DECEMBER 31, 2000
ISSN 009-1735
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International Monetary Fund, Publication Services
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This volume is the Twenty-Fifth Issue of Selected Decisions of the International Monetary Fund and Selected Documents. It contains the decisions, interpretations, and resolutions of the Executive Board and the Board of Governors of the International Monetary Fund, as well as selected documents, to which frequent reference is made in the current activities of the Fund. In addition, the volume contains certain documents relating to the Fund, the United Nations, and other international organizations. With few exceptions, the decisions are of a general nature and relate to certain obligations, policies, and procedures under the Articles of Agreement.
This issue differs from the earlier issues in several respects. In particular, as the number of decisions in force keeps increasing and the decision format tends to be longer with the use of summings up in lieu of formal decisions, it has become necessary, in order to retain a single volume publication, to eliminate certain decisions that were included in earlier issues, i.e., those that only completed or called for reviews of decisions, those that lapsed, and those that were superseded by more recent decisions.
Wherever reference is made in this volume to provisions of the Fund’s Articles or Rules and Regulations that have subsequently been renumbered by, or because of, the Second Amendment of the Fund’s Articles of Agreement (effective April 1, 1978), the corresponding provision currently in effect is cited in a footnote.
The General Counsel
François P. Gianviti
Selected Decisions of the Executive Board
Selected Resolutions of the Board of Governors
Selected Documents
List of Decisions by Number
List of Board of Governors’ Resolutions
Interpretations Under Article XXIX(a)
Selected Decisions of the Executive Board and Selected Documents
Article III
Quotas and Subscriptions
Adjustment of Quotas (408-2)
Eleventh General Review Of Quotas—Period for Consent to Increases—Extension (12238-(00/71))
Gold and Currency Subscribed to the Fund and Accounting by Members for Transactions with the Fund (170-3)
Guidelines on Payment of Reserve Assets in Connection with Subscriptions (6266-(79/156))
Article IV
Exchange Arrangements and Surveillance
Notification of Exchange Arrangements Under Article IV, Section 2 (5712-(78/41))
Surveillance Over Exchange Rate Policies (5392-(77/63))
Surveillance: Procedures (6026-(79/13))
Surveillance over Exchange Rate Policies: Review (9499-(90/111))
Implementation of Procedures for Surveillance: Review (10273-(93/15))
__________ (12178-(00/41))
Article IV Consultation Cycles—Review of Temporary Changes (10168-(92/127))
Biennial Review of the Fund’s Surveillance Policy—Termination of Bicyclic Consultation Procedure (10362-(93/67))
Concluding Remarks by the Chairman—Biennial Review of the Implementation of Surveillance over Exchange Rate Policies and of the 1977 Surveillance Decision (EBM 91/15)
Summing Up by the Chairman—Biennial Review of the Implementation of the Fund’s Surveillance Over Members’ Exchange Rate Policies and of the 1977 Surveillance Decision; and Transmittal of Fund Documents to Other International Organizations (EBM 97/30)
Summing Up by the Acting Chairman—Biennial Review of the Implementation of the Fund’s Surveillance and of the 1977 Surveillance Decision (EBM 00/24)
Surveillance: Procedures—Implementation of Three-Month Period (7427-(83/83))
Surveillance Over Monetary and Exchange Rate Policies: Members of Euro Area (11846-(98/125))
Public Information Notices—Release (11493-(97/45))
The Role of the Fund in Governance Issues-Guidance Note (EBS 97/125)
Article V, Section 2(b)
Financial and Technical Services
Financial Services
Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility Trust (8759-(87/176) ESAF)
Amendment of the Provisions on Corrective Action for Misreporting and Noncomplying Disbursements Under the Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility (PRGF) (12252-(00/77))
Establishment of General Policy to Condition Decisions Under the Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility on Accuracy of Information Regarding Implementation of Prior Actions (12253-(00/77))
Establishment of General Policy to Condition Waiver Decisions Under the Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility on Accuracy of Information Regarding Performance Criteria (12254-(00/77))
Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility Trust—Other Provisions (11832-(98/119) ESAF)
Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility Trust—Extension and Enlargement (10530-(93/170) ESAF)
ESAF Successor—Initiation of Operations (10597-(94/14)ESAF)
ESAF Trust—Transfer To the ESAF/HIPC Trust (11683-(98/27))
ESAF Trust-Reserve Account—Transfer To the ESAF/HIPC Trust (11713-(98/49) ESAF)
__________ (11946-(99/49) ESAF)
PRGF Trust-Reserve Account—Transfer To the PRGF-HIPC Trust (12065-(99/130) PRGF)
The Chairman’s Summing Up of the Discussion on the Enhancement of the Structural Adjustment Facility—Operational Arrangements (EBM 87/171)
The Chairman’s Remarks at the Conclusion of the Discussion on the Enhancement of the Structural Adjustment Facility—Legal Documentation (EBM 87/176)
Enhanced Structural Adjustment Facility—Access Limits (8845-(88/61) ESAF)
__________ (11027-(95/65) ESAF)
Enhanced Structural Adjustment Facility—Interest Rate On Trust Loans (8846-(88/61) ESAF)
Enhanced Structural Adjustment Facility—Borrowing for Loan Account—Consultation With Creditors (9056-(89/2) ESAF)
__________ (10534-(93/170) ESAF)
__________ (12032-(99/87))
Establishment of A Trust for Special PRGF Operations for the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries and Interim PRGF Subsidy Operations (11436-(97/10))
The Chairman’s Summing Up at the Conclusion of the Discussion on the Modalities for Special ESAF Operations in the Context of the HIPC Initiative and Other ESAF Issues (EBM 97/5)
Trust for Special ESAF Operations for Heavily Indebted Poor Countries and Interim Esaf Subsidy Operations—Terms and Conditions for Administration of Account Provided Under Section III, Paragraph 5(b) of Trust (11698-(98/38) ESAF)
Transformation of the Enhanced Structural Adjustment Facility (12087-(99/118) PRGF)
Summing Up by the Chairman—Enhanced Initiative for Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) and Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSP)—Progress Reports and Review of Implementation (EBM 00/90)
Summing Up by the Acting Chairman Initiative for Heavily Indebted Poor Countries—Proposal for Streamlining Preliminary Documents (EBM 00/108)
Technical Services
Technical Assistance—Establishment of Framework Administered Account (10942-(95/33))
Enhanced Surveillance: Procedures for Transmittal of Staff Reports (8222-(86/45))
The Chairman’s Summing Up of the Discussion of the Role of the Fund in Assisting Members with Commercial Banks and Official Creditors (EBM 85/132)
Enhanced Surveillance: Midterm Review (10365-(93/67))
Summing Up by the Chairman Biennial Review of the Fund’s Surveillance Policy (EBM 93/15)
Summing Up by the Acting Chairman Settlement of Disputes Between Members Relating to External Financial Obligations—Role of the Fund (EBM 84/99)
Establishment of the Post-SCA-2 Administered Account (12061-(99/130))
Summing Up by the Acting Chairman Financial Sector Assessment Program—A Review—Lessons from the Pilot and Issues Going Forward (EBM 00/123)
Article V, Section 3(a), (b), AND (c)
Use of Fund’s Resources
General Decisions
Interpretation of Articles of Agreement (Pursuant to 71-2)
Use of Fund’s Resources for Capital Transfers (1238-(61/43))
Use of Fund’s Resources: Meaning of Consistent With the Provisions of This Agreement in Article V, Section 3 (287-3)
Use of Fund’s Resources: Meaning of Article V, Section 3(b)(ii) (284-4)
Multiple Currency Practices Applicable Solely to Capital Transactions (8648-(87/104))
Use of Fund’s Resources and Repurchases (102-(52/11))
Side Letters and the Use of Fund Resources (12067-(99/108))
