Title Page
© 2014 International Monetary Fund
Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Joint Bank-Fund Library
Balance of payments and international investment position compilation guide. – Washington, D.C.: International Monetary Fund, 2014.
p. ; cm.
“Companion document to the sixth edition of the Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual … published by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in 2009”—Preface.
Includes index.
ISBN: 978-1-48431-275-9
1. Balance of payments – Statistics – Handbooks, manuals, etc. 2. Investments – Statistics – Handbooks, manuals, etc. I. Title: Balance of payments and international investment position manual. II. International Monetary Fund.
HG3882.B35 2014
ISBN 978-1-48431-275-9 (paper)
978-1-48437-271-5 (PDF)
978-1-47551-347-9 (ePub)
978-1-47554-796-2 (Mobi)
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1. Introduction
Purpose of the Guide
Scope of the Guide
Organization of the Guide
Conceptual Framework
Data Sources Used to Compile International Accounts Statistics
Compiling and Disseminating International Accounts Statistics
2. How to Conduct a Survey
Responsibility for Producing Official Statistics
Creating or Updating a Survey Frame
Draft Survey Questionnaires
Initial Discussions with Key Respondents
Low Coverage or Low Response Rates
Editing/Validating Collected Data
3. Specific Surveys for Balance of Payments and International Investment Position
Collections on Goods and Services Statistics
Collections on Primary and Secondary Income Statistics
Collections on External Assets and Liabilities
Collections on International Activity Associated with Securities
Collections of Data on Financial Derivatives
Collections from Persons and Households
4. International Transactions Reporting System
ITRS Reporters
Comprehensiveness of ITRS
Data Items Collected
Reporting Threshold
Classification of Transactions
Scope of a Simple ITRS
5. International Merchandise Trade Statistics
International Guidelines on IMTS
6. Data from Official and Administrative Sources
Data on the General Government and the Central Bank
7. Selected IMF and Other International Organizations’ Data Collection Initiatives
IMF’s Bilateral Data Collections
Bilateral Data from Other International Organizations
Other Datasets
8. Crosscutting Issues in Compiling Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Statistics
Design of the Statistical Process
Possible Issues Faced by the Compiler
Analysis of Net Errors and Omissions
Recording Transactions in Balance of Payments
9. The International Investment Position
Data Sources
Deriving Quarterly Positions from Quarterly Transactions
Other Changes in Financial Assets and Liabilities Account
10. The Financial Account
Direct Investment
Portfolio Investment
Financial Derivatives (Other than Reserves) and Employee Stock Options
Other Investment
11. Goods
IMTS as a Primary Source for Compilation of Goods
ITRS as a Primary Source for Compilation of Goods
Enterprise Surveys as Primary Sources for Compilation of Goods
Estimation in the Absence of Data
Other Estimations Required
Treatment of Transfer Pricing
Nonmonetary Gold
12. Services
Manufacturing Services on Physical Inputs Owned by Others
Other Services
13. Primary Income
Compensation of Employees
Investment Income
Other Primary Income
14. Secondary Income
Data Sources and Methods
Personal Transfers
Other Current Transfers
15. The Capital Account
Acquisitions and Disposals of Nonproduced, Nonfinancial Assets
Capital Transfers
16. Exceptional Financing Transactions
Identifying Exceptional Financing Transactions
Recording Exceptional Financing Transactions
Timing of Recording and Valuation of Exceptional Financing Transactions
Data Sources and Collection of Data on Exceptional Financing
17. Serviceability and Accessibility of External Sector Statistics
1 Conversion Matrix from the BPM5 to the BPM6
2 Insurance Transactions and Positions, and Pension Schemes
3 Financial Intermediation Services Indirectly Measured
4 Foreign Direct Investment
5 Compiling Balance of Payments and IIP by Partner Economy
6 Linkages with Other Macroeconomic Datasets
7 Balance of Payments Coding System
8 Model Survey Forms
3.1 Classification of Services
3.2 Sources of Data Associated with International Securities
3.3 Recording of Household Transactions in Balance of Payments
3.4 Number and Surveys of Travelers
4.1 Summary of International Transactions Reporting System (ITRS) Transactions from Previous Examples
4.2 Reconciliation of Opening and Closing Positions with Transactions
5.1 Reconciliation between the IMTS 2010 and BPM6
6.1 Standard Components for the General Government and the Central Bank on External Financial Assets and Liabilities, Excluding Reserve Assets
