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MARCH 31, 2017
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© 2017 International Monetary Fund
Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Joint Bank-Fund Library
International Monetary Fund.
Selected decisions and selected documents of the International Monetary Fund. — Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund, 1962-
v. cm.
1st (1962)-
ISSN 0094-1735
1. International Monetary Fund—Periodicals. 2. International finance—Periodicals.
HG3881.5.I58 I59
ISBN-13: 978-1-47559-599-4 (paper)
ISBN-13: 978-1-48430-657-4 (web PDF)
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This volume is the Thirty-Ninth Issue of Selected Decisions and Selected Documents of the International Monetary Fund. It includes decisions, interpretations, and resolutions of the Executive Board and the Board of Governors of the International Monetary Fund, as well as selected documents, to which frequent reference is made in the current activities of the Fund. In addition, it includes certain documents relating to the Fund, the United Nations, and other international organizations.
As with other recent issues, the number of decisions in force continues to increase, with the decision format tending to be longer given the use of summings up in lieu of formal decisions. Accordingly it has become necessary to delete certain decisions that were included in earlier issues, that is, those that only completed or called for reviews of decisions, those that lapsed, and those that were superseded by more recent decisions.
Wherever reference is made in these decisions and documents to a provision of the Fund’s Articles of Agreement or Rules and Regulations that has subsequently been renumbered by, or because of, the Second Amendment of the Fund’s Articles of Agreement (effective April 1, 1978), the corresponding provision currently in effect is cited in a footnote.
The Thirty-Ninth Issue may be accessed online at the Fund’s external website (through the site index of www.imf.org) and at the IMF eLibrary (www.elibrary.imf.org).
Sean Hagan
The General Counsel
Director of the Legal Department
Selected Decisions and Resolutions of the International Monetary Fund
Quotas and Subscriptions
Adjustment of Quotas
Reform of Quota and Voice in the International Monetary Fund
Fourteenth General Review of Quotas and Reform of the Executive Board
Gold and Currency Subscribed to the Fund and Accounting by Members for Transactions with the Fund
Guidelines on Payment of Reserve Assets in Connection with Subscriptions
Exchange Arrangements and Surveillance
General Decisions
Notification of Exchange Arrangements Under Article IV, Section 2
The Chairman’s Summing Up—Modernizing the Legal Framework for Surveillance—An Integrated Surveillance Decision, Executive Board Meeting 12/72, July 18, 2012
Decision on Bilateral and Multilateral Surveillance
The Chairman’s Summing Up—2014 Triennial Surveillance Review Executive Board Meeting 14/90, September 26, 2014
The Acting Chair’s Summing Up—Evenhandedness of Fund Surveillance—Principles and Mechanism for Addressing Concerns, Executive Board Meeting 16/16, February 22, 2016
The Acting Chairman’s Summing Up—2008 Triennial Surveillance Review—Overview Paper, Executive Board Meeting 08/84, September 26, 2008
The Acting Chair’s Summing Up—Macroeconomic Issues in Small States and Implications for Fund Engagement, Executive Board Meeting 13/21, March 11, 2013
Surveillance over Monetary Unions
Surveillance over Monetary and Exchange Rate Policies: Members of Euro Area
Modalities for Surveillance over Euro-Area Policies in Context of Article IV Consultations with Member Countries
Modalities for Surveillance over Central African Economic and Monetary Union Policies in Context of Article IV Consultations with Member Countries
Modalities for Surveillance over Eastern Caribbean Currency Union Policies in Context of Article IV Consultations with Member Countries
Modalities for Surveillance over West African Economic and Monetary Union Policies in Context of Article IV Consultations with Member Countries
Capital Flows Trade, and Sovereign Wealth Funds
The Acting Chair’s Summing Up Capital Flows—Review of Experience with the Institutional View, Executive Board Meeting 16/110, December 5, 2016
The Acting Chair’s Summing Up—The Liberalization and Management of Capital Flows—An Institutional View, Executive Board Meeting 12/105, November 16, 2012
The Chairman’s Summing Up—Review of the Role of Trade in the Work of the Fund, Executive Board Meeting 15/21, February 27, 2015
The Acting Chair’s Summing Up—Sovereign Wealth Funds—The Santiago Principles—Generally Accepted Principles and Practices Developed by the International Working Group, Executive Board Meeting 08/87, October 3, 2008
Governance Issues and Military Expenditures
The Role of the Fund in Governance Issues—Guidance Note EBS/97/125, July 2, 1997
Concluding Remarks by the Acting Chairman—Military Expenditure and the Role of the Fund, Executive Board Meeting 91/138, October 2, 1991
Surveillance Procedures
Article IV Consultation Cycles
Proposed Steps to Address Excessive Delays in the Completion of Article IV Consultations
Surveillance Procedures—Implementation of Three-Month Period
Article IV Consultation Documentation—Recent Economic Developments
Guidelines on Minimum Circulation Periods for Executive Board Documents—Amendment
Lapse of Time Procedures for Article IV Consultations
Technical and Financial Services
Technical Services
General Decisions
Enhanced Surveillance: Procedures for Transmittal of Staff Reports
Enhanced Surveillance: Midterm Review
Summing Up by the Chairman—Biennial Review of the Fund’s Surveillance Policy, Executive Board Meeting 93/15, January 29, 1993
Summing Up by the Acting Chairman—Settlement of Disputes Between Members Relating to External Financial Obligations—Role of the Fund, Executive Board Meeting 84/99, June 22, 1984
The Chairman’s Summing Up of the Discussion of the Role of the Fund in Assisting Members with Commercial Banks and Official Creditors, Executive Board Meeting 85/132, September 4, 1985
Financial Sector Assessment Program and G-20 Mutual Assessment
Summing Up by the Acting Chairman—Financial Sector Assessment Program—A Review—Lessons from the Pilot and Issues Going Forward, Executive Board Meeting 00/123, December 13, 2000
Mandatory Financial Stability Assessments Under the Financial Sector Assessment Program—Update
The Acting Chair’s Summing Up—Mandatory Financial Stability Assessments Under the Financial Sector Assessment Program—Update, Executive Board Meeting 13/111, December 6, 2013
The Acting Chair’s Summing Up—Review of the Financial Sector Assessment Program—Further Adaptation to the Post-Crisis Era, Executive Board Meeting 14/85, September 15, 2014
Confidentiality Protocol—Protection of Sensitive Information in the Financial Sector Assessment Program
The G-20 Mutual Assessment Process and the Role of the Fund The Acting Chair’s Summing Up—Review of the Fund’s Involvement in the G-20 Mutual Assessment Process, Executive Board Meeting 11/56, June 3, 2011
Observance of Standards and Codes
Reports on Observance of Standards and Codes
The Acting Chair’s Summing Up—2011 Review of the Standards and Codes Initiative, Executive Board Meeting 11/24, March 9, 2011