Summing Up by the Acting Chairman Strengthening Safeguards on the Use of Fund Resources and Misreporting of Information to the Fund—Policies, Procedures, and Remedies—Preliminary Considerations (EBM 00/32)
Overdue Obligations to the Fund
Summing Up by the Chairman Operational Modalities of the Rights Approach (EBM 90/97)
Summing Up by the Chairman—Overdue Financial Obligations to the Fund—Six-Monthly Review; Progress Under the Strengthened Cooperative Strategy; and Special Charges—Annual Review (EBM 91/42)
Summing Up by the Acting Chairman—Overdue Financial Obligations to the Fund—Six-Monthly Review; Further Progress Under the Strengthened Cooperative Strategy Executive (EBM 92/58)
Overdue Financial Obligations to the Fund—Strengthened Cooperative Strategy—Review (12219-(00/63))
Credit Tranche Policies, Stand-by and Extended Arrangements, Emergency Assistance
Stand-By Arrangements (270-(53/95))
Guidelines On Conditionality (6056-(79/38))
Relationship Between Performance Criteria and Phasing of Purchases Under Fund Arrangements—Operational Guidelines (7925-(85/38))
Completion of Reviews Under Stand-By and Extended Arrangements (12278-(00/86))
Guidelines On Performance Criteria With Respect To External Debt Or Borrowing In Fund Arrangements—Change in Coverage of Debt Limits (6230-(79/140))
Guidelines On Performance Criteria With Respect To Foreign Borrowing—Change in Implementation of Revised Guidelines (11248-(96/38))
Concluding Remarks by the Acting Chairman—Strengthening the Application of the Guidelines on Misreporting (EBM 00/77)
Misreporting and Noncomplying Purchases in the General Resources Account—Guidelines On Corrective Action (12249-(00/77))
Establishment of General Policy to Condition Decisions in the General Resources Account on Accuracy of Information Regarding Implementation of Prior Actions (12250-(00/77)
Establishment of General Policy to Condition Waiver Decisions in the General Resources Account on Accurcy of Information Regarding Performance Criteria (7842-(84/165)
__________ (EBM/85/26)
Exclusion of Credit Tranches and Extended Facility (6830-(81/65))
Elimination of Augmentation of Rights To Purchase Under Stand-By and Extended Arrangements (5706-(78/39))
Extended Fund Facility (4377-(74/114))
Extended Fund Facility: Review of Decision (5220-(76/144))
__________ (7558-(83/156))
__________ (7857-(84/175))
__________ (8192-(86/13))
__________ (8583-(87/72))
__________ (9189-(89/77))
__________ (9790-(91/106))
__________ (10723-(94/58))
Stand-By and Extended Arrangements—Standard Forms (10464-(93/130))
Reviews Under Fund Arrangements—Lapse of Time Procedure (11515-(97/59))
Emergency Assistance
Emergency Assistance—Natural Disasters (EBM/82/16)
Emergency Assistance—Post-Conflict Countries (EBM/95/82)
Summing Up by the Chairman—Fund Involvement in Post-Conflict Countries (EBM/95/82)
Conversion of Emergency Assistance into a Special Policy (12341-(00/117)
Emergency Financing Mechanism (EBM/95/85)
Arrears To Creditors and Debt Strategy (3153-(70/95))
Review of Fund Policies and Procedure On Payments Arrears (EBM/80/154)
The Acting Chairman’s Summing Up on Fund Policy on Arrears to Private Creditors—Further Considerations (EBM 99/64)
Debt and Debt Service Reduction Operations—Early Repurchase Expectations (9331-(89/167))
Summing Up by the Chairman—Management of the Debt Situation (EBM 91/48)
Summing Up by the Acting Chairman—Modalities of Fund Support for Debt and Debt-Service Reduction (EBM 94/1)
Resources in Connection With Debt and Debt Service Reduction Operations (11877-(99/2))
Termination of the Policy on the Financing of Debt and Debt Service Reduction Operations (12185-(00/42))
Access Policy
Access Policy—Guidelines on Access Limits (11876-(99/2))
__________ (12103-(99/135))
__________ (12385-(00/129))
The Chairman’s Summing Up at the Conclusion of the Discussion on Criteria for the Amount of Access in Individual Cases—December 2, 1983
Summing Up by the Acting Chairman—Review of the Compensatory and Contingency Financing Facility (CCFF) and Buffer Stock Financing Facility (BSFF)—Preliminary Considerations (EBM 00/5)
Compensatory Financing Facility
Compensatory Financing Facility (8955-(88/126))
__________ (EBM/82/1)
Termination of the Buffer Stock Financing Facility (12142-(00/16))
Termination of the Policy on Currency Stabilization Funds (12184-(00/42))
Supplemental Reserve Facility and Contingent Credit Lines (11627-(97/123) SRF)
Summing Up by the Acting Chairman—Contingent Credit Lines (EBM 00/113)
Supplemental Reserve Facility—Disposition of Net Operational Income (11683-(98/27))
__________ (11716-(98/49))
Supplemental Reserve Facility and Contingent Credit Lines—Disposition of Net Operating Income (11949-(99/49) SRF/CCL)
__________ (12191-(00/45) SRF/CCL))
Y2K Facility: Establishment (12058-(99/110) Y2KF)
Systemic Transformation Facility
Systemic Transformation Facility (10348-(93/61) STF)
Future of Systemic Transformation Facility (10961-(95/41))
Article V, Section 3(d) and (f)
Media of Payment
Use of Currencies and SDRs in the General Resources Account and Principles and Procedures for Designation (6273-(79/158) G/S)
Specification of Currencies By the Fund (6274-(79/158))
Transfers of SDRs Under Article V, Section 3(f) (6275-(79/158) G/S)
Procedures for the Sale of Currencies At the Request of Members With Outstanding Purchases (6352-(79/183))
Operational Budget—Review of Guidelines for Allocation of Currencies (11837-(98/121))
Selection of Currencies By the Fund (6774-(81/35))
Article V, Section 5
Ineligibility to Use the Fund’s General Resources
Use of Fund’s Resources: Limitation and Ineligibility Under Article V, Section 5 (284-3)
Use of Fund’s Resources: Postponement and Limitation Under Article V, Section 5 (286-1)
Article V, Section 6
Sales of SDRs By the Fund (6663-(80/160) S)
Article V, Section 7
Early Repurchases (5704-(78/39))
Guidelines for Early Repurchase (6172-(79/101))
Repurchase (5703-(78/39))
Attribution of Reductions in Fund’s Holdings of Currencies (6831-(81/65))
Off-Market Gold Sales: Acceptance of Gold in Payment of Repurchase Obligations (12063-(99/130))
Article V, Sections 8 And 9
Charges and Remuneration
Charges: Future Changes in Charges On Fund’s Holdings of Members’ Currencies in Excess of Quota (4239-(74/67))
Surcharge On Purchases in Credit Tranches and Under Extended Fund Facility (12346-(00/117))
Charges: Media of Payment in General Resources Account (5702-(78/39) G/S)
Charges: Accounting for Charges from Members with Overdue Obligations (8433-(86/175))
Charges: Special Charges on Overdue Financial Obligations to the Fund (8165-(85/189) G/TR)
Charges: System of Special Charges—Review (11715-(98/49) G/SAF/TR)
__________(11948-(99/49) G/SAF/TR)
__________(12190-(00/45) G/SAF/TR)
Charges: Setoff in Connection with a Retroactive Reduction of Charges Due by Members in Arrears (8271-(86/74))
Burden Sharing
Income Position—Principles of “Burden Sharing,” Income Target for FY 1987 and FY 1988, Rate of Charge, and Rate of Remuneration (8348-(86/122))
Managing Director’s Concluding Remarks at Informal Meeting on Principles of Burden Sharing and the Fund’s Income Position, July 17, 1986
The Managing Director’s Concluding Remarks on Principles of Burden Sharing and the Fund’s Income Position (EBM 86/124)
Special Contingent Account (8619-(87/90))
Special Contingent Account: Additions in FY 1988, and Disposition of Amounts Placed in FY 1987 and FY 1988 (8780-(88/12))
Principles of “Burden Sharing,” Rate of Charge, Amount for Special Contingent Account and Net Income Target, and Implementation of “Burden Sharing” for FY 1989 (8861-(88/67))
Income Position—Burden Sharing—Implementation in FY 1990 (9135-(89/46))
Burden Sharing—Implementation in FY 1994 (10340-(93/54))
Net Income Target for FY 1994 and Rate of Charge On Use of Fund Resources (10391-(93/86))
Burden Sharing—Implementation During the First Quarter of FY 1995 (10660-(94/38))
Disposition of Net Income for FY 1994 (10704-(94/52))
Net Income Target for FY 1995; Rate of Charge On Use of Fund Resources; and Retroactive Reduction of Rate of Charge for FY 1995 and Increase in Net Income Target for FY 1996 (10705-(94/52))
Income Position for FY 1995—Midyear Review; Rate of Charge As of November 1, 1994; and Retroactive Reduction of Rate of Charge for FY 1994 and Increase in Net Income Target for FY 1996 (10850-(94/107))
