 127
National Program for Equal Opportunities, 116
National Strategy for Agriculture and Rural Development, 82
National Strategy for Development and Integration, 78
National Women’s Council, 12
National Working Committee on Gender Sensitive Budgets, 121
Nationality Code, 161
fiscal context of gender budgeting, 37
Gender Inequality Index, 34
labor force participation, 35
parliamentary seats held by women, 36
secondary school enrollment, 35
New Zealand
fiscal context of gender budgeting, 37
Gender Inequality Index, 34
labor force participation, 35
parliamentary seats held by women, 36
secondary school enrollment, 35
gender budgeting initiatives, 134
Gender Development Index, 108
No Discrimination against Women, 116
Nordic Co-operation, 66, 70
Occupational segregation, 24
fertility rates, 44
labor force participation, 43
Oil-exporting countries
gender inequality in, 177
fiscal indicators of gender budgeting, 158
gender and income inequality indicators, 155
Organic Budget Law, 15, 61, 67, 79
Organic Code on Planning and Public Finance, 118
Ownership rights
Canada, 110
Central Asia, 155–156
Latin America, 110
Middle East, 155–156
Rwanda, 26–27
United States, 110
Pacific Islands
development indicators, 187–188
fiscal indicators, 189
gender budgeting initiatives, 216–224
impact of gender budgeting, 185–187
labor force participation rates, 190
maternal mortality, 192
Pacific region. See also specific countries by name
gender inequality, 33–38
Gender Inequality Index, 34
labor force participation rates, 3, 4, 35
maternal mortality rates, 3, 4
parliamentary seats held by women, 36
secondary school enrollment trends, 3, 4, 35
fiscal context of gender budgeting, 37
Gender Inequality Index, 34
labor force participation, 35
parliamentary seats held by women, 36
secondary school enrollment, 35
gender budgeting initiatives, 134–135
Gender Development Index, 108
Papua New Guinea
fiscal context of gender budgeting, 37
Gender Inequality Index, 34
labor force participation, 35
parliamentary seats held by women, 36
secondary school enrollment, 35
gender budgeting initiatives, 135–136
Gender Development Index, 108
Parliamentary seats held by women
Asia, 36
Pacific region, 36
Rwanda, 12–13
PEFA. See Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability
gender budgeting initiatives, 136–137
Gender Development Index, 108
Philippine Plan for Gender-Responsive Development, 47
fertility rates, 46
fiscal context of gender budgeting, 37
Gender and Development Plan, 42
gender budgeting initiatives, 41–42, 51–52
Gender Inequality Index, 34
labor force participation, 35, 45–46
maternal mortality, 46
parliamentary seats held by women, 36
secondary school enrollment, 35, 47–48
Plan for Gender Budgeting, 70
Platform for Gender Impact Now, 97–98
Political Constitution of the State, 123
Poverty Eradication Action Plan, 15
PpRpG initiative, 124, 125, 126
Pregnancy Benefit, 139
Presidential Secretariat for Women, 131–133
Primary school completion
Rwanda, 20–21
Uganda, 20–21
Primary school enrollment
India, 48
Morocco, 165
Philippines, 48
Rwanda, 19, 25–26
Timor-Leste, 199
Uganda, 19, 25
Programs for Improvement of Management, 140–141
Property ownership
Canada, 110
Central Asia, 155–156
Latin America, 110
Middle East, 155–156
Rwanda, 26–27
United States, 110
Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability, 36–37, 113, 158
Public Finance Management Strategy, 80
Public policy
framework for gender equality, 13–14
Public Policy for Equality of Opportunity for Women, 134–135
fiscal indicators of gender budgeting, 158
gender and income inequality indicators, 155
Recast Gender Directive, 54
Revenue policy
gender budgeting and, 87–90
government-commissioned gender and revenue studies, 90–94
Russian Federation
child and infant mortality, 47
antenatal visits, 21–22
anti-discrimination policies, 26