7.1 Assets/Liabilities Presentation Compared to Directional Principle Presentation
8.1 Impact of Using Alternative Conversion Methods
8.2 Determining the Residency of Mobile Equipment Operators
8.3 Sample Accounting Statement for Transactions Relating to Mobile Equipment
8.4 Balance of Payments Treatment of Sample Transactions Shown in Table 8.3
8.5 Treatment of Transactions Involving Mobile Equipment—Resident Operator Is a Branch of Parent Enterprise in Economy B
8.6 Treatment of Transactions Involving Mobile Equipment—Operator Is Resident of Economy B
8.7 Treatment of Construction Activity in Economy A
8.8 Types of Household Sector Transactions Recorded in the Balance of Payments
8.9 Calculation of Financial Account Balance
8.10 Changes in Sign Convention from the BPM5 to the BPM6
8.11 Example of Sign Convention in the BPM6 versus the BPM5
9.1 Summary Lines from Standardized Report Form (SRF) for Other Depository Corporations
9.2 Summary Lines from Standardized Report Form (SRF) for Central Bank
9.3 Summary Lines from Government Finance Statistics (GFS) for General Government
9.4 Unconsolidated Balance Sheet
9.5 Possible Data Sources for Compiling an IIP Statement
9.6 Examples of Other Changes in the Volume of Financial Assets and Liabilities
10.1 Recording Increases in SDR Holdings and Allocations, and Associated Interest Accruals
10.2 Data Required on Reserve Assets
10.3 Treatment of Securities Lending, Gold Loans, and Gold Swaps where the Resident Owns the Securities or Gold
11.1 Use of International Merchandise Trade Statistics (IMTS) for Compilation of Goods: Adjustment for Coverage
11.2 Use of International Merchandise Trade Statistics (IMTS) for Compilation of Goods: Adjustment for Classification
11.3 Use of International Merchandise Trade Statistics (IMTS) for Compilation of Goods: Adjustment for Valuation
11.4 Use of International Merchandise Trade Statistics (IMTS) for Compilation of Goods: Adjustment for Timing
11.5 Use of International Transactions Reporting System (ITRS) for Compilation of Goods
11.6 Adjustments to Balance of Payments in Cases of Transfer Pricing
12.1 Methods for Estimating Transport
12.2 Methods for Estimating Freight and Insurance on Imports
12.3 Estimating the Travel Component
12.4 Compilation of Items in Other Services
13.1 Compilation of Investment Income and Other Primary Income Items
14.1 Compilation of Secondary Income Items
14.2 Borderline Cases for Account-to-Account Transfers
15.1 Treatment of Alternative Time-Share Arrangements
15.2 Treatment of Debt Assumption
16.1 Examples of Recording of Exceptional Financing Transactions
16.2 Timing of Recording and Valuation of Exceptional Financing Transactions
16.3 Additional Information on Exceptional Financing Transactions
A2.1 International Investment Position Entries
A2.2 Data Collection and Compilation of the Insurance Transactions for the Current Account
A2.3 Data Collection and Compilation of the Insurance Transactions for the Financial Account
A2.4 Data Collection and Compilation of the Insurance Positions for the IIP
A3.1 Exports of Financial Intermediation Services Indirectly Measured (FISIM) in the Context of International Classification Standards
A3.2 Imports of Financial Intermediation Services Indirectly Measured (FISIM) in the Context of International Classification Standards
A4.1 Treatment of Borrowing on Behalf of the Government of Another Economy
A4.2 Treatment of Direct Investment under the Assets/Liabilities Presentation and Directional Principle
A4.3 Assets/Liabilities Presentation Compiled from Foreign Direct Investment Survey
A4.4 Calculation of Reinvested Earnings along a Direct Investment Ownership Chain
A5.1 Treatment of Transactions and Other Changes in Securities under the Transactor Principle
A5.2 Balance of Payments Transactions of Economy A with Partner Economy
A5.3 Comparison of Merchandise Trade and Trade in Goods for Merchanting
A5.4 Use of Origin/Consumption and Consignment/Destination to Record Goods Trade
A5.5 Income Accounts of Enterprises in Economies A, B, and C
A5.6 Partner Economy Direct Investment Income Statistics for Economies A, B, and C
A6.1 Conversion of the Sector Breakdown: System of National Accounts (SNA) – Balance of Payments
A6.2 A Comparative Overview of SNA-International Accounts
A6.3 Reconciliation of Other Depository Corporations’ Balance Sheet Items with International Investment Position (IIP) Components
A6.4 Reconciliation of Sectoral Balance Sheet Items for the Central Bank with International Investment Position (IIP) Components
A6.5 Statement of Operations
A6.6 Taxes in Government Finance Statistics (GFS) and Balance of Payments
