A revised classification of countries was adopted by the Fund in December 1979 for the purpose of statistical presentation and economic analysis and was first used in the March 1980 issue of International Financial Statistics (IFS). Subsequently, this classification was used in other Fund documents such as the Annual Report and the World Economic Outlook. The countries included in the present study belong to the subgroup of industrial countries identified as the smaller industrial countries, or other industrial countries, as distinct from the seven major industrial countries. They include Australia, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Spain, and Sweden. Switzerland, which also belongs to this group of countries, is not a member of the Fund and, owing to a lack of satisfactory background information, was not included.
Addison, John T., “Incomes Policy: The Recent European Experience,” in Incomes Policies, Inflation, and Relative Pay, ed. by J.L. Fallick and R.F. Elliott (London: George Allen & Unwin, 1981), pp. 187–245.
Andersen, Palle Schelde, and Philip Turner, “Incomes Policy in Theory and Practice,” OECD Occasional Studies (Paris) (July 1980), pp. 33–50.
Australia, Commonwealth Government (1983–84), Budget Paper Number 8.
Bacon, Peter, et. al., The Irish Economy: Policy and Performance, 1972–1981 (Dublin: Economic and Social Research Institute, 1982).
Blöndal, Gísli, “Balancing the Budget: Budgeting Practices and Fiscal Policy Issues in Iceland,” Public Budgeting and Finance (New Brunswick, New Jersey), Vol. 3 (Summer 1983), pp. 47–63.
Clark, Colin, “Public Finance and Changes in the Value of Money,” Economic Journal (London), Vol. 55 (December 1945), pp. 371–89.
Clark, Colin, “The Scope for, and Limits of, Taxation,” in The State of Taxation, A.R. Prest, et. al. (London: Institute of Economic Affairs, 1977), pp. 19–34.
Cutt, James, “The Evolution of Expenditure Budgeting in Australia,” Public Budgeting and Finance (New Brunswick, New Jersey), Vol. 3 (Summer 1983), pp. 7–27.
Danziger, Sheldon, Robert Haveman, and Robert Plotnick, “How Income Transfer Programs Affect Work, Savings and the Income Distribution: A Critical Review,” Journal of Economic Literature (Nashville, Tennessee), Vol. 19 (September 1981), pp. 975–1028.
Denmark, Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Budget, The Danish Budgetary System (Copenhagen, 1972).
Denmark, Denmarks Statistik, Statistisk Tiârsoversigt (Copenhagen, 1983).
Doyle, Maurice F., “Management of the Public Finances in Ireland Since 1961,” Public Budgeting and Finance (New Brunswick, New Jersey), Vol. 3 (Summer 1983), pp. 64–78.
Eriksson, Björn, “Sweden’s Budget System in a Changing World,” Public Budgeting and Finance (New Brunswick, New Jersey), Vol. 3 (Autumn 1983), pp. 64–80.
Finland, Ministry of Finance, A Survey of the Prospects for the Finnish Economy and State Finances to 1986 (Helsinki, 1982).
Heald, David, Public Expenditure: Its Defence and Reform (Oxford: Martin Robertson, 1983).
Iceland, Central Bank of Iceland, Economic Statistics Quarterly (Reykjavik, November 1983).
International Monetary Fund, Government Finance Statistics Yearbook, Vols. VI and VII (Washington: International Monetary Fund, 1983, 1984).
International Monetary Fund, International Financial Statistics Yearbook, Vol. 37 (Washington: International Monetary Fund, 1984).
Ireland, Department of Finance, Economic Review and Outlook (Dublin), various issues.
Ireland, Department of Finance, Current Economic Trends (Dublin), various issues.
LeBlanc, L.J.C.M., and Th. A.J. Meys, “Flexibility and Adjustment in Public Budgeting: The Netherlands Experience,” Public Budgeting and Finance (New Brunswick, New Jersey), Vol. 2 (Autumn 1982), pp. 53–64.
Lindbeck, Assar, “Stabilization Policy in Open Economies with Endogenous Politicians,” The American Economic Review (Nashville, Tennessee), Vol. 66 (May 1976), pp. 1–19.
McKersie, Robert B., and Werner Sengenberger, Job Losses in Major Industries: Manpower Strategy Responses, Chapter IV (Paris: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, 1983).
Meys, Th. A.J., “Spending More and Getting Less: Recent Experiences with the Allocation and Control of Public Expenditure in the Netherlands,” in The Grants Economy and Collective Consumption, ed. by R.C.O. Matthews and G.B. Stafford (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1982), pp. 242–66.
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, The Challenge of Unemployment (Paris: OECD, 1982).
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Economic Surveys (Paris: OECD), various issues.
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, OECD Economic Outlook (Paris: OECD, December 1984).
Peacock, Alan T., and Jack Wiseman, The Growth of Public Expenditure in the United Kingdom (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1961).
Price, W.R., and Jean-Claude Chouraqui, “Public Sector Deficits: Problems and Policy Implications,” OECD Occasional Studies (Paris) (June 1983), pp. 13–44.
Robinson, E.A.G., ed., Economic Consequences of the Size of Nations (London: Macmillan & Co., Ltd., 1960).
Saunders, Peter, and Friedrich Klau, “The Role of the Public Sector: Causes and Consequences of the Growth of Government,” OECD Economic Studies, (Paris) (Spring 1983), pp. 11–229.
Tanzi, Vito, The Individual Income Tax and Economic Growth: An International Comparison (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1969).
United States, Department of Health and Human Services, Social Security Programs Throughout the World (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1984).
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