developments in gender equality efforts, 9–12, 29–30
economic growth, 28
export diversification, 10
fertility rates, 26
gender budgeting initiatives, 14–15, 32
gender inequality indicators, 9, 10, 16–17, 19
health expenditure as a share of GDP, 19
income inequality, 10
institutional framework for gender equality, 12–13
labor force participation, 17, 23–24
level of education, 20–21
literacy rates among women, 20
maternal mortality, 17, 19, 26
Ministry for Gender and Family Promotion, 12, 14
Ministry of Finance, 15
political inclusion of women, 27
primary school completion, 20–21
primary school enrollment, 19, 25–26
public policy framework for gender equality, 13–14
role of informal institutions in gender equality, 14
wage gap, 24
water access, 22–23
women’s land ownership, 26–27
Safe and Strong, 38
gender inequality indicators, 17–18
development indicators, 187–188
fiscal indicators, 189
gender budgeting initiatives, 221–224
labor force participation, 190
maternal mortality, 192
Saudi Arabia
fiscal indicators of gender budgeting, 158
gender and income inequality indicators, 155
Save the Daughter, Educate the Daughter, 39–40
School completion rates
gender gap trends, 3, 4
Rwanda, 20–21
Uganda, 20–21
School enrollment
Afghanistan, 170
Asia, 35
Canada, 110
Central Asia, 155–156
East African Community, 25
Europe, 58
India, 35, 47–48
Latin America, 110
Middle East, 155–156
Morocco, 164, 165
Pacific region, 35
Philippines, 35, 47–48
Rwanda, 17, 19, 20–21, 25–26
Timor-Leste, 199
Uganda, 18, 19, 20, 25
United States, 110
Secondary education rates
Asia, 35
Canada, 110
Central Asia, 155–156
Europe, 58
gender gap trends, 3, 4
India, 35, 47–48
Latin America, 110
Middle East, 155–156
Pacific region, 35
Philippines, 35, 47–48
United States, 110
Secretary of State for the Support and Socio-Economical Promotion of Women, 200–201
SEPREM. See Presidential Secretariat for Women
Seven-Year Government Program, 13–14
Shisha Kibondo program, 26
Sida, 83, 84
fiscal context of gender budgeting, 37
Gender Inequality Index, 34
labor force participation, 35
parliamentary seats held by women, 36
Social protection programs, 206–207
gender and income inequality indicators, 155
South Africa
child and infant mortality, 46–47
gender budgeting initiatives, 74–77, 85–86
government-commissioned gender and revenue studies, 92
La Plataforma Impacto de Género YA!, 97–98
Specific Cabinet for Women, 132
Sri Lanka
fiscal context of gender budgeting, 37
Gender Inequality Index, 34
labor force participation, 35
parliamentary seats held by women, 36
secondary school enrollment, 35
STAT compiler, 20
State Program to Ensure Equal Status of Men and Women in Ukraine, 85
Status of Women Canada, 128
Strategic Guidance Document, 75
Strategy on Gender Responsive Budgeting, 80, 81
Sub-Saharan Africa. See also Africa
economic growth differential, 27
gender budgeting initiatives, 32
impact of gender inequality on GDP, 9
literacy rates, 25
Rwanda, 9–15, 16–29
Uganda, 15–29
fiscal indicators of gender budgeting, 158
gender and income inequality indicators, 155
Support and Socio-Economical Promotion of Women, 200–201
Sustainable Development Goals, 6
gender budgeting initiatives, 66–69, 86, 104–105
Swedish Women’s Lobby, 96–97
Swedish Gender Mainstreaming Support Committee, 68
Swedish Women’s Lobby, 96–97
Syrian Arab Republic
fiscal indicators of gender budgeting, 158
gender and income inequality indicators, 155
fiscal indicators of gender budgeting, 158
gender and income inequality indicators, 156
gender inequality indicators, 10, 11
literacy rates, 25
primary school enrollment, 25
Tax policy
gender budgeting and, 90–94, 142–143, 208
inequalities, 6 joint taxation, 88
value-added tax, 88–89, 99
Technical Vocational Education Training, 25
Tenth National Development Plan, 46
Tertiary school enrollment
Asia, 48
fiscal context of gender budgeting, 37