A6.7 Other Revenue Categories in Government Finance Statistics (GFS) and Balance of Payments
A6.8 Expense in Government Finance Statistics (GFS) and Balance of Payments
A6.9 Financial Assets and Liabilities in Government Finance Statistics (GFS) and Balance of Payments
A7.1 Example of the Balance of Payments Codes
A7.2 List of Values of “Aggregate” Component of the Code
A7.3 List of Altered Balance of Payments Codes
A7.4 List of Generic Codes for the Balance of Payments Data Structure Definitions (DSD)
A7.5 Dimensions for the Balance of Payments Data Structure Definitions (DSD)
A7.6 Attributes for the Balance of Payments Data Structure Definitions (DSD)
A7.7 Description of Attributes for the Balance of Payments Data Structure Definitions (DSD)
A7.8 Statistical Data and Metadata Exchange (SDMX) Coded Example for Selected Balance of Payments Series
A8.1 Summary of the Model Survey Forms
4.1 Processing System in an International Transactions Reporting System (ITRS)
5.1 Import and Export Flows
13.1 Dates Associated with Dividends
13.2 Difference Between Rent and Rentals
A4.1 A Case of Round-Tripping with Many Companies in Routing Economies
A4.2 Linkages Between UCP’s Residence and Treatment of Fellow Enterprises
A6.1 Government Finance Statistics Framework
2.1 Draft Timetable for Conducting an Enterprise Survey
2.2 Conducting a Private Capital Flows Survey in Anglophone Africa
10.1 Production Sharing Arrangements and Direct Investment
10.2 Deriving Transactions Using Data on Positions and Other Price Changes
10.3 General Methods for Estimating Fair Value of Portfolio Investment Debt
10.4 The Use of the Centralized Securities Database in the European System of Central Banks in Compiling Balance of Payments and IIP Statistics
10.5 Recording a Forward Contract in the International Accounts
71.1 The Data Quality Assessment Framework
A2.1 BPM6 Entries in the Balance of Payments Related to Nonlife Insurance Transactions
A2.2 Insurance Sales Agents and Brokers
A2.3 BPM6 Entries in the Balance of Payments Related to Life Insurance Transactions
A2.4 Implementation of the BPM6: Insurance, Pension Schemes, and Standardized Guarantee Schemes in the Case of Austria
A3.1 Balance of Payments Entries Related to Financial Intermediation Services Indirectly Measured (FISIM)
A4.1 Compiling Data on Special Purpose Entities in Mauritius
9.1 Estimation of quarterly position data
12.1 Recording of Construction Activity in Balance of Payments
13.1 Recording of Compensation of Employees in Balance of Payments
13.2 Calculation of Dividends
14.1 Taxes on income and wealth
14.2 Technical assistance personnel employed by donors
14.3 Technical assistance personnel employed by recipient government
14.4 Grants and donations sent to local NPISHs in the recipient economy
14.5 Long-term technical assistance missions financed by the donor government (from the perspective of the donor economy)
15.1 Investment Grants
A2.1 Illustration of insurance company profit and loss account
A2.2 Excerpt from an insurance company balance sheet
A2.3 Excerpt from the sectoral balance sheet for the financial corporations subsector (liability side)
A2.4 Estimation of insurance services provided to nonresidents
A2.5 Deriving transactions related to nonlife insurance
A2.6 Estimation of insurance services in indirect insurance
A2.7 Excerpt from an insurance company profit and loss accounts
A2.8 Excerpt of notes to a company’s financial statement on plan asset allocation
A2.9 Excerpt of notes to a company’s financial statement, projected benefit obligation
A2.10 Excerpt of notes to a company’s financial statement, cost of pension plan
A2.11a Calculation of data for a defined benefit scheme
A2.11b Transactions for a defined benefit scheme
A2.11c Transactions for a defined benefit scheme
A2.11d Recording of transactions for a defined benefit scheme in the balance of payments statistics (economy of pension funds)
A2.12a Transactions for a defined contribution scheme
A2.12b Transactions for a defined contribution scheme (based on assumptions and calculations presented in Example A2.12a)
A2.12c Recording of transactions for a defined contribution scheme in the balance of payments statistics (economy of pension funds)
The 2014 Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Compilation Guide (the Guide) is a companion document to the sixth edition of the Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual (BPM6) which was published by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in 2009. The primary purpose of the Guide is to provide practical advice on source data and methodologies for compiling statistics on the balance of payments and the international investment position that are consistent with BPM6.
