10.1 External debt statistics can be compiled from a variety of sources, using a range of methods. Statistics can be collected from the debtor, from the creditor, or indirectly through information from financial intermediaries in the form of surveys, regulatory reports, and/or from other government administrative records. But a precondition for reliable and timely statistics is that the country has a strong and well-organized institutional setting for the compilation of statistics on public debt—so that all public and publicly guaranteed debt is well monitored and managed—and private debt, and for the compilation of aggregate external debt statistics. 1 To this end, the institutional setting should ensure that: (1) the responsibility for collecting, processing, and disseminating the statistics is clearly specified; (2) data sharing and coordination among data-producing agencies are adequate; (3) individual reporters’ data are kept confidential and used for statistical purposes only; and (4) statistical reporting is supported through legal mandate and/or measures to encourage response.
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