The Acting Chair’s Summing Up—Ninth Review of the Fund’s Data Standards Initiatives, Executive Board Meeting 15/43, May 1, 2015
Offshore Financial Centers
The Acting Chair’s Summing Up—Offshore Financial Centers—Report on the Assessment Program and Proposal for Integration with the Financial Sector Assessment Program, Executive Board Meeting 08/48, May 30, 2008
Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism
Summing Up by the Acting Chair—Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism—Proposals to Assess a Global Standard and to Prepare ROSCs, Executive Board Meeting 02/80, July 26, 2002
Report on Outcome of FATF Plenary Meeting and Endorsement of Methodology for Assessing Compliance with Anti-Money Laundering and Combating Financing of Terrorism Standard
The Acting Chair’s Summing Up—Twelve-Month Pilot Program of Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism (AML/ CFT) Assessments—Joint Report on the Review of the Pilot Program, Executive Board Meeting 04/29, March 24, 2004
The Acting Chair’s Summing Up—Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT)—Report on the Review of the Effectiveness of the Program, Executive Board Meeting 11/55, June 1, 2011
The Acting Chair’s Summing Up—Review of the Fund’s Strategy on Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism, Executive Board Meeting 14/22, March 12, 2014
Framework Administered Account
Technical Assistance—Establishment of Framework Administered Account
Establishment of a New Framework Administered Account for Selected Fund Activities
Policy Support Instrument
Policy Support Instrument—Framework
Modifications of the Fund’s Conditionality Framework—Application to the Policy Support Instrument
Financial Services
Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust
A New Architecture of Facilities for Low-Income Countries and Reform of the Fund’s Concessional Financing Framework
Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust
Amendment to the Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust Instrument and Floor for the Six-Month Derived SDR Interest Rate
Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust—Interest Rates for Loans Under the Extended Credit Facility and the Standby Credit Facility
Financing for Development—Enhancing the Financial Safety Net for Developing Countries—Review of Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust Access Limits
Review of the Fund’s Income Position for FY 2016 and FY 2017-2018—Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust Reimbursement for FY 2016
The Acting Chair’s Summing Up—Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust—Review of Interest Rate Structure, Executive Board Meeting 16/91, October 3, 2016
The Chairman’s Summing Up—Macroeconomic and Operational Challenges in Countries in Fragile Situations, Executive Board Meeting 11/72, July 7, 2011
The Acting Chair’s Summing Up—Revisiting the Debt Sustainability Framework for Low-Income Countries, Executive Board Meeting 12/16, February 15, 2012
The Chairman’s Summing Up—Proposal to Enhance Fund Support for Low-Income Countries Hit by Public Health Disasters, Executive Board Meeting 15/12, February 4, 2015
The Acting Chair’s Summing Up—Reform of the Fund’s Policy on Poverty Reduction Strategies in Fund Engagement with Low-Income Countries—Proposals, Executive Board Meeting, 15/62, June 22, 2015
Facilitating Mobilization of Loan Resources for Concessional Lending to Low-Income Countries
Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility Trust—Other Provisions
Transformation of the Enhanced Structural Adjustment Facility
Establishment of General Policy to Condition Waiver Decisions Under the Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust on Accuracy of Information Regarding Performance Criteria
Access Limits Under Poverty and Growth Facility—Review
Contributions to PRGF and PRGF-HIPC Trusts—Value Date for Operations and Transactions
Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility Trust—Borrowing for Loan Account—Consultation with Creditors
The Chairman’s Summing Up of the Discussion on the Enhancement of the Structural Adjustment Facility—Operational Arrangements, Executive Board Meeting 87/171, December 15, 1987
The Chairman’s Remarks at the Conclusion of the Discussion on the Enhancement of the Structural Adjustment Facility—Legal Documentation, Executive Board Meeting 87/176, December 18, 1987
Partial Distribution of the General Reserve Attributed to Windfall Gold Sale Profits
Instrument to Establish the Interim Administered Account for Remaining Windfall Gold Sales Profits
Heavily Indebted Poor Countries
Establishment of a Trust for Special Poverty Reduction and Growth Operations for the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries and Interim ECF Subsidy Operations (PRG-HIPC Trust)
Trust for Special ESAF Operations for Heavily Indebted Poor Countries and Interim ESAF Subsidy Operations—Terms and Conditions for Administration of Account Provided Under Section III, Paragraph 5(b) of Trust
The Chairman’s Summing Up at the Conclusion of the Discussion on the Modalities for Special ESAF Operations in the Context of the HIPC Initiative and Other ESAF Issues, Executive Board Meeting 97/10, February 4, 1997
The Acting Chair’s Summing Up—HIPC Initiative—Status of Implementation; Background Papers on the Achievement of Long-Term External Debt Sustainability and External Debt Management in HIPCs; and Update on Financing of PRGF and HIPC Operations and Subsidization of Post-Conflict Emergency Assistance, Executive Board Meeting 02/40, April 9, 2002
Summing Up by the Chairman—Enhanced Initiative for Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPCs) and Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs)—Progress Reports and Review of Implementation, Executive Board Meeting 00/90, September 5, 2000
Summing Up by the Acting Chairman—Initiative for Heavily Indebted Poor Countries—Proposal for Streamlining Preliminary Documents, Executive Board Meeting 00/108, November 3, 2000
The Acting Chair’s Summing Up—2005 Review of the Poverty Reduction Strategy Approach—Balancing Accountabilities and Scaling Up Results—Synthesis, Executive Board Meeting 05/78, September 9, 2005
Joint Staff Advisory Notes—Amendments to Streamline Modalities
The Acting Chair’s Summing Up—Initiative for Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) and Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative (MDRI)—Status of Implementation and Proposals for the Future of the HIPC Initiative, Executive Board Meeting 11/115, November 30, 2011
The Acting Chair’s Summing Up—Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Initiative—Status of Implementation, Executive Board Meeting 05/78, September 9, 2005
Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative
Proposal to Enhance Fund Support for Low-Income Countries Hit by Public Health Disasters—Transformation of the Post-Catastrophe Debt Relief (PCDR) Trust into the Catastrophe Containment and Relief (CCR) Trust and Liquidation of the MDRI-I Trust
Liquidation of the MDRI-II Trust—Establishment of a Post-MDRI-II Trust Interim Administered Account
Review of the Fund’s Income Position for FY 2014 and FY 2015–2016—MDRI-I Trust Reimbursement for FY 2014
Liquidation of the MDRI-II Trust—Liquidation of the MDRI-II Trust and Transfer of the Remaining Balances
