This handbook is aimed at anyone who is involved in a Public Investment Management Assessment (PIMA) or who has a practical interest in public investment management. It is intended to be useful for country authorities, IMF staff, staff of other financial institutions and development organizations, and anyone who is interested in exploring different aspects of public investment management to understand how country systems are designed and how they work in practice.
Generic Theory of Change for PIMA Dimensions
Illustrative Theory of Change for PIMA Dimension 4.a
General Government Debt and Compliance With Debt Rule in Ireland
Adherence to Fiscal Rules in Bulgaria
(Percent of GDP)
Outcome and Output Targets for Infrastructure in the 11th Malaysia Plan
Standard Project Phases
Colombia Project Development and Appraisal Process
Timor-Leste Project Appraisal Process
Public Investment, by Source of Financing
Risk Analysis in Norwegian Investment Projects
(Deviations from base estimates)
Medium-Term Budgeting of Capital Expenditure Versus Actual in Jordan, 2010–16
OECD Country Budget Practices for Multiyear Investment Projects
Budget Execution Rates for Maintenance in Armenia, 2013–17 (Percent)
Appraisal and Selection Process in Ireland
Types of Projects Covered by the Mexican Government’s Project Selection Process
S-Curve for Project Management
Final Project Cost Compared With Plan, 2003–15
Final Project Duration Compared With Plan, 2003–15
Status of Physical Projects behind Schedule in Malaysia, by Activity, March 2017
UK Government Project Delivery Career Pathways
Number of Projects in Ireland’s Investment Projects and Programs Tracker, by Life Cycle Stage, 2020
Outcome and Output Targets for Infrastructure in the 11th Malaysia Plan
Risk Analysis in Norwegian Investment Projects
(Deviations from base estimates)
Medium-Term Budgeting of Capital Expenditure Versus Actual in Jordan, 2010–16
Types of Projects Covered by the Mexican Government’s Project Selection Process
Status of Physical Projects behind Schedule in Malaysia, by Activity, March 2017
Number of Projects in Ireland’s Investment Projects and Programs Tracker, by Life Cycle Stage, 2020
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