Burden Sharing—Implementation During Second Through Fourth Quarters of FY 1995 (10706-(94/52))
Income Position—Burden Sharing—Implementation in FY 1996 (10958-(95/40))
Income Position—Burden Sharing—Implementation in FY 1997 (11249-(96/39))
Income Position—Net Income Target and Rate of Charge On Use of Fund Resources for FY 1997 (11251-(96/39))
Income Position, Precautionary Balances, and Burden Sharing for FY 1997 and FY 1998 (11480-(97/42))
Income Position—Burden Sharing—Implementation in FY 1998 (11480-(97/42))
Income Position—Net Income Target and Rate of Charge On Use of Fund Resources for FY 1998 (11482-(97/42))
Income Position—Disposition of Net Income for FY 1997 (11483-(97/42))
Income Position, Precautionary Balances, Burden Sharing, and Special Charges for FY 1998 and FY 1999 (11710-(98/49))
The Rate of Charge On the Use of Fund Resources for FY 1999 (11711-(98/49))
Burden Sharing—Implementation in FY 1999 (11712-(98/49))
Income Position, Precautionary Balances, Burden Sharing, and Special Charges for FY 1999 and FY 2000 (11943-(99/49))
Disposition of Net Income for FY 1999 (11943-(99/49))
Disposition of Net Income for FY 2000 (12231-(00/68))
The Rate of Charge On the Use of Fund Resources for FY 2000 (11944-(99/49))
The Rate of Charge On the Use of Fund Resources for FY 2001 (12188-(00/45))
Changes to Commitment Charge—Stand-By and Extended Arrangements (12347-(00/117))
Off-Market Gold Transactions for FY 2000: Mitigation of the Cost To the Fund (12064-(99/130))
Burden Sharing—Implementation in FY 2000 (11945-(99/49))
Implementation of Burden Sharing (12189-(00/45))
Income Position for FY 2000—Actual Outcome (12232-(00/68))
Income Position for FY 2001—Review (12350-(00/119))
Extended Burden Sharing
Extended Burden Sharing—Implementation, and Modalities of New Special Contingent Account (SCA-2) (9471-(90/98))
Extended Burden Sharing—Review (11714-(98/49))
Early Termination of the Special Contingent Account (SCA-2) (12060-(99/130))
Rates for Computations and Maintenance of Value (5590-(77/163))
Special Disbursement Account
Trust Fund: Termination and Transfer of Resources To Special Disbursement Account (6704-(80/185) TR)
Special Disbursement Account: Investment (12152-(00/21))
Special Disbursement Account: Transitional Investment of Balances With the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (8029-(85/105))
Special Disbursement Account: Structural Adjustment Facility (8238-(86/56) SAF)
Structural Adjustment Facility Within Special Disbursement Account (8240-(86/56))
Special Disbursement Account: Review of Operation of Facility (8241-(86/56) SAF)
Special Disbursement Account: Review of Structural Adjustment Facility and Establishment of the Enhanced Structural Adjustment Facility (8757-(87/176) SAF/ESAF)
__________(9114-(89/40) SAF/ESAF)
__________(9487-(90/106) SAF/ESAF)
__________(9808-(91/114) SAF/ESAF)
__________(10089-(92/94) SAF/ESAF)
Special Disbursement Account: Structural Adjustment Facility—Potential Access (9809-(91/114) SAF)
Special Disbursement Account: Enhanced Structural Adjustment Facility—Extension of Commitment and Disbursement Periods for Agreements (9116-(89/4O) ESAF)
Special Disbursement Account: Transfer of Resources from the Special Disbursement Account to the Enhanced Structural Adjustment Facility Trust and Retransfer to the Special Disbursement Account (8760-(87/176))
Special Disbursement Account: Review of Structural Adjustment Facility (SAF), Termination of Authority to Make Commitments to Provide Assistance from SAF in Conjunction with Loans from ESAF Trust, and Transfer of Resources From SDA to ESAF Trust (10531-(93/170) SAF)
Modalities of Gold Pledge for Use of PRGF Trust Resources Under Rights Approach (10286-(93/23) ESAF)
PRGF Trust and PRGF-HIPC—Reserve Account—Review (12227-(00/66))
Off-Market Gold Sales: Use of Proceeds of the Gold Sales Placed in the Special Disbursement Account (12063-(99/130))
Financing Fund Participation in Initiatives for Heavily Indebted Poor Countries and Poverty Reduction Growth Facility—Use of Investment Income on Proceeds of Off-Market Gold Transactions (12230-(00/115))
Article VI, Section 1
Use of Fund’s Resources for Capital Transfers
Controls on Capital Transfers (541-(56/39))
General Arrangements To Borrow (1289-(62/1))
General Arrangements To Borrow: Transferability of Claims (7628-(84/25))
General Arrangements To Borrow: Transferability of Claims Under Saudi Arabia’s Borrowing Agreement (7629-(84/25))
General Arrangements To Borrow: Borrowing Agreement With Saudi Arabia (7403-(83/73))
General Arrangements To Borrow: Borrowing Agreement With Saudi Arabia—Renewal (8897-(88/93))
New Arrangements to Borrow (11428-(97/6))
New Arrangements To Borrow—Transferability of Claims (11429-(97/6))
Establishment of the Borrowed Resources Suspense Accounts (6844-(81/75))
Investment By the Fund of the Currencies Held in the Borrowed Resources Suspense Accounts (6845-(81/75))
Guidelines for Borrowing By the Fund (9862-(91/156))
Article VIII, Section 2(b)
Unenforceability of Exchange Contracts
Unenforceability of Exchange Contracts: Fund’s Interpretation of Article VIII, Section 2(b) (446-4)
Article VIII and Article XIV
Payments Restrictions
Payments Restrictions for Security Reasons: Fund Jurisdiction (144-(52/51))
Bilateralism and Convertibility (433-(55/42))
Official Clearing and Payments Arrangements—Temporary Exemption from Three-Month Rule (10749-(94/67))
Retention Quotas: Decision and Letter of Transmittal (201-(53/29))
Discrimination for Balance of Payments Reasons (955-(59/45))
Article VIII and Article XIV (1034-(60/27))
Payments Arrears (3153-(70/95)
Payments Policies
Consultations on Members’ Policies in Present Circumstances (4134-(74/4))
Multiple Currency Practices
Statement to Members Transmitting Fund’s Decisions on Multiple Currency Practices (237-2)
Multiple Currency Practices (649-(57/33))
Policy on Multiple Currency Practices (6790-(81/43))
Voluntary Declaration on Trade and Other Current Account Measures (4254-(74/75))
Article VIII, Section 5
Furnishing of Information
Concluding Remarks by the Acting Chairman—Military Expenditure and the Role of the Fund (EBM 91/138)
Summing Up by the Acting Chairman—Standards for the Dissemination of Economic and Financial Statistics to the Public by Member Countries and Implementation of the SDDS (EBM 96/36)
Article IX, Section 5
Immunity of Archives
Opening Of Fund Archives (11192-(96/2))
Article IX, Section 7
Privilege for Communications
Interpretation of Article IX, Section 7 (534-3)
Article X
Relations with Other International Organizations
Arrangement for Consultation and Cooperation with the Contracting Parties Of GATT (363-1)
Fund/Bank Collaboration: Invitation to the Bank to Send a Staff Member as an Observer (EBM/70/30)
The Chairman’s Summing Up at the Conclusion of the Discussion On Fund-Bank Collaboration and the Adjustment Process—Issues for Consideration (EBM 84/171)
European Central Bank: Observer Status (11875-(99/l))
European Central Bank: Observer Status—Review (12402-(01/l))
Guidelines/Framework for Fund Staff Collaboration with the New World Trade Organization (10968-(95/43))
Exchange of Documents with Other International Agencies (A-9786-(93/20))
Summing Up by the Chairman—Policy Orientation and Balance of Payments Assistance of Bilateral and Multilateral Aid Agencies (EBM 90/106)
Article XII, Section 3
Executive Directors
Interpretation of Article XII, Sections 3(b)(i) and 3(f) (2-1)
Executive Directors: Article XII, Section 3(c) (574-2)
Additional Appointed Directors (597-4)
Adjustment of Quota and Voting Power (180-5)
Code of Conduct for the Members of the Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (12239-(00/71)
Article XII, Section 4
Managing Director and Staff
Authorized Signatories (9605-(90/170))
Article XII, Section 7
Publication of Reports
Reporting by the Fund of Overdue Obligations (7931-(85/41))
Publicity Upon Declaration of Ineligibility (7999-(85/90))
Publicity Upon Suspension of Voting Rights and Termination of Suspension (10305-(93/32))
Pilot Project for the Publication of Article IV Consultation Staff Reports (11973-(99/58))