Liquidation of the MDRI-II Trust—Establishment of a Post-MDRI-II Trust Interim Administered Account
Administered Accounts
Catastrophe Containment and Relief (CCR) Trust
Proposal to Enhance Fund Support for Low-Income Countries Hit by Public Health Disasters—Transformation of the Post-Catastrophe Debt Relief (PCDR) Trust into the Catastrophe Containment and Relief (CCR) Trust and Liquidation of the MDRI-I Trust
Catastrophe Containment and Relief Trust Fund—Establishment and Related Matters
Catastrophe Containment and Relief Trust Fund—Umbrella Account—Establishment of Account and Terms and Conditions
Review of the Fund’s Income Position for FY 2016 and FY 2017-2018—Catastrophe Containment and Relief Trust Reimbursement for FY 2016
ARTICLE V, SECTION 3(a), (b), AND (c)
Use of Fund Resources
General Decisions
Interpretation of Articles of Agreement
Use of Fund’s Resources for Capital Transfers
Use of Fund’s Resources: Meaning of “Consistent with the Provisions of This Agreement” in Article V, Section 3
Use of Fund’s Resources: Meaning of Article V, Section 3(b)(ii)
Guidelines on Conditionality
Relationship Between Performance Criteria and Phasing of Purchases Under Fund Arrangements—Operational Guidelines
The Acting Chair’s Summing Up—Review of Conditionality, Executive Board Meeting 12/84, September 5, 2012
The Acting Chair’s Summing Up—Reform of the Policy on Public Debt Limits in Fund-Supported Programs, Executive Board Meeting 14/107, December 5, 2014
Reform of the Policy on Public Debt Limits in Fund-Supported Programs
The Acting Chair’s Summing Up—Review of the Policy on Debt Limits in Fund-Supported Programs, Executive Board Meeting 13/26, March 22, 2013
Guidelines on Performance Criteria with Respect to Foreign Borrowing—Change in Implementation of Revised Guidelines
Reduction of Blackout Periods in GRA Arrangements
The Acting Chair’s Summing Up—Conditionality in Evolving Monetary Policy Regimes, Executive Board Meeting 14/28, March 26, 2014
Conditionality Governing the Use of Fund Resources
The Acting Chair’s Summing Up—GRA Lending Toolkit and Conditionality—Reform Proposals, Executive Board Meeting 09/29 March 24, 2009
Elimination of Certain Special Facilities
Use of Fund Resources—Side Letters
Summing Up by the Acting Chair—Review of Side Letters and the Use of Fund Resources, Executive Board Meeting 02/59, June 12, 2002
Misreporting and Noncomplying Purchases in the General Resources Account—Guidelines on Corrective Action
Making the Misreporting Policies Less Onerous in De Minimis Cases
Establishment of General Policy to Condition Decisions in the General Resources Account on Accuracy of Information Regarding Implementation of Prior Actions
Establishment of General Policy to Condition Waiver Decisions in the General Resources Account on Accuracy of Information Regarding Performance Criteria
Overdue Financial Obligations—Amended Decisions
Establishment of General Policy to Condition Decisions Under the Extended Credit Facility, Standby Credit Facility and Exogenous Shocks Facility on Accuracy of Information Regarding Implementation of Prior Actions
Failure to Meet a Repurchase Expectation and Use of Fund’s General Resources, Executive Board Meeting 85/26, February 20, 1985
Summing Up by the Acting Chairman on Strengthening Safeguards on the Use of Fund Resources and Misreporting of Information to the Fund—Policies, Procedures, and Remedies—Preliminary Considerations, Executive Board Meeting 00/32, March 23, 2000
The Acting Chair’s Summing Up—Safeguards Assessments—Review of Experience and Next Steps, Executive Board Meeting 02/26, March 14, 2002
The Acting Chair’s Summing Up—Safeguards Assessments—Review of Experience; The Safeguards Policy—Independent Panel’s Advisory Report, Executive Board Meeting 10/76, July 23, 2010
The Acting Chair’s Summing Up—Safeguards Assessments—Review of Experience, Executive Board Meeting 15/96, October 23, 2015
Risk Acceptance Statements
Credit Tranche Policies and Facilities
Stand-By Arrangements
General Policies on Use of the Fund’s Resources: Tranche Policies
Summing Up by the Acting Chair—Lessons from the Real-Time Assessments of Structural Conditionality, Executive Board Meeting 02/36, April 3, 2002
Extended Fund Facility
Stand-By and Extended Arrangements—Standard Forms
Completion of Reviews Under Stand-By and Extended Arrangements
Flexible Credit Line (FCL) Arrangements
The Fund’s Financing Role—Reform Proposals on Liquidity and Emergency Assistance—Precautionary and Liquidity Line (PLL) Arrangements
The Fund’s Financing Role—Reform Proposals on Liquidity and Emergency Assistance—Review of Decisions on FCL Arrangements and PLL Arrangements
The Chairman’s Summing Up—Review of the Flexible Credit Line and Precautionary Credit Line; The Fund’s Financing Role—Reform Proposals on Liquidity and Emergency Assistance, Executive Board Meeting 11/112, November 21, 2011
The Chairman’s Summing Up—Review of the Flexible Credit Line, the Precautionary and Liquidity Line, and the Rapid Financing Instrument, Executive Board Meeting 14/15, February 14, 2014
Review of the Flexible Credit Line, the Precautionary and Liquidity Line, and the Rapid Financing Instrument—Next Review
Statement by the Staff Representative on the Review of the Flexible Credit Line, the Precautionary and Liquidity Line, and the Rapid Financing Instrument—Specific Proposals, Executive Board Meeting, June 11, 2014
The Acting Chair’s Summing Up—Review of the Flexible Credit Line, the Precautionary and Liquidity Line, and the Rapid Financing Instrument—Specific Proposals, Executive Board Meeting 14/46, May 21, 2014
The Acting Chair’s Summing Up—Review of the Flexible Credit Line, the Precautionary and Liquidity Line, and the Rapid Financing Instrument—Specific Proposals—Annex, Executive Board Meeting 14/53, June 11, 2014
Omnibus Paper on Easing Work Pressures
The Chairman’s Summing Up—Selected Streamlining Proposals Under the FY16-18 Medium-Term Budget—Implementation Issues, Executive Board Meeting 15/39, April 23, 2015
The Fund’s Financing Role—Reform Proposals on Liquidity and Emergency Assistance—Rapid Financing Instrument (RFI)
The Chairman’s Summing Up—Small States’ Resilience to Natural Disasters and Climate Change—Role for the IMF, Executive Board Meeting 16/108, December 1, 2016
Financing for Development—Enhancing the Financial Safety Net for Developing Countries—Review of Rapid Financing Instrument Access Limits
Summing Up by the Acting Chairman—Fund Assistance to Post-Conflict Countries, Executive Board Meeting 99/38, April 5, 1999
The Chairman’s Summing Up—The Role of the Fund in Low-Income Countries, Executive Board Meeting 08/6, July 23, 2008
The Chairman’s Summing Up—Review of Facilities for Low-Income Countries, Executive Board Meeting 12/85, September 6, 2012
Trade-Related Balance of Payments Adjustment—Fund Support
Trade Integration Mechanism
Arrears to Creditors and Debt Strategy
Arrears to Creditors and Debt Strategy
Review of Fund Policies and Procedure on Payments Arrears, Executive Board Meeting 80/154, October 17, 1980
Summing Up by the Chairman—Fund Involvement in the Debt Strategy, Executive Board Meeting 89/61, May 23, 1989
The Chairman’s Summing Up—Reforming the Fund’s Policy on Non-toleration of Arrears to Official Creditors, Executive Board Meeting 15/113, December 8, 2015