Globalization, increasing elaboration of balance sheet issues, and financial innovation are three major themes that emerged during the BPM6 revision. The Guide identifies data sources and adjustments to source data that would be appropriate for compiling data on a BPM6 basis.
The Guide provides guidance that is applicable for different economies—from the smallest and least developed to the most advanced and complex. National compilers should develop and adapt the data sources and compilation methods in ways that are appropriate to their national circumstances, by considering the practical and legal constraints in their own economies.
An economy’s data compilation methods should evolve over time as the economy changes. Therefore, the Guide does not present a prescriptive or definitive approach to compiling statistics on the balance of payments and the international investment position (IIP). Instead, the Guide identifies the relative strengths and weaknesses of alternate approaches, and identifies the adjustments that may be required to source data to derive estimates of flows and stocks that are consistent with the recommendations in BPM6.
The BPM6 strengthens the theoretical foundations and linkages with other macroeconomic statistics, and the Guide includes elaboration on these linkages. The Guide also provides practical advice on using the data from the other macroeconomic accounts in compiling the international accounts.
The Guide was produced under the direction of two Directors of the Statistics Department (Adelheid Burgi-Schmelz [2008–2012] and Louis Marc Ducharme [2013–]). Robert Heath was the responsible Deputy Director.
In the Balance of Payments Division, the coordinator was Ms. Tamara Razin (Senior Economist), who also drafted some of the chapters and edited the contributions of others. The work was undertaken under the close supervision and guidance of Mr. Ralph Kozlow (Chief). Many other staff in the division also contributed to the project, including Eduardo Valdivia-Velarde (Deputy Chief), Mr. Paul Austin, Mr. Jose Carlos Moreno-Ramirez, Ms. Silvia Matei, Ms. Rita Mesias (all Senior Economists), Ms. Emma Angulo and Ms. Cornelia Hammer (both Economists), Ms. Colleen Cardillo and Mr. John Joisce (retired, formerly Senior Economists), Ms. Loida Cruz (former Senior Economist, currently with the Bank of Philippines), and Ms. Bianca Ully (former special appointee, currently with the Öesterreichische Nationalbank).
Staff from other divisions of the Statistics Department also contributed to the text: Data Dissemination and Review Division (Mr. Andrew Kitili, Deputy Chief and Mr. Mark van Wersch, Senior Economist), Financial Institutions Division (Mr. Artak Harutyunyan, Deputy Chief), Government Finance Division (Ms. Sagé de Clerck, Senior Economist), Real Sector Division (Mr. Kim Zieschang, Chief, Mr. Robert Dippelsman, Deputy Chief, and Mr. Thomas Alexander, Senior Economist), Statistical Information Division (Mr. René Piché, Deputy Chief, and Mr. James Chan, Information Management Assistant).
The Guide benefited from the written contributions and comments of external experts and institutions, in particular: Mr. Paul Mahoney (Branch Head, Australian Bureau of Statistics, who prepared preliminary drafts of six chapters or appendices); Ms. Anne Harrison, Editor of the 2008 System of National Accounts; the Task Force on Statistics of International Trade in Services; the European Central Bank; the World Trade Organization; the Organization of Economic Co-operation and Development; and the Bank for International Settlements. Case studies were provided by the team of the External Sector Statistics Module within the IMF–United Kingdom Department for International Development project on enhanced data dissemination initiatives1; the European Central Bank; the Öesterreichische Nationalbank; and the Bank of Mauritius.
Mr. Stuart Brown (retired, formerly with the UK Office of National Statistics) reviewed draft chapters and appendices for their consistency with the BPM6. Also, the Statistics Department acknowledges with gratitude the comments on the draft Guide from compilers throughout the world during the several public comment opportunities. The Guide was prepared under the general guidance of the IMF Committee on Balance of Payments Statistics.
Mr. Roderico de Nitti and Ms. Esther George (Statistics Department) provided administrative support in preparing the manuscript. Ms. Cathy Gagnet, Communications Officer in the Communications Department, edited the final document and coordinated print production.