Summing Up by the Acting Chairman—Transparency and Use of Fund Resources (EBM 99/135)
Transparency And Fund Policies-Continuation of Publication of Article IV Consultation Staff Reports Under Rules of Pilot Project (12317-(00/102))
Publication Policies of the Fund (12405-(01/02))
Article XIV
Restrictions on Payments and Transfers: Withdrawal
Meaning of Exceptional Circumstances in Article XIV, Section 4 (117-1)
Article XV, Section 2
Valuation of the Special Drawing Right
Method of Valuation (6631-(80/145) G/S)
SDR Valuation Basket (9549-(90/146) G/S)
__________ (11073-(95/92) G/S)
__________ (11801-(98/101) G/S)
SDR Valuation Basket—Guidelines for the Calculation of Currency Amounts (8160-(85/186) G/S)
SDR Valuation Basket—Revised Guidelines for Calculation of Currency (12281-(00/98)
SDR Valuation Basket—Guidelines for the Conversion Into Currency Amounts of Euro of the Currency Amounts of Deutsche Mark and French Franc (11803-(98/101) G/S)
Method of Collecting Exchange Rates for the Calculation of the Value of the SDR for the Purposes of Rule O-2(a) (6709-(80/189) S)
SDR Valuation—Basket, Amendment To Rule T-l (12282-(00/98))
SDR Valuation—Amendment to Rule O-l (12403-(01/1)
Article XVII, Section 3
Special Drawing Rights: Other Holders (6467-(80/71) S)
Bank for International Settlements (BIS): Change in Terms and Conditions of Prescription as Holder of SDRs (6484-(80/77) S)
Andean Reserve Fund: Holder of SDRs (6486-(80/77) S)
Swiss National Bank: Holder of SDRs (10225-(92/147) S)
European Central Bank—Prescription As Holder Of SDRs (12329-(00/113))
Use of SDRs in Payment of Trust Fund Obligations (8642-(87/101) S/TR)
Use of SDRs in Payment of Subsidy (8186-(86/9) SBS/S)
Use of SDRs in Operations Under Structural Adjustment Facility (8239-(86/56) SAF)
Use of SDRs in Financial Operations Under the Enhanced Structural Adjustment Facility Trust or Under an Administered Account (8937-(88/118) ESAF/S)
Use of SDRs in Financial Operations Under the PRGF-HIPC Trust or Under an Administered Account (12062-(99/130))
Article XVIII, Section 2
Allocation of Special Drawing Rights
Allocations to New Participants (5956-(78/180) S)
__________ (6368-(79/191) S)
Article XIX, Section 2
Special Drawing Rights: Additional Uses
Use of SDRs in Settlement of Financial Obligations (6000-(79/1) S)
Use of SDRs in Loans (6001-(79/1)S)
Use of SDRs in Pledges (6053-(79/34) S)
Use of SDRs in Transfers as Security for the Performance of Financial Obligations (6054-(79/34) S)
Use of SDRs in Swap Operations (6336-(79/178) S)
Use of SDRs in Forward Operations (6337-(79/178) S)
Use of SDRs in Donations (6437-(80/37) S)
Article XIX, Section 5
Designation of Participants to Provide Currency
Review of Rules for Designation and Method of Calculating Designation Amounts (6209-(79/124) S)
Rules for Designation—Revision (11976-(99/59) S)
Article XIX, Section 6
Abrogation of Rules for Reconstitution (6832-(81/65) S)
Article XX, Section 2
Payment of Net Charges and Assessment in the SDR Department for the Financial Year Ended April 30, 1982 (7116-(82/68) S)
Article XXVI
Compulsory Withdrawal (343-(54/47))
Overdue Payments To the Fund—Purchases From Fund (7908-(85/26))
__________ (EBM/84/54)
The Chairman’s Summing Up at the Conclusion of the Discussion on Overdue Financial Obligations to the Fund (EBM 85/170)
The Acting Chairman’s Concluding Remarks at the Discussion on Additions to the Special Contingent Account (EBM 88/12)
The Acting Chairman’s Summing Up at the Conclusions of the Discussion on Overdue Financial Obligations—Six-Monthly Report (EBM 88/19)
Procedures for Dealing with Members with Overdue Financial Obligations to the Fund (EBM 89/100)
Statement by the Managing Director on the Strengthened Cooperative Strategy on Overdue Financial Obligations to the Fund (EBM 90/38)
Article XXX(c)
Calculation of Reserve Tranche: Exclusion of Purchases and Holdings
Exclusion of Purchases and Holdings Under Compensatory and Contingency Financing Facility (8955-(88/126))
Exclusion of Purchases and Holdings Under Buffer Stock Facility (5591-(77/163))
Exclusion of Credit Tranches and Extended Facility (6830-(81/65))
Balances Held in Administrative Account (7060-(82/23))
Exclusion of Purchases and Holdings Under Systemic Transformation Facility (10348-(93/61) STF)
Exclusion of Purchases and Holdings Under Supplemental Reserve Facility (11627-(97/123) SRF)
Article XXX (f)
Freely Usable Currencies (11857-(98/130))
Trust Fund
Distribution to Developing Countries of Profits from Gold Sales: Authority to Distribute Profits Through Trust Fund (5709-(78/41) TR)
Trust Fund: Procedures for Final Payments of Profits and Loans for the Period July 1, 1976 to June 30, 1978 (5832-(78/95) TR)
Trust Fund: Second Period
a. Timing of Loan Disbursements (6201-(79/121) TR)
b. Extension of Period for Qualification (6202-(79/121) TR)
c. Extension of Second Period (6466-(80/68) TR)
Trust Fund: Extension of Second Period (6676-(80/168) TR)
Trust Fund: Means of Payment of Interest by Members on Their Indebtedness Under Loan Agreements (6358-(79/188) TR)
Trust Fund: Means of Repayment by Members on Their Indebtedness Under Loan Agreements (7142-(82/85) TR)
Trust Fund: Special Charges on Overdue Financial Obligations (8165-(85/189)G/TR)
Trust Fund: Final Direct Distribution of Profits (6540-(80/98) TR)
Trust Fund: Termination and Transfer of Resources to Special Disbursement Account (6704-(80/185) TR)
Terms of Repayment of Final Loan Disbursement and Amendment of Trust Instrument (6793-(81/45))
Subsidy Account
Supplementary Financing Facility: Subsidy Account—Instrument (6683-(80/185) G/TR)
Supplementary Financing Facility: Subsidy Account—Investment (6854-(81/78) SBS)
Supplementary Financing Facility: Subsidy Account—Suspension of Transfers and Re-Transfer of Surplus (7989-(85/81) SBS)
Supplementary Financing Facility: Subsidy Account—Means of Subsidy Payments (8185-(86/9) SBS/S)
Supplementary Financing Facility: Subsidy Account—Subsidy Payments for the Period July 1, 1983 Through June 30, 1984 (7754-(84/108) SBS)
Supplementary Financing Facility: Subsidy Account—Subsidy Payments for the Period July 1, 1984 Through June 30, 1985 (8037-(85/110)SBS)
Supplementary Financing Facility: Subsidy Account—Subsidy Payments for July 1, 1985 Through June 30, 1986 (8492-(87/1) SBS)
Supplementary Financing Facility: Subsidy Account—Disbursement of Additional Subsidy Amounts for the Twelve-Month Period Ended June 30, 1986 (8523-(87/25) SBS)
Supplementary Financing Facility: Subsidy Account—Additional Subsidy Payments for July 1, 1985 Through June 30, 1986 and Subsidy Payments for July 1, 1986 Through June 30, 1987 (8674-(87/117) SBS)
Supplementary Financing Facility: Subsidy Account—Additional Subsidy Payments for May 1, 1987 Through June 30, 1987, and Subsidy Payments for July 1, 1987 Through June 30, 1988 (8941-(88/122) SBS)
Supplementary Financing Facility: Subsidy Account—Subsidy Payments for July 1, 1988 Through June 30, 1989 (9222-(89/97) SBS)
Supplementary Financing Facility: Subsidy Account—Additional Subsidy Payments for May 1-June 30, 1989 and Subsidy Payments for July 1, 1989–June 30, 1990 (9510-(90/122) SBS)
Supplementary Financing Facility: Subsidy Account—Additional Subsidy Payments for May 1–June 30, 1990 and Subsidy Payments for July 1, 1990–June 30, 1991 (9788-(91/105) SBS)
Selected Resolutions of the Board of Governors and Related Documents
A. Request for Interpretation of the Articles of Agreement as to the Authority of the Fund to Use Its Resources (Resolution No. IM-6)
B. Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly 377(V) Entitled Uniting for Peace (Resolution No. 6–8)
C. Composite Resolution on the Work of the Ad Hoc Committee on Reform of the International Monetary System and Related Issues and on a Program of Immediate Action (Resolution Nos. 29-7, 29-8, 29-9, 29-10)
Transformation of the Interim Committee of the Board of Governors on the International Monetary System into the International Monetary and Financial Committee of the Board of Governors
Interim Committee: Rules of Procedure
Development Committee: Rules of Procedure
Development Committee: Changes in the Organization of Work and Structure of the Secretariat Function