Summing Up by the Acting Chairman—Fund Policy on Arrears to Private Creditors—Further Considerations, Executive Board Meeting 99/64, June 14, 1999
The Acting Chair’s Summing Up—Fund Policy on Lending into Arrears to Private Creditors—Further Consideration of the Good Faith Criterion, Executive Board Meeting 02/92, September 4, 2002
Fund’s Policy on Lending into Arrears
Summing Up by the Chairman—Management of the Debt Situation, Executive Board Meeting 91/48, April 3, 1991
The Acting Chairman’s Summing Up on the Role of the Fund in the Settlement of Disputes Between Members Relating to External Financial Obligations, Executive Board Meeting 84/99, June 22, 1984
Access Policy
Access Policy and Limits in the Credit Tranches and Under the Extended Fund Facility and on Overall Access to the Fund’s General Resources, and Exceptional Access Policy—Review and Modification
Summing Up by the Acting Chair—Access Policy in Capital Account Crises, Executive Board Meeting 02/94, September 6, 2002
The Acting Chair’s Summing Up—Review of Access Policy Under the Credit Tranches and the Extended Fund Facility, and Access Policy in Capital Account Crises—Modifications to the Supplemental Reserve Facility and Follow-Up Issues Related to Exceptional Access Policy, Executive Board Meeting 03/16, February 26, 2003
Summing Up by the Acting Chair—Review of Exceptional Access Policy, Executive Board Meeting 04/36, April 14, 2004
The Acting Chair’s Summing Up—The Fund’s Lending Framework and Sovereign Debt—Further Considerations, Executive Board Meeting 16/4, January 20, 2016
The Chairman’s Summing Up—Crisis Prevention and Precautionary Arrangements—Status Report, Executive Board Meeting 04/90, September 24, 2004
Emergency Financing Mechanism and Post-Program Monitoring
Summing Up by the Chairman—Emergency Financing Mechanism, Executive Board Meeting 95/85, September 12, 1995
Post-Program Monitoring
The Acting Chair’s Summing Up Strengthening the Framework for Post-Program Monitoring, Executive Board Meeting 16/51, July 1, 2016
Media of Payment
Assessment of Strength of Member’s Balance of Payments and Gross Reserve Position for the Purposes of Designation Plans, Operational Budgets, and Repurchases Under Article V, Section 7(b)
Transfers of SDRs Under Article V, Section 3(f)
Members with Outstanding Purchases
Review of Guidelines for Allocation of Currencies
Selection of Currencies by the Fund
Ineligibility to Use the Fund’s General Resources
Use of Fund’s Resources: Limitation and Ineligibility Under Article V, Section 5
Use of Fund’s Resources: Postponement and Limitation Under Article V, Section 5
Sales of SDRs by the Fund
Sales of SDRs by the Fund
Guidelines for Early Repurchase
Attribution of Reductions in Fund’s Holdings of Currencies
Charges and Remuneration
Future Changes in Charges on Fund’s Holdings of Members’ Currencies in Excess of Quota
Surcharge on Purchases in Credit Tranches and Under Extended Fund Facility
Media of Payment in General Resources Account
Accounting for Charges from Members with Overdue Obligations
Special Charges on Overdue Financial Obligations to the Fund
Setoff in Connection with a Retroactive Reduction of Charges Due by Members in Arrears
Burden Sharing
Income Position—Burden Sharing—Implementation in FY 2000
Implementation of Burden Sharing in FY 2001
Burden Sharing—Implementation in FY 2007
Review of the Fund’s Income Position for FY 2012 and FY 2013-14—PRGT Reserve Account Transfer to Subsidy Account
Review of the Fund’s Income Position for FY 2016 and FY 2017-2018—The Rate of Charge on the Use of Fund Resources for FY 2017 and FY 2018
Rates for Computations and Maintenance of Value
Rates for Computations and Maintenance of Value
Special Disbursement Account
Special Disbursement Account: Investment
Structural Adjustment Facility—Use of Resources of Special Disbursement Account—Regulations for Administration
The Acting Chair’s Summing Up—Eligibility to Use the Fund’s Facilities for Concessional Financing, Executive Board Meeting 15/73, July 17, 2015
Structural Adjustment Facility—Use of Resources of Special Disbursement Account—List of Eligible Members and Amounts of Assistance
Eligibility to Use the Fund’s Facilities for Concessional Financing—PRGT Eligibility Criteria
The Acting Chair’s Summing Up—Eligibility to Use the Fund’s Facilities for Concessional Financing, Executive Board Meeting 12/17, February 17, 2012
Special Disbursement Account: Review of Structural Adjustment Facility and Establishment of the Enhanced Structural Adjustment Facility
Special Disbursement Account: Transfer of Resources from the Special Disbursement Account to the Enhanced Structural Adjustment Facility Trust and Retransfer to the Special Disbursement Account
Special Disbursement Account: Review of Structural Adjustment Facility (SAF), Termination of Authority to Make Commitments to Provide Assistance from SAF in Conjunction with Loans from ESAF Trust, and Transfer of Resources from SDA to ESAF Trust
Modalities of Gold Pledge for Use of PRGF Trust Resources Under Rights Approach
Annual Reimbursement of General Resources Account in Respect of Expenses of Conducting Business of PRGF-ESF Trust
Use of Fund’s Resources for Capital Transfers
Use of Fund’s Resources for Capital Transfers
Controls on Capital Transfers
Controls on Capital Transfers
General Arrangements to Borrow
Transferability of Claims Under General Arrangements to Borrow
New Arrangements to Borrow
The Rollback of Credit Arrangements in the New Arrangements to Borrow (NAB)—Change in Credit Arrangements and Amendment
New Arrangements to Borrow—Proposed Renewal of and Modifications to the NAB Decision
New Arrangements to Borrow—Transferability of Claims
Establishment of the Borrowed Resources Suspense Accounts
Investment by the Fund of the Currencies Held in the Borrowed Resources Suspense Accounts
Guidelines for Borrowing by the Fund
The Chairman’s Summing Up—Maintaining Access to Bilateral Borrowing and Review of the Borrowing Guidelines, Executive Board Meeting 16/77, August 29, 2016
The Chairman’s Summing Up—Borrowing by the Fund—Proposed Modalities, Executive Board Meeting 12/58, June 15, 2012
A Framework for the Fund’s Issuance of Notes to the Official Sector
Unenforceability of Exchange Contracts
Unenforceability of Exchange Contracts—Fund’s Interpretation of Article VIII, Section 2(b)
Payments Restrictions
Payments Restrictions for Security Reasons: Fund Jurisdiction
Bilateralism and Convertibility
Official Clearing and Payments Arrangements—Temporary Exemption from Three-Month Rule
Retention Quotas: Decision and Letter of Transmittal
Discrimination for Balance of Payments Reasons
Articles VIII and XIV
Summing Up by the Chairman—Biennial Review of the Fund’s Surveillance Policy, Executive Board Meeting 93/15, January 29, 1993
Payments Arrears in Current International Transactions
Payments Policies
Consultations on Members’ Policies in Present Circumstances
Multiple Currency Practices
Statement to Members Transmitting Fund’s Decisions on Multiple Currency Practices
Multiple Currency Practices
Multiple Currency Practices—Policy
Multiple Currency Practices Applicable Solely to Capital Transactions
Furnishing of Information
Strengthening the Effectiveness of Article VIII, Section 5
Summing Up by the Acting Chair—Review of Data Provision to the Fund for Surveillance Purposes, Executive Board Meeting 04/25, March 15, 2004
