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Mr. Eduardo Valdivia-Velarde
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Comments and Explanatory Notes to the Conversion Matrix

Appendix 1. Conversion Matrix from the BPM5 to the BPM6

Comments and Explanatory Notes to the Conversion Matrix

For the balance of payments and IIP, the conversion matrix matches the standard components and additional details of the BPM5 to the standard components and selected other items of the BPM6; see:

  • BPM5 Balance of Payments: Standard Components, pages 43–48

  • BPM5 Tables 7 and 8, Balance of Payments: Standard Components and Additional Detail

  • BPM5 International Investment Position: Standard Components, pages 108-111

  • BPM5 Table 9, International Investment Position: Standard Components and Additional Detail

  • BPM6 Appendix 9 Standard Components and Selected Other Items

The Comments column of the conversion matrix provides further explanation and information regarding the changes between the BPM5 and BPM6. To enhance clarity, the titles of BPM5 standard components are shown in italics in the comments.

The conversion matrix follows the Standard Components and Selected Other Items of the BPM6. In a number of cases the order of the BPM5 items has been adjusted to facilitate the linking.

In the conversion matrix, the corresponding items of the BPM5 and BPM6 are linked via arrows. To reduce confusion, in cases where nonrelated arrows cross, different fonts have been selected for the crossing arrows.

In cases where the BPM5 item is broken down in the BPM6, split arrows are used to link all new items to the old one. Split arrows are also used when the BPM6 shows not only the original BPM5 item, but also an “of which” item thereof that was not included in the BPM5. For the sake of clarity, in those cases different fonts are used to distinguish the “of which” item.

BPM6 Changes in Treatment or Classification

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Further detail in EBOPS, see MSITS Annex II, Extended Balance of Payments Services Classification.

Standard components for those countries that are unable (e.g., for reasons of confidentiality) to provide the full breakdown by mode of transport; otherwise supplementary, but can be derived by summing the standard components for each mode of transport.

Construction abroad—Construction (CR.); Goods and services acquired (DR.). Construction in the reporting economy—(Goods and services acquired (CR.); (Construction (DR.)

If available for publication. If not available for publication, include in other investment-interest.

Preferably assets and liabilities reported separately, but otherwise a net figure for liabilities less assets, included, by convention, under assets.

If available for publication.

Assets and liabilities combined and reported as a net figure for assets less liabilities, included under assets.

Specify sector involved and standard component in which the item is included.

Arrears related to exceptional financing. Not a transaction, but included in the “analytic” presentation; see BPM6, paragraph 14.17 and Appendix 1, paragraph A1.21.