D. Increase in Quotas of Fund Members—Eleventh General Review
E. Allocation of Special Drawing Rights for the First Basic Period (Resolution No. 24-12)
F. Allocation of Special Drawing Rights for the Third Basic Period: Proposal By the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (Resolution No. 34-3)
G. Report of the Managing Director to the Board of Governors and to the Executive Board Pursuant to Article XVIII, Section 4(c)
H. Off-Market Transactions in Gold by the Fund (Resolution No. 54-10)
Selected Documents Relating to the Fund, the United Nations, and Other International Organizations
A. Agreement Between the United Nations and the International Monetary Fund
B. United Nations Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies and Annex V
C. Agreement for the Establishment of the Joint Vienna Institute
D. Agreement Between the International Monetary Fund and the World Trade Organization
Relations With World Trade Organization (WTO)—Fund-WTO Cooperation Agreement (11381-(96/105))
Decision Adopted By the General Council Concerning Agreements Between the WTO and the IMF and the World Bank At Its Meeting On 7, 8, and 13 November 1996 (WT/L/194)
Text of the Agreement (EBD/96/85)
1946 -1951 | |
Number | Page |
2-1 | 491 |
71-2 | 128 |
117-1 | 510 |
170-3 | 4 |
180-5 | 492 |
237-2 | 433 |
284-3 | 266 |
284-4 | 129 |
286-1 | 266 |
287-3 | 128 |
363-1 | 473 |
408-2 | 3 |
446-4 | 420 |
534-3 | 471 |
574-2 as | |
amended by | |
2620-(68/141) | 491 |
597-4 | 492 |
1952 - 2001 | |
102-(52/11) | 130 |
144-(52/51) | 422 |
201-(53/29) | 425 |
270-(53/95) as | |
amended by | |
876-(59/15) | |
1151-(61/6) | 146 |
343-(54/47) | 548 |
433-(55/42) | 423 |
541-(56/39) | 365 |
649-(57/33) | 440 |
876-(59/15) see | |
270-(53/95) | |
955-(59/45) | 427 |
1034-(60/27) | 428 |
1151-(61/6) see | |
270-(53/95) | |
1238-(61/43) | 128 |
1289-(62/1) as | |
amended by | |
1362-(62/32) | |
1415-(62/47) | |
4421-(74/132) | |
5792-(78/79) | |
6241-(79/144) | |
7337-(83/37) | |
10175-(92/129) | |
8733-(87/159) | |
10176-(92/129) | |
11609-(97/112) | 366 |
1362-(62/32) see | |
1289-(62/1) | |
1415-(62/47) see | |
1289-(62/1) | |
2620-(68/141) see | |
574-2 | |
3153-(70/95) | 197, 430 |
4134-(74/4) | 432 |
4239-(74/67) | 280 |
4254-(74/75) | 444 |
4377-(74/114) as | |
amended by | |
6339-(79/179) | |
6830-(81/65) | |
8885-(88/89) | |
10182-(92/132) | |
10186-(92/132) | |
12343-(00/117) | 169 |
4421-(74/132) see | |
1289-(62/1) | |
4913-(75/207) see | |
2772-(69/47) | |
5220-(76/144) | 169 |
5392-(77/63) as | |
amended by | |
8564-(87/59) | |
8856-(88/64) | |
10950-(95/37) | 10 |
5590-(77/163) as | |
amended by | |
11859-(98/130) | 339 |
5591-(77/163) | 569 |
5694-(78/35) see | |
4773-(75/136) | |
5702-(78/39) G/S as | |
amended by | |
7096-(82/57) G/S | 281 |
5703-(78/39) as | |
amended by | |
6862-(81/81) | |
8955-(88/126) | |
12342-(00/117) | 273 |
5704-(78/39) | 269 |
5706-(78/39) | 164 |
5709-(78/41) TR | 572 |
5712-(78/41) | 8 |
5792-(78/79) see | |
1289-(62/1) | |
5809-(78/88) | 276 |
5832-(78/95) TR | 572 |
5956-(78/180) S | 528 |
6000-(79/1) S as | |
amended by | |
6438-(80/37) S | 529 |
6001-(79/1) S | 530 |
6026-(79/13) as | |
amended by | |
10273-(93/15) | |
10364-(93/67) | 14 |
6053-(79/34) S as | |
amended by | |
6438-(80/37) S | 532 |
6054-(79/34) S as | |
amended by | |
6438-(80/37) S | 534 |
6056-(79/38) | 149 |
6172-(79/101) | 271 |
6201-(79/121) TR | 573 |
6202-(79/121) TR | 573 |
6209-(79/124) S | 540 |
6230-(79/140) as | |
amended by | |
11096-(95/100) | |
12274-(00/85) | 154 |
6241-(79/144), see | |
1289-(62/1) | |
6266-(79/156) | 4 |
6273-(79/158) G/S | 256 |
6274-(79/158) | 257 |
6275-(79/158) G/S | 259 |
6336-(79/178) S | 536 |
6337-(79/178) S | 538 |
6339-(79/179) see | |
4377-(74/114) | |
6352-(79/183) | 260 |
6358-(79/188) TR as | |
amended by | |
8640-(87/101)S/TR | 575 |
6368-(79/191) S | 528 |
6437-(80/37) S | 539 |
6438-(80/37)S, see | |
6000-(79/1)S, | |
6053-(79/34)S | |
6054-(79/34)S | |
6466-(80/68) TR | 573 |
6467-(80/71)S | 520 |
6484-(80/77) S | 522 |
6486-(80/77) S | 523 |
6487-(80/77) S | 523 |
6488-(80/77) S | 523 |
6489-(80/77) S | 523 |
6540-(80/98) TR | 576 |
6609-(80/126) S | 523 |
6631-(80/145) G/S | 511 |
6663-(80/160) S | 268 |
6676-(80/168) TR | 574 |
6683-(80/185) G/TR as | |
amended by | |
8523-(87/25) SBS | |
8941-(88/122) SBS | 578 |
67O4-(80/185)TR | 341,576 |
6709-(81/1) S | |
as amended by | |
12157-(00/24) S | 517 |
6718-(81/1) S | 523 |
6774-(81/35) | 263 |
6790-(81/43) as | |
amended by | |
11728-(98/56) | 442 |
6793-(81/45) | 577 |
6830-(81/65) | 164, 569 |
6831-(81/65) as | |
amended by | |
7059-(82/23) | |
12345-(00/117) | 276 |
6832-(81/65) S | 545 |
6844-(81/75) | 417 |
6845-(81/75) | 417 |
6854-(81/78) SBS as | |
amended by | |
8184-(86/9) SBS | 585 |
6862-(81/81) see | |
5703-(78/39) | |
6870-(81/83) see | |
6863-(81/81) | |
6908-(81/101) S | 523 |
6925-(81/112) see | |
6863-(81/81) | |
7059-(82/23), see | |
6831-(81/65) | |
7060-(82/23) | 569 |
7064-(82/26) S | 523 |
7086-(82/42) S | 523 |
7096-(82/57)G/S, see | |
5702-(78/39)G/S | |
7116-(82/68) S | 546 |
7142-(82/85) TR as | |
amended by | |
8640-(87/101)S/TR | 575 |
7229-(82/136) S | 523 |
7337-(83/37) see | 378 |
1289-(62/1) | |
7403-(83/73) | 385 |
7427-(83/83) | 26 |
7558-(83/156) | 170 |
7582-(83/174) S | 523 |
7589-(83/181) | 419 |
7602-(84/3) see | |
2772-(69/47) | |
7628-(84/25) | 382 |
7629-(84/25) | 383 |
7704-(84/78) | 277 |
7707-(84/79) S | 523 |
7754-(84/108) SBS | 586 |
7842-(84/165) | 163 |
7857-(84/175) | 170 |
7908-(85/26) | 549 |
7925-(85/38) as | |
amended by | |
8887-(88/89) | 151 |
7931-(85/41) | 500 |
7989-(85/81)SBS | 585 |
7999-(85/90) | 500 |
8029-(85/105) | 342 |
8037-(85/110) SBS | 586 |
8160-(85/186) G/S as | |
amended by | |
12283-(00/98) | 514 |
8165-(85/189) G/TR as | |
amended by | |
8496-(87/3) G/TR | |
8641-(87/101) G/S/TR | |
8923-(88/110) G/TR | |
10000-(92/58) G/TR | |
10337-(93/49) G/TR | |
10352-(93/49) G/TR | |
10551-(94/1) G/TR | 282 |
8184-(86/9) SBS see | |
6854-(81/78) SBS | |
8185-(86/9) SBS/S | 585 |
8186-(86/9) SBS/S | 525 |
8192-(86/13) | 171 |
8222-(86/45) | 128 |
8238-(86/56) SAF as | |
amended by | |
8497-(87/3) SAF | |
8652-(87/105) SAF | |
8758-(87/176) SAF | |
9118-(89/40) SAF | |
9490-(90/106) SAF | |
9863-(91/156) SAF/ESAF | |
10093-(92/94) SAF | |
10353-(93/49) SAF | 342 |
8239-(86/56) SAF | 525 |
8240-(86/56) SAF as | |
amended by | |
8542-(87/36) SAF | |
8651-(87/105) SAF | |
8935-(88/118) SAF | |
9117-(89/40) SAF | |
9986-(92/48) SAF | |
10184-(92/132) SAF | 343 |
8241-(86/56) SAF | 353 |
8271-(86/74) | 285 |
8318-(86/104) S | 523 |
8348-(86/122) as | |
amended by | |
8481-(86/202) | |
8482-(86/202) | 286 |
8433-(86/175) | 281 |
8481-(86/202) see | |
8348-(86/122) | |
8482-(86/202) see | |
8348-(86/122) | |
8492-(87/1) SBS | 587 |
8496-(87/3) G/TR see | |
8165-(85/189) G/TR | |
8497-(87/3) SAF see | |
8238-(86/56) SAF | |
8523-(87/25) SBS | 587 |
see also | |
6683-(80/185) G/TR | |
8542-(87/36) SAF see | |
8240-(86/56) SAF | |
8564-(87/59) see | |
5392-(77/63) | |
8583-(87/72) | 154 |
8619-(87/90) | 272 |
8640-(87/101) S/TR see | |
6358-(79/188) TR and | |
7142-(82/85) TR | |
8641-(87/101) G/S/TR see | |
8165-(85/189) G/TR | |
8642-(87/101) S/TR | 500 |
8648-(87/104) | 113 |
8651-(87/105) SAF see | |
8240-(86/56) SAF | |
8652-(87/105) SAF see | |
8238-(86/56) SAF | |
8674-(87/117) SBS | 564 |
8733-(87/159) | 357 |
8757-(87/176) SAF/ESAF | |
as amended by | |
9987-(92/48) SAF/ESAF | 332 |
8758-(87/176) SAF | |
see 8238-(86/56) SAF | |
8759-(87/176) ESAF as | |
amended by | |
9115-(89/40) ESAF | |
9488-(90/106) ESAF | |
9555-(90/146) ESAF | |
9585-(90/161) ESAF | |
10092-(92/94) ESAF | |
10287-(93/23) ESAF | |
10515-(93/162) ESAF | |
10530-(93/170) ESAF | |
10532-(93/170) ESAF | |
11114-(95/110) ESAF | |
11395-(96/110) ESAF | |
11434-(97/10) | |
11435-(97/10) | |
11533-(97/67) ESAF | |
11610-(97/113) | |
11832-(98/119) ESAF | |
12087-(99/118) PRGF | |
12206-(00/55) PRGF | |
12227-(00/66) PRGF | |
12279-(00/86) | |
12326-(00/111) PRGF | |
12344-(00/117) PRGF | 44 |
8760-(87/176) as | |
amended by | |
9989-(92/48) | |
10531-(93/170) SAF | 357 |
8780-(88/12) | 292 |
8845-(88/61) ESAF as | |
amended by | |
9988-(92/48) ESAF | |