The Acting Chair’s Summing Up—Review of Data Provision to the Fund for Surveillance Purposes, Executive Board Meeting 08/38, May 2, 2008
The Acting Chair’s Summing Up—2012 Review of Data Provision to the Fund for Surveillance Purposes, Executive Board Meeting 12/98, November 1, 2012
Summing Up by the Acting Chairman—Standards for the Dissemination of Economic and Financial Statistics to the Public by Member Countries and Implementation of the SDDS, Executive Board Meeting 96/36, April 12, 1996
Establishment of the Special Data Dissemination Standard Plus
Summing Up by the Acting Chairman—General Data Dissemination System, Executive Board Meeting 97/125, December 19, 1997
Review of the Fund’s Transparency Policy—Archives Policy
Cooperation with Investigations on Fund Activities by Auditing Institutions of Members—Procedures
Privilege for Communications
Interpretation of Article IX, Section 7
Immunities and Privileges of Officers and Employees
Managing Director—Policy Statement on Immunity of Fund Officials
Relations with Other International Organizations
The IMF-World Bank Concordat (SM/89/54, Rev. 1)
Fund/Bank Collaboration: Invitation to the Bank to Send a Staff Member as an Observer, Executive Board Meeting 70/30, April 10, 1970
The Chairman’s Summing Up at the Conclusion of the Discussion on Fund-Bank Collaboration and the Adjustment Process—Issues for Consideration, Executive Board Meeting 84/171, November 28, 1984
Concluding Remarks by the Acting Chairman—Bank-Fund Collaboration—Report of the Managing Director and the President; and Review of Collaboration in Strengthening Financial Systems, Executive Board Meeting 98/102, September 22, 1998
The Acting Chair’s Summing Up—Operational Framework for Debt Sustainability Assessments in Low-Income Countries—Further Considerations, Executive Board Meeting 05/34, April 11, 2005
European Central Bank—Observer Status
Guidelines/Framework for Fund Staff Collaboration with the New World Trade Organization
Exchange of Documents with Other International Agencies
Summing Up by the Chairman—Policy Orientation and Balance of Payments Assistance of Bilateral and Multilateral Aid Agencies, Executive Board Meeting 90/106, July 2, 1990
The Acting Chair’s Summing Up—IMF Membership in the Financial Stability Board, Executive Board Meeting 10/86, September 8, 2010
IMF Membership in the Financial Stability Board
Executive Directors
Adjustment of Quota and Voting Power
Code of Conduct for the Members of the Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund
Executive Board Meetings—Procedural Guidelines, Executive Board Meeting 75/12, February 7, 1975
Summings Up and Concluding Remarks for Policy Items—Modification of Review and Finalization Process
ARTICLE XII, SECTION 4 Managing Director and Staff
Authorized Signatories
Reserves, Distribution of Net Income, and Investment
The Investment Account—Establishment
The Acting Chair’s Summing Up—Review of the Investment Strategy for the Fixed-Income Subaccount of the Investment Account, Executive Board Meeting 15/82, August 31, 2015
Review of the Investment Strategy for the Fixed-Income Subaccount of the Investment Account—Amendment to Rules and Regulations
Review of the Fund’s Income Position for FY 2016 and FY 2017-2018—Transfer of Investment Income for FY 2016 to General Resources Account
Review of the Fund’s Income Position for FY 2016 and FY 2017-2018—Placement of FY 2016 Net Income of the General Resources Account to the Special Reserve and General Reserve
Review of the Fund’s Income Position for FY 2016 and FY 2017-2018—Transfer of Currencies to the Investment Account for FY 2016
The Acting Chair’s Summing Up—Broadening the Fund’s Investment Mandate—Additional Considerations, Executive Board Meeting 12/60, June 20, 2012
Use of Gold Sales Profits in the Investment Account
Publication of Reports
2013 Review of the Fund’s Transparency Policy
Reform of the Fund’s Policy on Poverty Reduction Strategies in Fund Engagement with Low-Income Countries—Web Posting of PRS Documentation
The Acting Chair’s Summing Up—The Fund’s Transparency Policy—Issues and Next Steps, Executive Board Meeting 03/87, September 12, 2003
Publicity upon Suspension of Voting Rights and Termination of Suspension
Concluding Remarks by the Acting Chairman—Strengthening the Application of the Guidelines on Misreporting, Executive Board Meeting 00/77, July 27, 2000
Summing Up by the Acting Chairman—Transparency and Use of Fund Resources, Executive Board Meeting 99/135, December 20, 1999
Summings Up for Internal Purposes on Use of Fund Resources
External Audit Firm Mandatory Rotation and Limits on Provision of Audit-Related Services and Non-Audit-Related Services
Restrictions on Payments and Transfers: Withdrawal
Meaning of “In Exceptional Circumstances” in Article XIV, Section 4
Valuation of the Special Drawing Right
The Chairman’s Summing Up—Review of the Method of Valuation of the SDR, Executive Board Meeting 15/109, November 30, 2015
Review of the Method of Valuation of the SDR—Freely Usable Currency—Renminbi
Review of the Method of Valuation of the SDR—Method of SDR Valuation and Adjustment of Rule T-1(c)
Review of the Method of Valuation of the SDR—Amendment to Rule O-1
Method of Collecting Exchange Rates for the Calculation of the Value of the SDR for the Purposes of Rule O-2(a)
Special Drawing Rights: Other Holders
Special Drawing Rights: Other Holders
Bank for International Settlements (BIS)—Change in Terms and Conditions of Prescription as Holder of SDRs
Andean Reserve Fund—Holder of SDRs
Use of SDRs in Payment of Trust Fund Obligations
Use of SDRs in Payment of Subsidy
Use of SDRs in Operations Under the Structural Adjustment Facility
Use of SDRs in Financial Operations Under the Enhanced Structural Adjustment Facility Trust or Under an Administered Account
Use of SDRs in Financial Operations Under the PRGF-HIPC Trustor Under an Administered Account
Allocation of Special Drawing Rights
Allocation of Special Drawing Rights for the First Basic Period
Allocation of Special Drawing Rights for the Third Basic Period
Allocation of Special Drawing Rights for the Ninth Basic Period
Special Drawing Rights: Additional Uses
Use of SDRs in Settlement of Financial Obligations
Use of SDRs in Loans
Use of SDRs in Pledges
Use of SDRs in Transfers as Security for the Performance of Financial Obligations
Use of SDRs in Swap Operations
Use of SDRs in Forward Operations
Use of SDRs in Donations
Designation of Participants to Provide Currency
Review of Rules for Designation and Method of Calculating Designation Amounts
Rules for Designation Revision
Abrogation of Rules for Reconstitution
Payment of Net Charges and Assessment in the SDR Department for the Financial Year Ended April 30, 1982
Review of the Fund’s Income Position for FY 2014 and FY 2015-2016—Assessment Under Article XX, Section 4 for FY 2014
Review of the Fund’s Income Position for FY 2015 and FY 2016—Assessment Under Article XX, Section 4 for FY 2015
Remedial Measures on Overdue Financial Obligations to the Fund
Overdue Payments to the Fund—Purchases from Fund
Overdue Payments to the Fund—Experience and Procedures, Executive Board Meeting 84/54, April 5, 1984
The Chairman’s Summing Up at the Conclusion of the Discussion on Overdue Financial Obligations to the Fund, Executive Board Meeting 85/170, November 25, 1985