Louis Marc Ducharme
Statistics Department
International Monetary Fund
ABO | accrued benefit obligation |
AP | approval of foreign investment |
BD4 | OECD Benchmark Definition of Foreign Direct Investment, fourth edition |
BEC | Broad Economic Category |
BIS | Bank for International Settlements |
BLA | Bilateral Loan Agreements |
BML | broad-money liability |
BOM | Bank of Mauritius |
BPM5 | Balance of Payments Manual, fifth edition |
BPM6 | Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual, sixth edition |
c.i.f. | cost, insurance, and freight |
CB | central bank |
CBS | central bank survey |
CDIS | Coordinated Direct Investment Survey |
COPC | Current Operating Performance Concept |
CPC | Central Product Classification |
CPIS | Coordinated Portfolio Investment Survey |
CR | credit |
CSDB | Centralized Securities Database |
DAC | Development Assistance Committee |
DC | domestic credit |
DCS | depository corporations survey |
DFID | United Kingdom Department for International Development |
DI | direct investment |
DIENT | direct investment enterprise |
DOTS | Direction of Trade Statistics |
DQAF | Data Quality Assessment Framework |
DR | debit |
DSD | data structure definitions |
DTC | deposit-taking corporations |
e.g. | exempli gratia (for example) |
EBOPS | Extended Balance of Payments Services (Classification) |
ECB | European Central Bank |
EDDI | Enhanced Data Dissemination Initiative |
EDS | external debt statistics |
EDSG | External Debt Statistics: Guide for Compilers and Users |
ESCB | European System of Central Banks |
ESO | employee stock option |
EU | European Union |
f.o.b. | free on board |
FDI | foreign direct investment |
FDIR | Framework for Direct Investment Relationships |
FDR | full direct reporter |
FIN | IMF Finance Department |
FISIM | financial intermediation services indirectly measured |
FMA | Financial Market Authority |
FP | financial press |
FPSO | floating production, storage, and off-load (vessels) |
FS | financial statements of enterprises |
FSC | Financial Services Commission |
GAB | General Arrangements to Borrow |
GATT | General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade |
GBC | global business corporation |
GDDS | General Data Dissemination System |
GDP | gross domestic product |
GFS | government finance statistics |
GFSM | Government Finance Statistics Manual |
GNI | gross national income |
HS | Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System |
i.a. | inter alia (among other things) |
IAS | International Accounting Standard |
IASB | International Accounting Standards Board |
IBS | international banking statistics |
IFS | International Financial Statistics |
IIP | international investment position |
IIP Guide | Quarterly International Investment Position Statistics: Data Sources and Compilation Techniques |
IMF | International Monetary Fund |
IMTS | international merchandise trade statistics |
IMTS 2010 | International Merchandise Trade Statistics: Concepts and Definitions |
IO | international organization |
IRFCL | International Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity: Guidance for Data Template |
IRTS 2008 | International Recommendations for Tourism Statistics 2008 |
ISIN | International Securities Identification Number |
ISO | International Organization for Standardization |
ITRS | international transactions reporting system |
JEDH | Joint External Debt Hub |
MC | management company |
MFS | monetary and financial statistics |
MFSM-CG | Monetary and Financial Statistics Manual and Compilation Guide (2013) |
MMF | money market fund |
MSITS 2010 | Manual on Statistics of International Trade in Services |
MTO | money transfer operator |
n.i.e. | not included elsewhere |
NAB | New Arrangements to Borrow |
NAV | net asset value |
NCB | national central bank |
NFA | net foreign assets |
NGO | nongovernmental organization |
NPA | Note Purchase Agreement |
NPISH | nonprofit institution serving households |
ODA | Official Development Assistance |
ODC | other depository corporations |
ODCS | other depository corporations survey |
OECD | Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development |
OeNB | Öesterreichische Nationalbank |
OFBV | own fund at book value |
OFC | other financial corporations |
OFCS | other financial corporations survey |
OIN | other items net |
PBO | projected benefit obligation |
PCFS | private capital flows survey |
PDR | partial direct reporter |
PSA | production sharing arrangement |
QEDS | Quarterly External Debt Statistics |
RL | register of external loans |
RPF | reserve position in the IMF |
SBS | security-by-security |
SDDS | Special Data Dissemination Standard |
SDMX | Statistical Data and Metadata Exchange |
SDR | special drawing right |
SDRF | Supplementary Data Report Forms |
SITC | Standard International Trade Classification |
SMEs | small and medium-sized enterprises |
SNA | system of national accounts |
SPE | special purpose entity |
SRF | standardized report form |
SUR | survey |
TIC | Treasury International Capital |
U.S. | United States |
UCP | ultimate controlling parent |
WTO | World Trade Organization |
2008 SNA | System of National Accounts 2008 |