10185-(92/132) ESAF | |
10533-(93/170) ESAF | |
11879-(99/2) ESAF | 77 |
8846-(88/61) ESAF | 78 |
8856-(88/64) | |
see 5392-(77/63) | |
8861-(88/67) as | |
amended by | |
8880-(88/84) | 294 |
8880-(88/84) | |
see 8861-(88/67) | |
8885-(88/89) | |
see 4377-(74/114) | |
8887-(88/89) | |
see 7925-(85/38) | |
8897-(88/93) | 392 |
8923-(88/110) G/TR | |
see 8165-(85/189) G/TR | |
8935-(88/118) SAF | |
see 8240-(86/56) SAF | |
8937-(88/118) ESAF/S | 526 |
8941-(88/122) SBS | 589, 584 |
see also | |
6683-(80/185) G/TR | |
8955-(88/126) as | |
amended by | |
9101-(89/30) | |
9153-(89/59) | |
9391-(90/43) | |
9503-(90/114) | |
9586-(90/161) | |
9587-(90/161) | |
9588-(90/161) | |
9604-(90/170) | |
10071-(92/85) | |
10183-(92/132) | |
10186-(92/132) | |
10398-(93/89) | |
10725-(94/58) | |
11169-(95/122) | |
11170-(95/122) | |
11474-(97/36) | |
11475-(97/36) | |
11646-(98/1) | |
11647-(98/1) | |
11851-(98/127) | |
11852-(98/127) | |
11878-(99/2) | |
12121-(00/4) | |
12122-(00/4) | |
12131-(00/9) | |
12141-(00/16) CFF | |
12325-(00/111) | 220, 568 |
see also | |
5703-(78/39) and | |
9101-(89/30) | |
9028-(88/71) see | |
7599-(84/3) and | |
7600-(84/3) | |
9056-(89/2) ESAF | 79 |
9101-(89/30) | |
see 8955-(88/126) | |
9114-(89/40) SAF/ESAF | 354 |
9115-(89/40) ESAF | |
see 8759-(87/176) ESAF | |
9116-(89/40) ESAF | 356 |
9117-(89/40) ESAF | |
see 8240-(86/56) SAF | |
9135-(89/46) | 298 |
9153-(89/59) | |
see 8955-(88/126) | |
9189-(89/77) | 172 |
9222-(89/97) SBS | 590 |
9326-(89/167) see | |
7599-(84/3) and | |
7600-(84/3) | |
9331-(89/167) as | |
amended by | |
9693-(91/48) | |
10056-(92/78) | |
10547-(94/1) | 201 |
9391-(90/43) | |
see 8955-(88/126) | |
9471-(90/98) as | |
amended by | |
10341-(93/54) | 334 |
9476-(90/101) see | |
7599-(84/3) | |
7600-(84/3) | |
9487-(90/106) SAF/ESAF as | |
amended by | |
9776-(91/96) SAF/ESAF | 354 |
9488-(90/106) ESAF see | |
8759-(87/176) ESAF | |
9490-(90/106) SAF see | |
8238-(86/56) SAF | |
9499-(90/111) as | |
amended by | |
10072-(92/85) | |
10159-(92/122) | 16 |
9503-(90/114) see | |
8955-(88/126) | |
9510-(90/122) SBS | 590 |
9549-(90/146) G/S | 513 |
9555-(90/146) ESAF see | |
8759-(87/176) ESAF | |
9585-(90/161) ESAF see | |
8759-(87/176) ESAF | |
9586-(90/161) see | |
8955-(88/126) | |
9587-(90/161) see | |
8955-(88/126) | |
9588-(90/161) see | |
8955-(88/126) | |
9604-(90/170) see | |
8955-(88/126) | |
9605-(90/170) | 499 |
9693-(91/48) see | |
9331-(89/167) | |
9776-(91/96) SAF/ | |
ESAF see | |
9487- (90/106) SAF/ESAF | |
A-9786-(93/20) as | |
amended by | |
A-10615-(96/105) | 486 |
9788-(91/105) | 591 |
9788-(91/105) SBS | 591 |
9790-(91/106) | 170 |
9808-(91/114) SAF/ESAF | 355 |
9809-(91/114) SAF | 355 |
9862-(91/156) | 419 |
9863-(91/156) SAF/ESAF | |
see 8238-(86/56) SAF | |
9986-(92/48) SAF see | 352 |
8240-(86/56) SAF | |
9987-(92/48) SAF/ESAF see | |
8757-(87/176)SAF/ESAF | |
9988-(92/49)ESAF see | |
8845-(88/61) | |
9989-(92/48) see | |
8760-(87/176) | |
10000-(92/58) G/TR | |
see 8165-(85/189)G/TR | |
10056-(92/78) see | |
9331-(89/167) | |
10071-(92/85) see | |
8955-(88/126) | |
10072-(92/85) see | |
9499-(90/111) | |
10089-(92/94) SAF/ESAF | 355 |
10090-(92/94) SAF | 356 |
10092-(92/94) ESAF | |
see 8759-(87/176)ESAF | |
10093-(92/94) see | |
8328-(86/56) SAF | |
10159-(92/122) see | |
9499-(90/111) | |
10168-(92/127) | 17 |
10175-(92/129) see | 378 |
1289-(62/1) | |
10176-(92/129) | 378 |
10182-(92/132) see | |
4377-(74/114) | |
10183-(92/132) see | |
2722-(69/47) and | |
8955-(88/126) | |
10184-(92/132) SAF, | 350 |
see 8240-(86/56) SAF | |
10185-(92/132)ESAF | |
see 8845-(88/61) ESAF | |
10225-(92/147) S | 524 |
10235-(92/149) | 394 |
10237-(92/150) | 632 |
10273-(93/15) as | |
amended by | |
10886-(95/2) see also | |
6026-(79/13) | |
10286-(93/23) ESAF as | |
amended by | |
12228-(00/66) PRGF | 359 |
10287-(93/23) ESAF see | |
8759-(87/176) | |
10305-(93/32) | 501 |
10337-(93/49) G/TR see | |
8165-(85/189) G/TR | |
10340-(93/54) as | |
amended by | |
10549-(94/1) | 301 |
10341-(93/54) see | |
9471-(90/98) | |
10348-(93/61)STF as | |
amended by | |
10760-(94/71)STF | |
10855-(94/109) STF | 251, 569 |
10352-(93/49) G/TR | |
see 8165-(93/49) G/TR | |
10353-(93/49) SAF | |
see 8238-(86/56) SAF | |
10362-(93/67) | 18 |
10364-(93/67) see | |
6026-(79/13) | |
10365-(93/67) | 112 |
10391-(93/86) as | |
amended by | |
10552-(94/1) | |
10554-(94/1) | 285 |
10398-(93/67) see | |
8955-(88/126) | |
10464-(93/130) | 173 |
10530-(93/170) ESAF | 68 |
10531-(93/170) SAF | 359 |
see also | |
8760-(87/176) | |
10532-(93/170) ESAF | 68 |
see 8759-(87/176) ESAF | |
10533-(93/170) ESAF | 68 |
see 8845-(88/61)ESAF | |
10534-(93/170) ESAF | 68, 79 |
10535-(93/170) SAF | 68, 352 |
10547-(94/1) see | |
9331-(89/167) | |
10549-(94/1) see | |
10340-(93/54) | |
10551-(94/1)G/TR see | |
8165-(85/189)G/TR | |
10552-(94/1) see | |
10391-(93/86) | |
10554-(94/1) see | |
10391-(93/86) | |
10575-(94/4) | 688 |
10597-(94/14) ESAF | 69 |
10598-(94/14) SAF | 352 |
A-10615-(96/105) | 437 |
10660-(94/38) | 305 |
10662-(94/38) | 337 |
10704-(94/52) | 307 |
10705-(94/52) | 307 |
10706-(94/52) | 309 |
10723-(94/58) | 173 |
10725-(94/58) see | |
8955-(88/126) | |
10749-(94/67) | 424 |
10760-(94/71) STF see | |
10348-(93/61) STF | |
10850-(94/107) | 308 |
10855-(94/109) STF see | |
10348-(93/61) STF | |
10942-(95/33) as | |
amended by | |
11162-(95/121) | 105 |
10950-(95/37) | 10 |
10958-(95/40) | 312 |
10961-(95/41) | 255 |
10968-(95/43) | 479 |
10989-(95/53) ESAF | 352 |
11027-(95/65) ESAF | 78 |
11073-(95/92) G/S | 513 |
11096-(95/100) | 154 |
11162-(95/121) | 105 |
11192-(96/2) as | |
amended by | |
11915-(99/23) | 470 |
11248-(96/38) | 157 |
11249-(96/39) | 315 |
11251-(96/39) | 317 |
11325-(96/77) SAF | 352 |
11381495/105) | 701 |
11395-(96/110) ESAF see | |
8759-(87/176) | |
11428-(97/6) | 397 |
11429-(97/6) | 415 |
11434-(97/10) see | |
8759-(87/176) | |
11435-(97/10) see | |
8759-(87/176) | |
11436-(97/10) as | |
amended by | |
11492-(97/45) | |
11861-(98/131) ESAF | |
12087-(99/118) PRGF | |
12132-(00/9) PRGF | 80 |
11474-(97/36) see | |
8955-(88/126) | |
11475-(97/36) see | |
8955-(88/126) | |
11480-(97/42) | 318 |
11482-(97/42) as | |
amended by | |
11683-(98/27) | 321 |
11483-(97/42) | 321 |
11492-(97/45) see | |
11436-(97/10) | |
11493-(97/45) | 29 |
11515-(97/59) | 184 |
11533-(97/67) ESAF | 45 |
11609-(97/112) | 378 |
11610-(97/113) | 45 |
11626-(97/122) | 395 |
11627-(97/123) SRF | |
as amended by | |
11866-(99/1) SRF | |
11895-(99/11) SRF | |
11942-(99/48) SRF/CCL | |
11982-(99/61) SRF/CCL | |
12197-(00/48) SRF/CCL | |
12340-(00/117) SRF/ | |
CCL | 233, 570 |
11646-(98/1) | 230 |
11647-(98/1) | 230 |
11675-(98/122) | 697 |
11683-(98/27) | 69, 246 |
11698-(98/38) ESAF | 95 |
11710-(98/49) | 322 |
11711-(98/49) | 322 |
11712-(98/49) | 323 |
11713-(98/49) ESAF | 69 |
11714-(98/49) | 337 |
11715-(98/49) G/SAF/TR | 284 |
11716-(98/49) | 246 |
11728-(98/56) | 444 |
11801-(98/101) G/S | 514 |
11803-(98/101) G/S | 517 |
11832-(98/119) ESAF | 45, 67 |
11837-(98/121) | 262 |
11846-(98/125) | 28 |
11857-(98/130) | 571 |
11875-(99/1) | 478 |
11876-(99/2) | 209 |
11877-(99/2) | 208 |
11943-(99/49) | 325 |
11944-(99/49) | 326 |
11945-(99/49) | 329 |
11946-(99/49) ESAF | 69 |
11947-(99/49) | 337 |
11948-(99/49) G/SAF/TR | 285 |
11949-(99/49) SRF/CCL | 247 |
11973-(99/58) | 501 |
11976-(99/59) S | 543 |
12032-(99/87) ESAF | 79 |
12058-(99/110) Y2KF | 247 |
12060-(99/130) | 338 |
12061-(99/130) | 119 |
12062-(99/130) | 526 |
12063-(99/130) | 278, 362 |
12064-(99/130) | 328 |
12065-(99/130) PRGF | 70 |
12067-(99/108) | 131 |
12087-(99/118) PRGF | 45, 80, 98 |
12103-(99/135) | 210 |
12142-(00/16) | 232 |
12152-(00/21) | 341 |
12178-(00/41) | 17 |
12184-(00/42) | 233 |
12185-(00/42) | 209 |
12188-(00/45) | 327 |
12189-(00/45) | 331 |
12190-(00/45) G/SAF/TR | 285 |
12191-(00/45) SRF/CCL | 247 |
12197-(00/48) SRF/CCL | 239 |
12206-(00/55) PRGF | 45 |
12219-(00/63) | 146 |
12227-(00/66) PRGF | 361 |
12228-(00/66) PRGF | 45 |
12230 (00/115) | 363 |
12231-(00/68) | 326 |
12232-(00/68) | 334 |
12238-(00/71) | 3 |
12239-(00/71) | 492 |
12249-(00/77) | 160 |
12250-(00/77) | 162 |
12252-(00/77) | 65 |
12253-(00/77) | 66 |
12254-(00/77) | 66 |
12278-(00/86) | 154 |