The Acting Chairman’s Concluding Remarks at the Discussion on Additions to the Special Contingent Account, Executive Board Meeting 88/12, January 29, 1988
The Acting Chairman’s Summing Up at the Conclusion of the Discussion on Overdue Financial Obligations—Six-Monthly Report, Executive Board Meeting 88/19, February 10, 1988
Procedures for Dealing with Members with Overdue Financial Obligations to the General Department and the SDR Department, Executive Board Meeting 89/101, July 27, 1989
Statement by the Managing Director on the Strengthened Cooperative Strategy on Overdue Financial Obligations to the Fund, Executive Board Meeting 90/38, March 16, 1990
Summing Up by the Chairman—Operational Modalities of the Rights Approach, Executive Board Meeting 90/97, June 20, 1990
Summing Up by the Chairman—Overdue Financial Obligations to the Fund—Six-Monthly Review; Progress Under the Strengthened Cooperative Strategy; and Special Charges—Annual Review, Executive Board Meeting 91/42, March 25, 1991
Summing Up by the Acting Chairman—Overdue Financial Obligations to the Fund—Six-Monthly Review; Further Progress Under the Strengthened Cooperative Strategy, Executive Board Meeting 92/58, April 17, 1992
The Acting Chairman’s Summing Up—Overdue Financial Obligations—De-Escalation of Remedial Measures Under the Strengthened Cooperative Strategy—Further Considerations, Executive Board Meeting 99/79, July 22, 1999
Extension of the Availability of the Rights Approach
Review of the Fund’s Strategy on Overdue Financial Obligations—Flexibility Under the De-Escalation Policy for Members Hit by a Qualifying Catastrophic Disaster
Calculation of Reserve Tranche: Exclusion of Purchases and Holdings
Exclusion of Purchases in the Credit Tranches and Under Extended Fund Facility
Balances Held in Administrative Account
Freely Usable Currencies
Freely Usable Currencies
Trust Fund
Trust Fund: Means of Payment of Interest by Members on Their Indebtedness Under Loan Agreements
Trust Fund: Means of Repayment by Members on Their Indebtedness Under Loan Agreements
Trust Fund: Special Charges on Overdue Financial Obligations
Trust Fund: Final Direct Distribution of Profits
Trust Fund: Termination and Transfer of Resources to Special Disbursement Account
Terms of Repayment of Final Loan Disbursement and Amendment of Trust Instrument
Subsidy Account
Supplementary Financing Facility: Subsidy Account—Instrument
Review of the Fund’s Income Position for FY 2014 and FY 2015-2016—PCDR Trust Reimbursement for FY 2014
Review of the Fund’s Income Position for FY 2015 and FY 2016—Catastrophe Containment and Relief (formerly Post-Catastrophe Debt Relief) Trust Reimbursement for FY 2015
Supplementary Financing Facility: Subsidy Account—Investment
Supplementary Financing Facility: Subsidy Account—Suspension of Transfers and Re-Transfer of Surplus
Supplementary Financing Facility: Subsidy Account—Means of Subsidy Payments
Supplementary Financing Facility Subsidy Account—Exchange Rate for Payment of Subsidies
A. Request for Interpretation of the Articles of Agreement as to the Authority of the Fund to Use Its Resources
B. Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly 377(V) Entitled “Uniting for Peace”
C. Composite Resolution on the Work of the Ad Hoc Committee on Reform of the International Monetary System and Related Issues and on a Program of Immediate Action
Final Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on Reform of the International Monetary System and Related Issues
Transformation of the Interim Committee of the Board of Governors on the International Monetary System into the International Monetary and Financial Committee of the Board of Governors
Establishment of Joint Ministerial Committee of the Boards of Governors of the Bank and the Fund on the Transfer of Real Resources to Developing Countries
Other Immediate Steps
Interim Committee: Rules of Procedure
Development Committee: Rules of Procedure
Development Committee: Changes in the Organization of Work and Structure of the Secretariat Function
A. Agreement Between the United Nations and the International Monetary Fund
B. United Nations Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies and Annex V
C. The International Monetary Fund and the World Trade Organization Relations with World Trade Organization (WTO)—Fund-WTO Cooperation Agreement
Decision Adopted by the General Council Concerning Agreements Between the WTO and the IMF and the World Bank at Its Meeting on 7, 8, and 13 November 1996 (WT/L/194, 18 November 1996)
D. Agreement Between the International Monetary Fund and the World Trade Organization
List of Decisions by Number
Number | Page |
1946–1951 | |
71-2 | 313, 541 |
117-1 | 814 |
170-3 | 17 |
180-5 | 759 |
237-2 | 608 |
284-3 | 491 |
284-4 | 314 |
286-1 | 491 |
287-3 | 313 |
408-2 | 1 |
446-4 | 597 |
534-3 | 717 |
1952-2007 | |
144-(52/51) | 599 |
201-(53/29) | 602 |
433-(55/42) | 600 |
541-(56/39) | 542 |
649-(57/33) | 616 |
955-(59/45) | 603 |
1034-(60/27) | 605 |
1238-(61/43) | 313, 541 |
1289-(62/1) | 554 |
3153-(70/95) | 434, 606 |
4134-(74/4) | 608 |
4239-(74/67) | 499 |
4377-(74/114) | 380 |
5392-(77/63) | 92 |
5590-(77/163) | 516 |
5702-(78/39) | 501 |
5703-(78/39) | 497 |
5712-(78/41) | 21 |
6000-(79/1) S | 836 |
6001-(79/1) S | 838 |
6053-(79/34) S | 839 |
6054-(79/34) S | 841 |
6056-(79/138) | 77, 322 |
6172-(79/101) | 495 |
6209-(79/124) S | 846 |
6230-(79/140) | 329, 337 |
6266-(79/156) | 17 |
6273-(79/158) G/S | 484, 846 |
6274-(79/158) | 484, 485 |
6275-(79/158) G/S | 484 |
6336-(79/178) S | 843 |
6337-(79/178) S | 844 |
6352-(79/183) | 484 |
6358-(79/188) TR | 887 |
6437-(80/37) S | 845 |
6467-(80/71) S | 826 |
6484-(80/77) S | 827 |
6486-(80/77) S | 827 |
6487-(80/77) S | 827 |
6488-(80/77) S | 827 |
6489-(80/77) S | 827 |
6540-(80/98) TR | 888 |
6609-(80/126) S | 827 |
6663-(80/160) S | 492 |
6683-(80/185) G/TR | 896, 897 |
6704-(80/185) TR | 518, 889 |
6709-(80/189) S | 823 |
6718-(81/1) S | 827 |
6774-(81/35) | 489 |
6790-(81/43) | 617 |
6793-(81/45) | 890 |
6830-(81/65) | 380, 885 |
6831-(81/65) | 498 |
6832-(81/65) S | 851 |
6844-(81/75) | 585 |
6845-(81/75) | 586 |
6854-(81/78) SBS | 897 |
6908-(81/101) S | 827 |
7060-(82/23) | 885 |
7064-(82/26) S | 827 |
7086-(82/42) S | 827 |
7116-(82/68) S | 852 |
7142-(82/85) TR | 887 |
7229-(82/136) S | 827 |
7337-(83/37) | 554 |
7427-(83/83) | 92 |
7582-(83/174) S | 827 |
7628-(84/25) | 559 |
7629-(84/25) | 559 |
7707-(84/79) S | 827 |
7842-(84/165) | 177, 339 |
354, 355 | |
383, 387 | |
7908-(85/26) | 856 |
7925-(85/38) | 322, 324, 400 |
7930-(85/41) | 502 |
7989-(85/81) SBS | 898 |
8165-(85/189) G/TR | 504 |
8185-(86/9) SBS/S | 898 |
8186-(86/9) SBS/S | 828 |
8222-(86/45) | 97 |
8237-(86/56) SAF | 536 |
8238-(86/56) SAF | 517 |
8239-(86/56) SAF | 829 |
8240-(86/56) SAF | 526 |
8241-(86/56) SAF | 534 |
8271-(86/74) | 505 |
8433-(86/175) | 502 |
8642-(87/101) S/TR | 828 |
8648-(87/104) | 619 |
8733-(87/159) | 554 |
8757-(87/176) SAF/ESAF | 535 |
8759-(87/176) ESAF | 166 |
8760-(87/176) | 536 |
8845-(88/61) ESAF | 165 |
8846-(88/61) ESAF | 165 |
8937-(88/118) ESAF/S | 829 |
8955-(88/126) | 497 |
9605-(90/170) | 768 |
9862-(91/156) | 589 |
10175-(92/129) | 554 |
10176-(92/129) | 554 |
10182-(82/132) | 380 |
10286-(93/23) ESAF | 539 |
10305-(93/32) | 810 |
10365-(93/67) | 98 |
10464-(93/130) | 380, 395 |
