The period since last year’s International Capital Markets report has witnessed some of the most severe financial market turbulence in the postwar period. The effects of the Asian financial crisis were initially felt mainly within the region, and the negative spillovers to other emerging markets and to most of the advanced countries outside the region were short lived.1 Indeed, through mid-1998 other emerging markets, including in Latin America and Europe, generally maintained access to international capital markets at relatively favorable terms, and some of the Asian crisis countries saw a pickup in inflows.2 At the same time, equity markets in most of the advanced countries continued to record strong gains—reaching record valuations; levels of leverage in advanced countries’ financial systems remained high; and confidence was generally strong.
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Moody’s Investor Service, 1999a, “Corporate Restructuring and the Impact on the Korean Banking Sector” (New York, April).
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Moody’s Investor Service, 1999c, “Special Comment: Look Who’s Talking About Capital: The Mexican Banking System and Economic Capital” (New York, June).
Moody’s Investor Service, 1999d, “Banking System Outlook: Venezuela” (New York, January).
Salomon Smith Barney, 1999, Mexican Bank Reference Guide, Equity Research (April).
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Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, 1999c, A New Capital Adequacy Framework (Basel: Bank for International Settlements, June).
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Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, and the Technical Committee of IOSCO, 1998a, Supervisory Information Framework for Derivatives and Trading Activities (Basel: Bank for International Settlements, September).
Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, and the Technical Committee of IOSCO, 1998b, Trading and Derivatives Disclosures of Banks and Securities Firms: Results of the Survey of 1997 Disclosures (Basel: Bank for International Settlements, November).
Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, and the Technical Committee of IOSCO, 1999, Recommendations for Public Disclosure of Trading and Derivatives Activities of Banks and Securities Firms (Basel: Bank for International Settlements, February).
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 1999, Supervisory Letter 99-3 (Washington, February).
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