12279-(00/86) | 45 |
12281-(00/98) | 515 |
12282-(00/98) | 518 |
12317-(00/102) | 503 |
12329-(00/113) | 524 |
12341-(00/117) | 191 |
12346-(00/117) | 280 |
12347-(00/117) | 327 |
12350-(00/119) | 334 |
12385-(00/129) | 210 |
12402-(01/1) | 473 |
12403-(01/1) | 519 |
1946 -1951 | |
Number | Page |
2-1 | 491 |
71-2 | 128 |
117-1 | 510 |
170-3 | 4 |
180-5 | 492 |
237-2 | 433 |
284-3 | 266 |
284-4 | 129 |
286-1 | 266 |
287-3 | 128 |
363-1 | 473 |
408-2 | 3 |
446-4 | 420 |
534-3 | 471 |
574-2 as | |
amended by | |
2620-(68/141) | 491 |
597-4 | 492 |
1952 - 2001 | |
102-(52/11) | 130 |
144-(52/51) | 422 |
201-(53/29) | 425 |
270-(53/95) as | |
amended by | |
876-(59/15) | |
1151-(61/6) | 146 |
343-(54/47) | 548 |
433-(55/42) | 423 |
541-(56/39) | 365 |
649-(57/33) | 440 |
876-(59/15) see | |
270-(53/95) | |
955-(59/45) | 427 |
1034-(60/27) | 428 |
1151-(61/6) see | |
270-(53/95) | |
1238-(61/43) | 128 |
1289-(62/1) as | |
amended by | |
1362-(62/32) | |
1415-(62/47) | |
4421-(74/132) | |
5792-(78/79) | |
6241-(79/144) | |
7337-(83/37) | |
10175-(92/129) | |
8733-(87/159) | |
10176-(92/129) | |
11609-(97/112) | 366 |
1362-(62/32) see | |
1289-(62/1) | |
1415-(62/47) see | |
1289-(62/1) | |
2620-(68/141) see | |
574-2 | |
3153-(70/95) | 197, 430 |
4134-(74/4) | 432 |
4239-(74/67) | 280 |
4254-(74/75) | 444 |
4377-(74/114) as | |
amended by | |
6339-(79/179) | |
6830-(81/65) | |
8885-(88/89) | |
10182-(92/132) | |
10186-(92/132) | |
12343-(00/117) | 169 |
4421-(74/132) see | |
1289-(62/1) | |
4913-(75/207) see | |
2772-(69/47) | |
5220-(76/144) | 169 |
5392-(77/63) as | |
amended by | |
8564-(87/59) | |
8856-(88/64) | |
10950-(95/37) | 10 |
5590-(77/163) as | |
amended by | |
11859-(98/130) | 339 |
5591-(77/163) | 569 |
5694-(78/35) see | |
4773-(75/136) | |
5702-(78/39) G/S as | |
amended by | |
7096-(82/57) G/S | 281 |
5703-(78/39) as | |
amended by | |
6862-(81/81) | |
8955-(88/126) | |
12342-(00/117) | 273 |
5704-(78/39) | 269 |
5706-(78/39) | 164 |
5709-(78/41) TR | 572 |
5712-(78/41) | 8 |
5792-(78/79) see | |
1289-(62/1) | |
5809-(78/88) | 276 |
5832-(78/95) TR | 572 |
5956-(78/180) S | 528 |
6000-(79/1) S as | |
amended by | |
6438-(80/37) S | 529 |
6001-(79/1) S | 530 |
6026-(79/13) as | |
amended by | |
10273-(93/15) | |
10364-(93/67) | 14 |
6053-(79/34) S as | |
amended by | |
6438-(80/37) S | 532 |
6054-(79/34) S as | |
amended by | |
6438-(80/37) S | 534 |
6056-(79/38) | 149 |
6172-(79/101) | 271 |
6201-(79/121) TR | 573 |
6202-(79/121) TR | 573 |
6209-(79/124) S | 540 |
6230-(79/140) as | |
amended by | |
11096-(95/100) | |
12274-(00/85) | 154 |
6241-(79/144), see | |
1289-(62/1) | |
6266-(79/156) | 4 |
6273-(79/158) G/S | 256 |
6274-(79/158) | 257 |
6275-(79/158) G/S | 259 |
6336-(79/178) S | 536 |
6337-(79/178) S | 538 |
6339-(79/179) see | |
4377-(74/114) | |
6352-(79/183) | 260 |
6358-(79/188) TR as | |
amended by | |
8640-(87/101)S/TR | 575 |
6368-(79/191) S | 528 |
6437-(80/37) S | 539 |
6438-(80/37)S, see | |
6000-(79/1)S, | |
6053-(79/34)S | |
6054-(79/34)S | |
6466-(80/68) TR | 573 |
6467-(80/71)S | 520 |
6484-(80/77) S | 522 |
6486-(80/77) S | 523 |
6487-(80/77) S | 523 |
6488-(80/77) S | 523 |
6489-(80/77) S | 523 |
6540-(80/98) TR | 576 |
6609-(80/126) S | 523 |
6631-(80/145) G/S | 511 |
6663-(80/160) S | 268 |
6676-(80/168) TR | 574 |
6683-(80/185) G/TR as | |
amended by | |
8523-(87/25) SBS | |
8941-(88/122) SBS | 578 |
67O4-(80/185)TR | 341,576 |
6709-(81/1) S | |
as amended by | |
12157-(00/24) S | 517 |
6718-(81/1) S | 523 |
6774-(81/35) | 263 |
6790-(81/43) as | |
amended by | |
11728-(98/56) | 442 |
6793-(81/45) | 577 |
6830-(81/65) | 164, 569 |
6831-(81/65) as | |
amended by | |
7059-(82/23) | |
12345-(00/117) | 276 |
6832-(81/65) S | 545 |
6844-(81/75) | 417 |
6845-(81/75) | 417 |
6854-(81/78) SBS as | |
amended by | |
8184-(86/9) SBS | 585 |
6862-(81/81) see | |
5703-(78/39) | |
6870-(81/83) see | |
6863-(81/81) | |
6908-(81/101) S | 523 |
6925-(81/112) see | |
6863-(81/81) | |
7059-(82/23), see | |
6831-(81/65) | |
7060-(82/23) | 569 |
7064-(82/26) S | 523 |
7086-(82/42) S | 523 |
7096-(82/57)G/S, see | |
5702-(78/39)G/S | |
7116-(82/68) S | 546 |
7142-(82/85) TR as | |
amended by | |
8640-(87/101)S/TR | 575 |
7229-(82/136) S | 523 |
7337-(83/37) see | 378 |
1289-(62/1) | |
7403-(83/73) | 385 |
7427-(83/83) | 26 |
7558-(83/156) | 170 |
7582-(83/174) S | 523 |
7589-(83/181) | 419 |
7602-(84/3) see | |
2772-(69/47) | |
7628-(84/25) | 382 |
7629-(84/25) | 383 |
7704-(84/78) | 277 |
7707-(84/79) S | 523 |
7754-(84/108) SBS | 586 |
7842-(84/165) | 163 |
7857-(84/175) | 170 |
7908-(85/26) | 549 |
7925-(85/38) as | |
amended by | |
8887-(88/89) | 151 |
7931-(85/41) | 500 |
7989-(85/81)SBS | 585 |
7999-(85/90) | 500 |
8029-(85/105) | 342 |
8037-(85/110) SBS | 586 |
8160-(85/186) G/S as | |
amended by | |
12283-(00/98) | 514 |
8165-(85/189) G/TR as | |
amended by | |
8496-(87/3) G/TR | |
8641-(87/101) G/S/TR | |
8923-(88/110) G/TR | |
10000-(92/58) G/TR | |
10337-(93/49) G/TR | |
10352-(93/49) G/TR | |
10551-(94/1) G/TR | 282 |
8184-(86/9) SBS see | |
6854-(81/78) SBS | |
8185-(86/9) SBS/S | 585 |
8186-(86/9) SBS/S | 525 |
8192-(86/13) | 171 |
8222-(86/45) | 128 |
8238-(86/56) SAF as | |
amended by | |
8497-(87/3) SAF | |
8652-(87/105) SAF | |
8758-(87/176) SAF | |
9118-(89/40) SAF | |
9490-(90/106) SAF | |
9863-(91/156) SAF/ESAF | |
10093-(92/94) SAF | |
10353-(93/49) SAF | 342 |
8239-(86/56) SAF | 525 |
8240-(86/56) SAF as | |
amended by | |
8542-(87/36) SAF | |
8651-(87/105) SAF | |
8935-(88/118) SAF | |
9117-(89/40) SAF | |
9986-(92/48) SAF | |
10184-(92/132) SAF | 343 |
8241-(86/56) SAF | 353 |
8271-(86/74) | 285 |
8318-(86/104) S | 523 |
8348-(86/122) as | |
amended by | |
8481-(86/202) | |
8482-(86/202) | 286 |
8433-(86/175) | 281 |
8481-(86/202) see | |
8348-(86/122) | |
8482-(86/202) see | |
8348-(86/122) | |
8492-(87/1) SBS | 587 |
8496-(87/3) G/TR see | |
8165-(85/189) G/TR | |
8497-(87/3) SAF see | |
8238-(86/56) SAF | |
8523-(87/25) SBS | 587 |
see also | |
6683-(80/185) G/TR | |
8542-(87/36) SAF see | |
8240-(86/56) SAF | |
8564-(87/59) see | |
5392-(77/63) | |
8583-(87/72) | 154 |
8619-(87/90) | 272 |
8640-(87/101) S/TR see | |
6358-(79/188) TR and | |
7142-(82/85) TR | |
8641-(87/101) G/S/TR see | |
8165-(85/189) G/TR | |
8642-(87/101) S/TR | 500 |
8648-(87/104) | 113 |
8651-(87/105) SAF see | |
8240-(86/56) SAF | |
8652-(87/105) SAF see | |
8238-(86/56) SAF | |
8674-(87/117) SBS | 564 |
8733-(87/159) | 357 |
8757-(87/176) SAF/ESAF | |
as amended by | |
9987-(92/48) SAF/ESAF | 332 |
8758-(87/176) SAF | |
see 8238-(86/56) SAF | |
8759-(87/176) ESAF as | |
amended by | |
9115-(89/40) ESAF | |
9488-(90/106) ESAF | |
9555-(90/146) ESAF | |
9585-(90/161) ESAF | |
10092-(92/94) ESAF | |
10287-(93/23) ESAF | |
10515-(93/162) ESAF | |
10530-(93/170) ESAF | |
10532-(93/170) ESAF | |
11114-(95/110) ESAF | |
11395-(96/110) ESAF | |
11434-(97/10) | |
11435-(97/10) | |
11533-(97/67) ESAF | |
11610-(97/113) | |
11832-(98/119) ESAF | |
12087-(99/118) PRGF | |
12206-(00/55) PRGF | |
12227-(00/66) PRGF | |
12279-(00/86) | |
12326-(00/111) PRGF | |
12344-(00/117) PRGF | 44 |
8760-(87/176) as | |
amended by | |
9989-(92/48) | |
10531-(93/170) SAF | 357 |
8780-(88/12) | 292 |
8845-(88/61) ESAF as | |
amended by | |
9988-(92/48) ESAF | |
10185-(92/132) ESAF | |
10533-(93/170) ESAF | |
11879-(99/2) ESAF | 77 |
8846-(88/61) ESAF | 78 |
8856-(88/64) | |
see 5392-(77/63) | |
8861-(88/67) as | |
amended by | |
8880-(88/84) | 294 |
8880-(88/84) | |
see 8861-(88/67) | |
8885-(88/89) | |
see 4377-(74/114) | |
8887-(88/89) | |
see 7925-(85/38) | |
8897-(88/93) | 392 |
8923-(88/110) G/TR | |
see 8165-(85/189) G/TR | |
8935-(88/118) SAF | |
see 8240-(86/56) SAF | |
8937-(88/118) ESAF/S | 526 |
8941-(88/122) SBS | 589, 584 |
see also | |
6683-(80/185) G/TR | |
8955-(88/126) as | |
amended by | |
9101-(89/30) | |
9153-(89/59) | |
9391-(90/43) | |
9503-(90/114) | |
9586-(90/161) | |
9587-(90/161) | |
9588-(90/161) | |
9604-(90/170) | |
10071-(92/85) | |
10183-(92/132) | |
10186-(92/132) | |
10398-(93/89) | |
10725-(94/58) | |
11169-(95/122) | |
11170-(95/122) | |
11474-(97/36) | |
11475-(97/36) | |
11646-(98/1) | |
11647-(98/1) | |
11851-(98/127) | |
11852-(98/127) | |
11878-(99/2) | |
