Inflation and Bank Profits: Monetary Policy Trade-offs
Staff Discussion Note
Central banks worldwide are drawing lessons from the recent inflationary episode to improve their monetary policy frameworks. Assessing how banks performed in past inflationary periods, this Staff Discussion Note sheds light on price-financial stability tradeoffs, by assessing how banks performed in past inflationary periods.
World Economic Outlook Update, January 2025: Global Growth: Divergent and Uncertain
Global growth is projected at 3.3 percent both in 2025 and 2026, broadly unchanged from the October 2024 World Economic Outlook (WEO) forecast with an upward revision in the United States offsetting downward revisions elsewhere. The near-term outlook is characterized by divergent paths, while medium-term risks to growth are tilted to the downside.
Fintech Applications for Boosting Climate Finance
Staff Climate Note
Climate fintech—the intersection of climate change, financial services, and digital technology—can be an important accelerant to transition to a more sustainable economy. This note outlines how fintech can help address financing challenges for climate investments.
Global Employment Gender Gaps
Gender Note
Globally, men and women each constitute roughly half of the population, reflecting a natural balance in demographic distribution, however, this inherent parity is not reflected in the labor market. This note examines the factors behind global employment gender gaps, highlighting labor force participation rates as a key contributor.
The Economics of Housing
Finance & Development Magazine
This issue of Finance & Development details how housing markets and the economy interact, the nature of recent challenges – including the property slump in China – and the potential solutions that can make real estate markets work for everyone.
Regional Economic Outlooks, October 2024
Find out the latest economic developments and prospects for countries across all regions in our recently released Regional Economic Outlooks: Asia and Pacific, Europe, Middle East and Central Asia, and Sub-Saharan Africa. The reports address regional policy developments and challenges, and provide country-specific data and analysis, including through analytical pieces on issues of interest to each region.
Green Jobs and the Future of Work for Women and Men
The shift to green jobs hinges on climate policies and workers' adaptability. Economies with more STEM-educated workers and gender equality transition faster. Gender wage gaps persist, emphasizing the need for inclusive policies. AI could benefit workers in green jobs.
IMF Annual Report 2024: Resilience in the Face of Change
The report showcases IMF's efforts on global challenges, such as safeguarding macroeconomic stability, achieving fiscal sustainability, meeting inflation targets, and embracing transformative developments. It includes financial statements for FY 2024 and background documentation.
Climate Change Challenges and Opportunities in Latin America and the Caribbean
This new book offers a systematic overview of climate change challenges and opportunities for Latin America and the Caribbean and the instruments available at the disposal of the regional policy makers. It offers an analysis of the impact of mitigation policies on growth and labor markets in a large sample of countries and a novel analysis of the adaptation issues in the region, including the impact on the financial sector.
Broadening the Gains from Generative AI: The Role of Fiscal Policies
Staff Discussion Note
Fiscal policy has a major role to play in broadening the gains to humanity from generative artificial intelligence. A new report by IMF staff provides analysis and guidance for policymakers as they deal with this transformative technology.