10531-(93/170) SAF | 535 |
10749-(94/67) | 600 |
10942-(95/33) | 146 |
10968-(95/43) | 744 |
11248-(96/38) | 337 |
11381-(96/105) | 956, 965 |
11428-(97/6) | 577 |
11429-(97/6) | 584 |
11436-(97/10) | 805 |
11492-(97/45) | 242 |
11609-(97/112) | 554 |
11627-(97/123) SRF | 347 |
11698-(98/38) ESAF | 262 |
11832-(98/119) ESAF | 167, 227 |
11837-(98/121) | 487 |
11846-(98/125) | 54 |
11857-(98/130) | 886 |
11861-(98/131) ESAF | 242 |
11945-(99/49) | 507 |
11976-(99/59) S | 850 |
12062-(99/130) | 830 |
12067-(99/108) | 350 |
12087-(99/118) PRGF | 228, 242 |
12152-(00/21) | 517 |
12189-(00/45) | 510 |
12239-(00/71) | 759 |
12249-(00/77) | 354, 357 |
12250-(00/77) | 355 |
12251-(00/77) | 355 |
12252-(00/77) | 167 |
12253-(00/77) | 356 |
12254-(00/77) | 229 |
12278-(00/86) | 389 |
12329-(00/113) | 827 |
12346-(00/117) | 500 |
12424-(01/13) | 715 |
12546-(01/84) | 869 |
12548-(01/84) | 356 |
12559-(01/85) PRGF | 230 |
12661-(02/6) | 93 |
12662-(02/6) | 131 |
12663-(02/6) | 812 |
12696-(02/27) | 242, 251, 252 |
12697-(02/27) ESAF | 260, 262 |
12864-(02/102) | 322 |
12865-(02/102) | 372 |
12879-(02/113) | 554 |
12881-(02/113) | 577 |
12884-(02/114) | 140 |
12899-(02/119) | 56 |
12925-(03/1) | 744 |
13004-(03/39) | 230 |
13005-(03/39) | 898 |
13183-(04/10) | 628 |
13229-(04/33) | 433 |
13454-(05/26) | 480 |
13561-(05/85) | 163 |
13564-(05/85) | 354 |
13589-(05/99) | 262 |
13590-(05/99) ESF | 167, 242 |
13654-(06/1) | 58 |
13655-(06/1) | 59 |
13656-(06/1) | 61 |
13707-(06/40) | 512 |
13710-(06/40) IA | 769 |
13774-(06/78) | 167 |
13775-(06/78) | 242 |
13797-(06/88) | 242, 259 |
13814-(06/98) | 138, 163, 322, 366, 433, 447, 500, 620, 628, 632 |
13849-(06/108) | 354 |
13911-(07/35) | 510 |
13919-(07/51) | 25, 417 |
13996-(07/100) | 577 |
13997-(07/100) | 554 |
14003-(07/107) | 413 |
14036-(08/1) | 447, 632 |
14039-(08/3) | 242 |
14059-(08/15) | 58 |
14060-(08/15) | 59 |
14061-(08/15) | 61 |
14062-(08/15) | 56 |
14064-(08/18) | 399, 449, 451 |
14065-(08/18) | 229 |
14093-(08/32) | 540 |
14107-(08/38) | 628 |
14153-(08/82) | 163, 167 |
14184-(08/93) | 347, 451, 480 |
14235-(09/1) | 163, 447 |
14253-(09/8) | 163, 167, 280 |
14260-(09/11) | 93 |
14280-(09/29) | 343 |
14281-(09/29) | 324 |
14282-(09/29) | 347 |
14283-(09/29) | 372, 393, 400, 407 |
14284-(09/29) | 451, 480 |
14285-(09/29) | 500 |
14287-(09/29) | 167, 380, |
497, 498 | |
14294-(09/31) | 150 |
14317-(09/41) | 164 |
14354-(09/79) | 163, 166, 167, 189, 227, 229, 242, 243, 356, 433, 512, 628 |
14367-(09/65) | 589 |
14379-(09/67) | 595 |
14407-(09/105) | 340, 380 |
14487-(09/125) | 129 |
14496-(09/126) | 510 |
14498-(09/126) | 713 |
14517-(10/1) | 744 |
14521-(10/3) | 299, 532 |
14522-(10/3) | 526 |
14577-(10/35) | 562, 577 |
14593-(10/41) | 167, 226 |
14649-(10/64) | 295 |
14650-(10/64) | 294, 312 |
14714-(10/83) | 393 |
14715-(10/83) | 399, 400 |
14716-(10/83) | 451 |
14721-(10/80) | 577 |
14725-(10/84) | 883 |
14728-(10/85) | 639 |
14736-(10/92) | 89, 91, 108 |
14747-(10/96) | 89, 91 |
14766-(10/115) | 96, 418, 713 |
14860-(11/23) | 3 |
15014-(11/110) | 568, 577 |
15015-(11/112) | 422 |
15017-(11/112) | 89, 322, 324, 400, 408, 451 |
15018-(11/112) | 242 |
15019-(11/112) | 400 |
15031-(11/115) | 242 |
15035-(11/116) | 167 |
15072-(12/1) | 577 |
15073-(12/1) | 568, 581 |
15092-(12/19) | 234, 498 |
15105-(12/17) | 532 |
15106-(12/21) | 91 |
15113-(12/24) | 380 |
15141-(12/39) | 512 |
15176-(12/58) | 589 |
15203-(12/72) | 25, 108 |
15207-(12/74) | 96 |
15211-(12/76) | 715 |
15224-(12/82) | 526 |
15225-(12/83) | 863 |
15226-(12/83) | 167 |
15228-(12/95) | 238 |
15256-(12/96) | 639 |
15257-(12/96) | 685 |
15262-(12/105) | 551 |
15303-(13/1) | 167 |
15314-(13/6) | 771 |
15320-(13/10) | 340 |
15333-(13/23) | 758 |
15350-(13/32) | 532 |
15351-(13/32) | 526 |
15352-(13/32) | 167 |
15354-(13/32) | 163 |
15355-(13/32) | 418 |
15356-(13/32) | 280 |
15420-(13/61) | 712, 713, 805 |
15462-(13/97) | 337 |
15481-(13/103) | 167, 173, 414, 418 |
15482-(13/103) | 167, 180 |
15494-(13/103) | 91 |
15495-(13/111) | 108, 113 |
15547-(14/19) | 713 |
15564-(14/29) | 685 |
15576-(14/36) | 167 |
15578-(14/37) | 854 |
15579-(14/37) | 289 |
15580-(14/37) | 897 |
15593-(14/46) | 393 |
15594-(14/46) | 400 |
15595-(14/46) | 422 |
15596-(14/46) | 408 |
15676-(14/94) | 510 |
15688-(14/107) | 163, 329 |
15692-(14/109) | 168 |
15706-(14/112) | 3 |
15708-(15/12) | 286, 287, 291, 295, 297 |
15763-(15/39) | 416, 418 |
15764-(15/39) | 451 |
15769-(15/41) | 897 |
15781-(15/43) | 782 |
15803-(15/62) | 168 |
15804-(15/62) | 163 |
15805-(15/62) | 805 |
15806-(15/62) | 805 |
15807-(15/62) | 280 |
15810-(15/63) | 290 |
15811-(15/63) | 286, 290 |
15818-(15/66) | 168 |
15819-(15/66) | 168, 177, 212 |
15820-(15/66) | 422 |
15821-(15/66) | 421, 422 |
15826-(15/67) | 685 |
15827-(15/67) | 692 |
15830-(15/70) | 589 |
15834-(15/73) | 532 |
15835-(15/73) | 526 |
15840-(15/77) | 234, 236 |
15853-(15/80) | 883 |
15857-(15/82) | 771 |
15890-(15/109) | 818 |
15891-(15/109) | 821 |
15914-(16/7) | 9 |
15931-(16/4) | 451 |
15941-(16/14) | 449, 451 |
15942-(16/14) | 400 |
15943-(16/14) | 500 |
15945-(16/14) | 89 |
15946-(16/14) | 480 |
15948-(16/15) | 371 |
15950-(16/18) | 91 |
15975-(16/33) | 312 |
15976-(16/33) | 212 |
15977-(16/33) | 781 |
15978-(16/33) | 782 |
15979-(16/33) | 782 |
15980-(16/33) | 513 |
16019-(16/61) | 480 |
16033-(16/17) | 821 |
16039-(16/75) | 238, 241 |
16040-(16/75) | 771 |
16042-(16/77) | 589 |
16051-(16/86) | 168, 209 |
16059-(16/91) | 168 |
16060-(16/91) | 211 |
16069-(16/95) | 823 |
16072-(16/96) | 925 |
16079-(16/99) | 574, 577, 583 |
16123-(17/1) | 7 |
16124-(17/1) | 7 |
A-9786-(93/20) | 752 |
A-11780 | 718 |
A-13207 | 418 |
Number | Page |
1946–1951 | |
71-2 | 313, 541 |
117-1 | 814 |
170-3 | 17 |
180-5 | 759 |
237-2 | 608 |
284-3 | 491 |
284-4 | 314 |
286-1 | 491 |
287-3 | 313 |
408-2 | 1 |
446-4 | 597 |
534-3 | 717 |
1952-2007 | |
144-(52/51) | 599 |
201-(53/29) | 602 |
433-(55/42) | 600 |
541-(56/39) | 542 |
649-(57/33) | 616 |
955-(59/45) | 603 |
1034-(60/27) | 605 |
1238-(61/43) | 313, 541 |
1289-(62/1) | 554 |
3153-(70/95) | 434, 606 |
4134-(74/4) | 608 |
4239-(74/67) | 499 |
4377-(74/114) | 380 |
5392-(77/63) | 92 |
5590-(77/163) | 516 |
5702-(78/39) | 501 |
5703-(78/39) | 497 |
5712-(78/41) | 21 |
6000-(79/1) S | 836 |
6001-(79/1) S | 838 |
6053-(79/34) S | 839 |
6054-(79/34) S | 841 |
6056-(79/138) | 77, 322 |
6172-(79/101) | 495 |
6209-(79/124) S | 846 |
6230-(79/140) | 329, 337 |
6266-(79/156) | 17 |
6273-(79/158) G/S | 484, 846 |
6274-(79/158) | 484, 485 |
6275-(79/158) G/S | 484 |
6336-(79/178) S | 843 |
6337-(79/178) S | 844 |
6352-(79/183) | 484 |
6358-(79/188) TR | 887 |
6437-(80/37) S | 845 |
6467-(80/71) S | 826 |
6484-(80/77) S | 827 |
6486-(80/77) S | 827 |
6487-(80/77) S | 827 |
6488-(80/77) S | 827 |
6489-(80/77) S | 827 |
6540-(80/98) TR | 888 |
6609-(80/126) S | 827 |
6663-(80/160) S | 492 |
6683-(80/185) G/TR | 896, 897 |
6704-(80/185) TR | 518, 889 |
6709-(80/189) S | 823 |
6718-(81/1) S | 827 |
6774-(81/35) | 489 |
6790-(81/43) | 617 |
6793-(81/45) | 890 |
6830-(81/65) | 380, 885 |
6831-(81/65) | 498 |
6832-(81/65) S | 851 |
6844-(81/75) | 585 |
6845-(81/75) | 586 |
6854-(81/78) SBS | 897 |
6908-(81/101) S | 827 |
7060-(82/23) | 885 |
7064-(82/26) S | 827 |
7086-(82/42) S | 827 |
7116-(82/68) S | 852 |
7142-(82/85) TR | 887 |
7229-(82/136) S | 827 |
7337-(83/37) | 554 |
7427-(83/83) | 92 |