12121-(00/4) | |
12122-(00/4) | |
12131-(00/9) | |
12141-(00/16) CFF | |
12325-(00/111) | 220, 568 |
see also | |
5703-(78/39) and | |
9101-(89/30) | |
9028-(88/71) see | |
7599-(84/3) and | |
7600-(84/3) | |
9056-(89/2) ESAF | 79 |
9101-(89/30) | |
see 8955-(88/126) | |
9114-(89/40) SAF/ESAF | 354 |
9115-(89/40) ESAF | |
see 8759-(87/176) ESAF | |
9116-(89/40) ESAF | 356 |
9117-(89/40) ESAF | |
see 8240-(86/56) SAF | |
9135-(89/46) | 298 |
9153-(89/59) | |
see 8955-(88/126) | |
9189-(89/77) | 172 |
9222-(89/97) SBS | 590 |
9326-(89/167) see | |
7599-(84/3) and | |
7600-(84/3) | |
9331-(89/167) as | |
amended by | |
9693-(91/48) | |
10056-(92/78) | |
10547-(94/1) | 201 |
9391-(90/43) | |
see 8955-(88/126) | |
9471-(90/98) as | |
amended by | |
10341-(93/54) | 334 |
9476-(90/101) see | |
7599-(84/3) | |
7600-(84/3) | |
9487-(90/106) SAF/ESAF as | |
amended by | |
9776-(91/96) SAF/ESAF | 354 |
9488-(90/106) ESAF see | |
8759-(87/176) ESAF | |
9490-(90/106) SAF see | |
8238-(86/56) SAF | |
9499-(90/111) as | |
amended by | |
10072-(92/85) | |
10159-(92/122) | 16 |
9503-(90/114) see | |
8955-(88/126) | |
9510-(90/122) SBS | 590 |
9549-(90/146) G/S | 513 |
9555-(90/146) ESAF see | |
8759-(87/176) ESAF | |
9585-(90/161) ESAF see | |
8759-(87/176) ESAF | |
9586-(90/161) see | |
8955-(88/126) | |
9587-(90/161) see | |
8955-(88/126) | |
9588-(90/161) see | |
8955-(88/126) | |
9604-(90/170) see | |
8955-(88/126) | |
9605-(90/170) | 499 |
9693-(91/48) see | |
9331-(89/167) | |
9776-(91/96) SAF/ | |
ESAF see | |
9487- (90/106) SAF/ESAF | |
A-9786-(93/20) as | |
amended by | |
A-10615-(96/105) | 486 |
9788-(91/105) | 591 |
9788-(91/105) SBS | 591 |
9790-(91/106) | 170 |
9808-(91/114) SAF/ESAF | 355 |
9809-(91/114) SAF | 355 |
9862-(91/156) | 419 |
9863-(91/156) SAF/ESAF | |
see 8238-(86/56) SAF | |
9986-(92/48) SAF see | 352 |
8240-(86/56) SAF | |
9987-(92/48) SAF/ESAF see | |
8757-(87/176)SAF/ESAF | |
9988-(92/49)ESAF see | |
8845-(88/61) | |
9989-(92/48) see | |
8760-(87/176) | |
10000-(92/58) G/TR | |
see 8165-(85/189)G/TR | |
10056-(92/78) see | |
9331-(89/167) | |
10071-(92/85) see | |
8955-(88/126) | |
10072-(92/85) see | |
9499-(90/111) | |
10089-(92/94) SAF/ESAF | 355 |
10090-(92/94) SAF | 356 |
10092-(92/94) ESAF | |
see 8759-(87/176)ESAF | |
10093-(92/94) see | |
8328-(86/56) SAF | |
10159-(92/122) see | |
9499-(90/111) | |
10168-(92/127) | 17 |
10175-(92/129) see | 378 |
1289-(62/1) | |
10176-(92/129) | 378 |
10182-(92/132) see | |
4377-(74/114) | |
10183-(92/132) see | |
2722-(69/47) and | |
8955-(88/126) | |
10184-(92/132) SAF, | 350 |
see 8240-(86/56) SAF | |
10185-(92/132)ESAF | |
see 8845-(88/61) ESAF | |
10225-(92/147) S | 524 |
10235-(92/149) | 394 |
10237-(92/150) | 632 |
10273-(93/15) as | |
amended by | |
10886-(95/2) see also | |
6026-(79/13) | |
10286-(93/23) ESAF as | |
amended by | |
12228-(00/66) PRGF | 359 |
10287-(93/23) ESAF see | |
8759-(87/176) | |
10305-(93/32) | 501 |
10337-(93/49) G/TR see | |
8165-(85/189) G/TR | |
10340-(93/54) as | |
amended by | |
10549-(94/1) | 301 |
10341-(93/54) see | |
9471-(90/98) | |
10348-(93/61)STF as | |
amended by | |
10760-(94/71)STF | |
10855-(94/109) STF | 251, 569 |
10352-(93/49) G/TR | |
see 8165-(93/49) G/TR | |
10353-(93/49) SAF | |
see 8238-(86/56) SAF | |
10362-(93/67) | 18 |
10364-(93/67) see | |
6026-(79/13) | |
10365-(93/67) | 112 |
10391-(93/86) as | |
amended by | |
10552-(94/1) | |
10554-(94/1) | 285 |
10398-(93/67) see | |
8955-(88/126) | |
10464-(93/130) | 173 |
10530-(93/170) ESAF | 68 |
10531-(93/170) SAF | 359 |
see also | |
8760-(87/176) | |
10532-(93/170) ESAF | 68 |
see 8759-(87/176) ESAF | |
10533-(93/170) ESAF | 68 |
see 8845-(88/61)ESAF | |
10534-(93/170) ESAF | 68, 79 |
10535-(93/170) SAF | 68, 352 |
10547-(94/1) see | |
9331-(89/167) | |
10549-(94/1) see | |
10340-(93/54) | |
10551-(94/1)G/TR see | |
8165-(85/189)G/TR | |
10552-(94/1) see | |
10391-(93/86) | |
10554-(94/1) see | |
10391-(93/86) | |
10575-(94/4) | 688 |
10597-(94/14) ESAF | 69 |
10598-(94/14) SAF | 352 |
A-10615-(96/105) | 437 |
10660-(94/38) | 305 |
10662-(94/38) | 337 |
10704-(94/52) | 307 |
10705-(94/52) | 307 |
10706-(94/52) | 309 |
10723-(94/58) | 173 |
10725-(94/58) see | |
8955-(88/126) | |
10749-(94/67) | 424 |
10760-(94/71) STF see | |
10348-(93/61) STF | |
10850-(94/107) | 308 |
10855-(94/109) STF see | |
10348-(93/61) STF | |
10942-(95/33) as | |
amended by | |
11162-(95/121) | 105 |
10950-(95/37) | 10 |
10958-(95/40) | 312 |
10961-(95/41) | 255 |
10968-(95/43) | 479 |
10989-(95/53) ESAF | 352 |
11027-(95/65) ESAF | 78 |
11073-(95/92) G/S | 513 |
11096-(95/100) | 154 |
11162-(95/121) | 105 |
11192-(96/2) as | |
amended by | |
11915-(99/23) | 470 |
11248-(96/38) | 157 |
11249-(96/39) | 315 |
11251-(96/39) | 317 |
11325-(96/77) SAF | 352 |
11381495/105) | 701 |
11395-(96/110) ESAF see | |
8759-(87/176) | |
11428-(97/6) | 397 |
11429-(97/6) | 415 |
11434-(97/10) see | |
8759-(87/176) | |
11435-(97/10) see | |
8759-(87/176) | |
11436-(97/10) as | |
amended by | |
11492-(97/45) | |
11861-(98/131) ESAF | |
12087-(99/118) PRGF | |
12132-(00/9) PRGF | 80 |
11474-(97/36) see | |
8955-(88/126) | |
11475-(97/36) see | |
8955-(88/126) | |
11480-(97/42) | 318 |
11482-(97/42) as | |
amended by | |
11683-(98/27) | 321 |
11483-(97/42) | 321 |
11492-(97/45) see | |
11436-(97/10) | |
11493-(97/45) | 29 |
11515-(97/59) | 184 |
11533-(97/67) ESAF | 45 |
11609-(97/112) | 378 |
11610-(97/113) | 45 |
11626-(97/122) | 395 |
11627-(97/123) SRF | |
as amended by | |
11866-(99/1) SRF | |
11895-(99/11) SRF | |
11942-(99/48) SRF/CCL | |
11982-(99/61) SRF/CCL | |
12197-(00/48) SRF/CCL | |
12340-(00/117) SRF/ | |
CCL | 233, 570 |
11646-(98/1) | 230 |
11647-(98/1) | 230 |
11675-(98/122) | 697 |
11683-(98/27) | 69, 246 |
11698-(98/38) ESAF | 95 |
11710-(98/49) | 322 |
11711-(98/49) | 322 |
11712-(98/49) | 323 |
11713-(98/49) ESAF | 69 |
11714-(98/49) | 337 |
11715-(98/49) G/SAF/TR | 284 |
11716-(98/49) | 246 |
11728-(98/56) | 444 |
11801-(98/101) G/S | 514 |
11803-(98/101) G/S | 517 |
11832-(98/119) ESAF | 45, 67 |
11837-(98/121) | 262 |
11846-(98/125) | 28 |
11857-(98/130) | 571 |
11875-(99/1) | 478 |
11876-(99/2) | 209 |
11877-(99/2) | 208 |
11943-(99/49) | 325 |
11944-(99/49) | 326 |
11945-(99/49) | 329 |
11946-(99/49) ESAF | 69 |
11947-(99/49) | 337 |
11948-(99/49) G/SAF/TR | 285 |
11949-(99/49) SRF/CCL | 247 |
11973-(99/58) | 501 |
11976-(99/59) S | 543 |
12032-(99/87) ESAF | 79 |
12058-(99/110) Y2KF | 247 |
12060-(99/130) | 338 |
12061-(99/130) | 119 |
12062-(99/130) | 526 |
12063-(99/130) | 278, 362 |
12064-(99/130) | 328 |
12065-(99/130) PRGF | 70 |
12067-(99/108) | 131 |
12087-(99/118) PRGF | 45, 80, 98 |
12103-(99/135) | 210 |
12142-(00/16) | 232 |
12152-(00/21) | 341 |
12178-(00/41) | 17 |
12184-(00/42) | 233 |
12185-(00/42) | 209 |
12188-(00/45) | 327 |
12189-(00/45) | 331 |
12190-(00/45) G/SAF/TR | 285 |
12191-(00/45) SRF/CCL | 247 |
12197-(00/48) SRF/CCL | 239 |
12206-(00/55) PRGF | 45 |
12219-(00/63) | 146 |
12227-(00/66) PRGF | 361 |
12228-(00/66) PRGF | 45 |
12230 (00/115) | 363 |
12231-(00/68) | 326 |
12232-(00/68) | 334 |
12238-(00/71) | 3 |
12239-(00/71) | 492 |
12249-(00/77) | 160 |
12250-(00/77) | 162 |
12252-(00/77) | 65 |
12253-(00/77) | 66 |
12254-(00/77) | 66 |
12278-(00/86) | 154 |
12279-(00/86) | 45 |
12281-(00/98) | 515 |
12282-(00/98) | 518 |
12317-(00/102) | 503 |
12329-(00/113) | 524 |
12341-(00/117) | 191 |
12346-(00/117) | 280 |
12347-(00/117) | 327 |
12350-(00/119) | 334 |
12385-(00/129) | 210 |
12402-(01/1) | 473 |
12403-(01/1) | 519 |
Number | Page |
IM-6 | 595 |
6-8 | 596 |
24-12 | 633 |
29-1 | 523 |
29-7 | 598 |
29-8 | 598 |
29-9 | 606 |
29-10 | 612 |
34-3 | 635 |
48-4 | 606 |
53-2 | 628 |
54-9 | 602 |
54-10 | 647 |
Number | Page |
IM-6 | 595 |
6-8 | 596 |
24-12 | 633 |
29-1 | 523 |
29-7 | 598 |
29-8 | 598 |
29-9 | 606 |
29-10 | 612 |
34-3 | 635 |
48-4 | 606 |
53-2 | 628 |
54-9 | 602 |
54-10 | 647 |
Interpretations of Articles of Agreement (71-2
Unenforceability of Exchange Contracts: Fund’s Interpretation of Article VIII, Section 2(b) (446-4)
Interpretation of Article IX, Section 7 (534-3)
Interpretation of Article XII, Section 3(b) (i) and 3(f) (2-1)
Interpretation of Article XXVI, Section 2* (343-(54/47))