The Tunisian economy grew rapidly during 1970–80, averaging an annual growth rate of 7.4 percent, while domestic financial stability and a strong balance of payments position were maintained. Economic growth was broadly based, with a particularly strong performance in the manufacturing sector, which achieved an average annual increase in real value added of 11.0 percent, thereby increasing its share in GDP from 8.4 percent in 1970 to 11.9 percent in 1980. The growth of the economy reflected the high and rising levels of investment, which increased from 20 percent of GDP in 1970 to 29 percent in 1980. A large share of public investment was directed toward the development of human resources and infrastructure. While consumption in real terms grew at an average annual rate of 9 percent, national savings rose in line with investment, as petroleum revenues increased rapidly because of favorable world prices and generally restrained financial policies.
International Monetary Fund, Exchange Arrangements and Exchange Restrictions Annual Report 1993 (Washington, 1993).
Tunisia, Central Bank of Tunisia. Rapport Annuel, various issues (Tunis).
Tunisia, Central Bank of Tunisia. Central Bank of Tunisia. Statistiques Financières, various issues (Tunis).
Tunisia, Central Bank of Tunisia. Ministry of Finance. Loi des Finances, various issues (Tunis).
Tunisia, Central Bank of Tunisia. Ministry of Finance. Les Finances Publiques, various issues (Tunis).
Tunisia, Central Bank of Tunisia. Ministry of Planning and Regional Development. VIème Plan de Développement Economique et Social, 1982–86 (Tunis).
Tunisia, Central Bank of Tunisia. Ministry of Planning and Regional Development. VIIème Plan de Développement Economique et Social, 1987–91 (Tunis).
Tunisia, Central Bank of Tunisia. Ministry of Planning and Regional Development. VIIIème Plan de Développement, 1992–96 (Tunis).
Tunisia, Central Bank of Tunisia. Ministry of Planning and Regional Development. Budget Economique, various issues (Tunis).
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