7582-(83/174) S | 827 |
7628-(84/25) | 559 |
7629-(84/25) | 559 |
7707-(84/79) S | 827 |
7842-(84/165) | 177, 339 |
354, 355 | |
383, 387 | |
7908-(85/26) | 856 |
7925-(85/38) | 322, 324, 400 |
7930-(85/41) | 502 |
7989-(85/81) SBS | 898 |
8165-(85/189) G/TR | 504 |
8185-(86/9) SBS/S | 898 |
8186-(86/9) SBS/S | 828 |
8222-(86/45) | 97 |
8237-(86/56) SAF | 536 |
8238-(86/56) SAF | 517 |
8239-(86/56) SAF | 829 |
8240-(86/56) SAF | 526 |
8241-(86/56) SAF | 534 |
8271-(86/74) | 505 |
8433-(86/175) | 502 |
8642-(87/101) S/TR | 828 |
8648-(87/104) | 619 |
8733-(87/159) | 554 |
8757-(87/176) SAF/ESAF | 535 |
8759-(87/176) ESAF | 166 |
8760-(87/176) | 536 |
8845-(88/61) ESAF | 165 |
8846-(88/61) ESAF | 165 |
8937-(88/118) ESAF/S | 829 |
8955-(88/126) | 497 |
9605-(90/170) | 768 |
9862-(91/156) | 589 |
10175-(92/129) | 554 |
10176-(92/129) | 554 |
10182-(82/132) | 380 |
10286-(93/23) ESAF | 539 |
10305-(93/32) | 810 |
10365-(93/67) | 98 |
10464-(93/130) | 380, 395 |
10531-(93/170) SAF | 535 |
10749-(94/67) | 600 |
10942-(95/33) | 146 |
10968-(95/43) | 744 |
11248-(96/38) | 337 |
11381-(96/105) | 956, 965 |
11428-(97/6) | 577 |
11429-(97/6) | 584 |
11436-(97/10) | 805 |
11492-(97/45) | 242 |
11609-(97/112) | 554 |
11627-(97/123) SRF | 347 |
11698-(98/38) ESAF | 262 |
11832-(98/119) ESAF | 167, 227 |
11837-(98/121) | 487 |
11846-(98/125) | 54 |
11857-(98/130) | 886 |
11861-(98/131) ESAF | 242 |
11945-(99/49) | 507 |
11976-(99/59) S | 850 |
12062-(99/130) | 830 |
12067-(99/108) | 350 |
12087-(99/118) PRGF | 228, 242 |
12152-(00/21) | 517 |
12189-(00/45) | 510 |
12239-(00/71) | 759 |
12249-(00/77) | 354, 357 |
12250-(00/77) | 355 |
12251-(00/77) | 355 |
12252-(00/77) | 167 |
12253-(00/77) | 356 |
12254-(00/77) | 229 |
12278-(00/86) | 389 |
12329-(00/113) | 827 |
12346-(00/117) | 500 |
12424-(01/13) | 715 |
12546-(01/84) | 869 |
12548-(01/84) | 356 |
12559-(01/85) PRGF | 230 |
12661-(02/6) | 93 |
12662-(02/6) | 131 |
12663-(02/6) | 812 |
12696-(02/27) | 242, 251, 252 |
12697-(02/27) ESAF | 260, 262 |
12864-(02/102) | 322 |
12865-(02/102) | 372 |
12879-(02/113) | 554 |
12881-(02/113) | 577 |
12884-(02/114) | 140 |
12899-(02/119) | 56 |
12925-(03/1) | 744 |
13004-(03/39) | 230 |
13005-(03/39) | 898 |
13183-(04/10) | 628 |
13229-(04/33) | 433 |
13454-(05/26) | 480 |
13561-(05/85) | 163 |
13564-(05/85) | 354 |
13589-(05/99) | 262 |
13590-(05/99) ESF | 167, 242 |
13654-(06/1) | 58 |
13655-(06/1) | 59 |
13656-(06/1) | 61 |
13707-(06/40) | 512 |
13710-(06/40) IA | 769 |
13774-(06/78) | 167 |
13775-(06/78) | 242 |
13797-(06/88) | 242, 259 |
13814-(06/98) | 138, 163, 322, 366, 433, 447, 500, 620, 628, 632 |
13849-(06/108) | 354 |
13911-(07/35) | 510 |
13919-(07/51) | 25, 417 |
13996-(07/100) | 577 |
13997-(07/100) | 554 |
14003-(07/107) | 413 |
14036-(08/1) | 447, 632 |
14039-(08/3) | 242 |
14059-(08/15) | 58 |
14060-(08/15) | 59 |
14061-(08/15) | 61 |
14062-(08/15) | 56 |
14064-(08/18) | 399, 449, 451 |
14065-(08/18) | 229 |
14093-(08/32) | 540 |
14107-(08/38) | 628 |
14153-(08/82) | 163, 167 |
14184-(08/93) | 347, 451, 480 |
14235-(09/1) | 163, 447 |
14253-(09/8) | 163, 167, 280 |
14260-(09/11) | 93 |
14280-(09/29) | 343 |
14281-(09/29) | 324 |
14282-(09/29) | 347 |
14283-(09/29) | 372, 393, 400, 407 |
14284-(09/29) | 451, 480 |
14285-(09/29) | 500 |
14287-(09/29) | 167, 380, |
497, 498 | |
14294-(09/31) | 150 |
14317-(09/41) | 164 |
14354-(09/79) | 163, 166, 167, 189, 227, 229, 242, 243, 356, 433, 512, 628 |
14367-(09/65) | 589 |
14379-(09/67) | 595 |
14407-(09/105) | 340, 380 |
14487-(09/125) | 129 |
14496-(09/126) | 510 |
14498-(09/126) | 713 |
14517-(10/1) | 744 |
14521-(10/3) | 299, 532 |
14522-(10/3) | 526 |
14577-(10/35) | 562, 577 |
14593-(10/41) | 167, 226 |
14649-(10/64) | 295 |
14650-(10/64) | 294, 312 |
14714-(10/83) | 393 |
14715-(10/83) | 399, 400 |
14716-(10/83) | 451 |
14721-(10/80) | 577 |
14725-(10/84) | 883 |
14728-(10/85) | 639 |
14736-(10/92) | 89, 91, 108 |
14747-(10/96) | 89, 91 |
14766-(10/115) | 96, 418, 713 |
14860-(11/23) | 3 |
15014-(11/110) | 568, 577 |
15015-(11/112) | 422 |
15017-(11/112) | 89, 322, 324, 400, 408, 451 |
15018-(11/112) | 242 |
15019-(11/112) | 400 |
15031-(11/115) | 242 |
15035-(11/116) | 167 |
15072-(12/1) | 577 |
15073-(12/1) | 568, 581 |
15092-(12/19) | 234, 498 |
15105-(12/17) | 532 |
15106-(12/21) | 91 |
15113-(12/24) | 380 |
15141-(12/39) | 512 |
15176-(12/58) | 589 |
15203-(12/72) | 25, 108 |
15207-(12/74) | 96 |
15211-(12/76) | 715 |
15224-(12/82) | 526 |
15225-(12/83) | 863 |
15226-(12/83) | 167 |
15228-(12/95) | 238 |
15256-(12/96) | 639 |
15257-(12/96) | 685 |
15262-(12/105) | 551 |
15303-(13/1) | 167 |
15314-(13/6) | 771 |
15320-(13/10) | 340 |
15333-(13/23) | 758 |
15350-(13/32) | 532 |
15351-(13/32) | 526 |
15352-(13/32) | 167 |
15354-(13/32) | 163 |
15355-(13/32) | 418 |
15356-(13/32) | 280 |
15420-(13/61) | 712, 713, 805 |
15462-(13/97) | 337 |
15481-(13/103) | 167, 173, 414, 418 |
15482-(13/103) | 167, 180 |
15494-(13/103) | 91 |
15495-(13/111) | 108, 113 |
15547-(14/19) | 713 |
15564-(14/29) | 685 |
15576-(14/36) | 167 |
15578-(14/37) | 854 |
15579-(14/37) | 289 |
15580-(14/37) | 897 |
15593-(14/46) | 393 |
15594-(14/46) | 400 |
15595-(14/46) | 422 |
15596-(14/46) | 408 |
15676-(14/94) | 510 |
15688-(14/107) | 163, 329 |
15692-(14/109) | 168 |
15706-(14/112) | 3 |
15708-(15/12) | 286, 287, 291, 295, 297 |
15763-(15/39) | 416, 418 |
15764-(15/39) | 451 |
15769-(15/41) | 897 |
15781-(15/43) | 782 |
15803-(15/62) | 168 |
15804-(15/62) | 163 |
15805-(15/62) | 805 |
15806-(15/62) | 805 |
15807-(15/62) | 280 |
15810-(15/63) | 290 |
15811-(15/63) | 286, 290 |
15818-(15/66) | 168 |
15819-(15/66) | 168, 177, 212 |
15820-(15/66) | 422 |
15821-(15/66) | 421, 422 |
15826-(15/67) | 685 |
15827-(15/67) | 692 |
15830-(15/70) | 589 |
15834-(15/73) | 532 |
15835-(15/73) | 526 |
15840-(15/77) | 234, 236 |
15853-(15/80) | 883 |
15857-(15/82) | 771 |
15890-(15/109) | 818 |
15891-(15/109) | 821 |
15914-(16/7) | 9 |
15931-(16/4) | 451 |
15941-(16/14) | 449, 451 |
15942-(16/14) | 400 |
15943-(16/14) | 500 |
15945-(16/14) | 89 |
15946-(16/14) | 480 |
15948-(16/15) | 371 |
15950-(16/18) | 91 |
15975-(16/33) | 312 |
15976-(16/33) | 212 |
15977-(16/33) | 781 |
15978-(16/33) | 782 |
15979-(16/33) | 782 |
15980-(16/33) | 513 |
16019-(16/61) | 480 |
16033-(16/17) | 821 |
16039-(16/75) | 238, 241 |
16040-(16/75) | 771 |
16042-(16/77) | 589 |
16051-(16/86) | 168, 209 |
16059-(16/91) | 168 |
16060-(16/91) | 211 |
16069-(16/95) | 823 |
16072-(16/96) | 925 |
16079-(16/99) | 574, 577, 583 |
16123-(17/1) | 7 |
16124-(17/1) | 7 |
A-9786-(93/20) | 752 |
A-11780 | 718 |
A-13207 | 418 |
List of Board of Governors’ Resolutions
Number | Page |
IM-6 | 901 |
6-8 | 902 |
24-12 | 832 |
29-7 | 903 |
29-8 | 903, 905 |
29-9 | 903, 909, 915 |
29-10 | 920 |
34-2 | 492 |
34-3 | 833 |
48-4 | 909 |
54-9 | 905 |
63-2 | 4 |
64-3 | 834 |
66-2 | 16 |
67-2 | 915 |
Number | Page |
IM-6 | 901 |
6-8 | 902 |
24-12 | 832 |
29-7 | 903 |
29-8 | 903, 905 |
29-9 | 903, 909, 915 |
29-10 | 920 |
34-2 | 492 |
34-3 | 833 |
48-4 | 909 |
54-9 | 905 |
63-2 | 4 |
64-3 | 834 |
66-2 | 16 |
67-2 | 915 |
Interpretations Under Article XXIX(a)
Interpretations of Articles of Agreement (71-2) 313, 541, 604
Unenforceability of Exchange Contracts: Fund’s
Interpretation of Article VIII, Section 2(b) (446-4) 597
Interpretation of Article IX, Section 7 (534-3) 717