After tardy reform efforts in the first decade of transition, Romania’s growth took off in the early 2000s as a critical mass of reforms combined with firm EU membership prospects. But these fundamentals were overlaid with a domestic demand and credit bubble, readily financed by foreign parent banks flush with liquidity. Fiscal and public wage policies only added to the problem, while countercyclical efforts in the monetary and macroprudential areas had little effect. The resulting large current account deficits and banking sector vulnerabilities set Romania up for a hard landing as the global financial crisis unfolded. Difficulties in financing the rapidly widening fiscal deficit ultimately prompted the authorities to request and receive large-scale financial assistance from the IMF and the European Union. The €20 billion program of May 2009 was successful in restoring macroeconomic stability, forestalling a banking crisis, and correcting external imbalances. Following the 2009 recession, recovery was slower to take hold than elsewhere, but Romania’s economy expanded by 2½ percent in 2011. These achievements and ongoing reforms, especially in the structural area, hold the promise of convergence with living standards in the rest of the European Union better grounded in fundamentals.
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