Gender Inequality Index, 34
labor force participation, 35
parliamentary seats held by women, 36
secondary school enrollment, 35
3R gender audits, 76
consultative process, 202
development indicators, 187–188
fiscal indicators, 189
gender budgeting initiatives, 191–204, 215
international donors, 201–202
maternal mortality, 192
National Parliament, 201
school enrollment, 199
Secretary of State for the Support and Socio-Economical Promotion of Women, 200–201
Treaty of Amsterdam, 54
Treaty of Rome, 55
fiscal indicators of gender budgeting, 158
gender and income inequality indicators, 155
fiscal indicators of gender budgeting, 158
gender and income inequality indicators, 156
antenatal visits, 21–22
Certificate on Gender and Equity Compliance, 30
gender budgeting initiatives, 15–16, 32
gender inequality indicators, 10, 18, 19
level of education, 20–21
literacy rates among women, 20
Ministry of Finance, Planning, and Economic Development, 15–16
primary school completion, 20–21
primary school enrollment, 19, 25
water access, 22–23
Bureau of Gender Strategies and Budgeting, 83
gender budgeting initiatives, 83–85, 104–105
UN Women, 5, 16, 83–84, 85, 122–123. See also UNIFEM
Europe, 58
UNIFEM, 15, 118, 120, 121. See also UN Women
United Arab Emirates
fiscal indicators of gender budgeting, 158
gender and income inequality indicators, 155
United Kingdom
Department for International Development, 2–3
Women’s Budget Group, 6, 95–96
United Nations
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, 97
Organization for Women, 15, 118, 120
United Nations Development Program, 107
United States
domestic violence legislation, 110
earning gaps, 110
Gender Development Index, 108, 110
income inequality, 110
labor force participation, 110
maternal mortality, 110
property ownership rights, 110
secondary education rates, 110
secondary enrollment, 110
Universal Child Benefit, 139
gender budgeting initiatives, 137
Gender Development Index, 108
Demographic and Health Survey, 19–20
fiscal indicators of gender budgeting, 158
gender and income inequality indicators, 156
Value-added tax, 88–89, 99
VAT. See Value-added tax
gender budgeting initiatives, 137–138
Gender Development Index, 108
fiscal context of gender budgeting, 37
Gender Inequality Index, 34
labor force participation, 35
parliamentary seats held by women, 36
secondary school enrollment, 35
Vision 2020, 13
Wage gaps
Canada, 110
Europe, 58
Latin America, 110
Rwanda, 24
United States, 110
Water supply
Rwanda, 22–23
Uganda, 22–23
Afghanistan’s Ministry of Finance budget, 168
Argentina’s gender budgeting initiative, 138
Austrian gender budgeting, 63
Canada’s Alternative Federal Budget, 129
Canada’s General Audit Office study, 128
Chile’s Programs for Improvement of Management, 140–141
Demographic and Health Survey, 19–20
El Salvador Five-Year Development Plan, 124
Feminist Center for Research and Advice, 127
Gender and Child Budgeting plan, 40
India’s Gender Budget Statement, 39
MANAR-Stat, 161
Ministry of Women and Child Development handbook, 40
Peru’s gender budgeting manual, 136
Philippines Gender and Development Plan, 42
Sweden’s Statement of Government Policy, 67
World Bank Data, 154
West Bank and Gaza
gender and income inequality indicators, 155
gender budgeting initiatives, 174
Western Europe
gender budgeting initiatives, 60–77
Women’s Budget, 127
Women’s Budget Group, 6, 95–96
Women’s Budget Initiative, 9
Women’s Budget Statements, 38
Women’s Consortium of Ukraine, 84
Women’s Machinery, 118
Women’s Parliamentary Group, 124
Women’s Secretariat, 127
World Bank, 12–13, 19, 34–35, 40
World Bank Data, 154
World Development Indicators, 12–13, 19, 34–35, 40
World Economic Forum
Gender Gap Report, 30
Global Gender Gap Index, 1, 11
Yemen, Republic
fiscal indicators of gender budgeting, 158
gender and income inequality indicators, 155